"Don't worry, it's not that easy to defeat me." Xiaotian comforted Xirona with a confident expression, and then Xiaotian concentrated on the battle, ready to fight.

"Quick Dragon, come on, beat him"

"Burst Salamander, let's go too, and defeat the fire-breathing dragon in 720"

"Remember, try to clean up those quasi-championship-level ones, and be careful, don't force it" shouted to Shirona, Xiaotian threw the super-super fort ancient psychic puppet and let it toss by himself, and then Xiaotian hurried Command the rapid retreat of the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite land shark

Dozens of Pokémon from the other side will play together, even if Xiaotian has a level 100 fire-breathing dragon and a fierce biting land shark. Once he is besieged, Xiaotian will only fail, so Xiaotian has no intention of confrontation at all.

"Have you caught up?" On the back of the fast-flying fire-breathing dragon, looking at the large group of Pokémon chasing after him, a sneer flashed across Xiaotian's face

"The three islands of the new continent, each island has more than 10 champions, and the fast dragon island has more than 20 quasi-champions. The combined combat power of the entire fast dragon island is similar to yours, and I am not afraid of the fast dragon island. , will I be afraid of you?" Xiaotian sneered disdainfully, looking at the aggressive pursuers behind him.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the jet flame while retreating, bite the land shark, you also use the dragon's breath to hit me, Pikachu, don't be idle, attack me." Standing in the sadness of the fire-breathing dragon, Xiao Tianyi With a domineering face, he gave commands. Do you really think that bgda will be awesome if there are too many people?

Hearing Xiaotian's command, the fast-flying fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite land shark flew, and turned back to attack the Pokémon behind them with jet flame and dragon's breath, and Pikachu stood in a good position and made his feet. The Pokémon facing the rear use the Crazy Ford

"What if there are so many champions, fly a kite, I can let you all die" Xiaotian looked confident as the Pokémon chasing behind were constantly being hit by the fire-breathing dragon and the stinging land shark.

Those champion-level Pokémon and quasi-champion-level Pokémon were chasing wildly behind the fire-breathing dragon, but the fire-breathing dragon and Fierce Biting Land Shark in front suddenly hit the jet flame and dragon's breath. Because of the rapid advance, those It is difficult for the chasing troops to avoid the sudden attack, and the large troop chasing for a while is extremely flustered.

But soon, those Pokémon reacted. Fire-breathing dragon and Bite Shark can attack, and they can also attack, so while chasing, the Pokémon in the back also began to use skills to attack Fire-breathing Dragon and Bite Shark.

"Fire-breathing dragon, bite the land shark, don't pay attention to the opponent's attack, attack as much as possible, Pikachu, do your best to resist the attack behind, Shanaido, your task is to protect the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite of the land shark from being attacked" See the magic behind The babies launched an attack, and Xiaotian hurriedly made a command

In the current situation, Xiaotian has a huge advantage. Because of the direction, the attacks of the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite land shark have just been hit, and the ones behind are due to the speed of pursuit, which is equivalent to hitting himself. , it is difficult to avoid the attack of the fire-breathing dragon and the bite land shark

In the following attacks, Fire-breathing Dragon and Bite Land Shark have all the time to dodge, but in Xiaotian's opinion, Fire-breathing Dragon and Bite Land Shark do not need to dodge at all, they only need to attack, and the defense is left to Pikachu and Shanai. Do it.

"Freezing light? Pikachu ignores the attacking freezing light, bites the land shark fiercely, and blocks the opponent's freezing light and all the ice-based skills for me." Standing behind the fire-breathing dragon, Xiaotian waved his small hand to command , the second characteristic of the bite land shark is immune to ice, so it can't be wasted, isn't it?

On the other side, Hirona and the super ancient mind power puppets are showing great power. First of all, facing the planes and trainers blocking her and others' way, Hirona directly broke out with the strongest strength, destroying all the incomparable violence.

Thinking of the danger that Xiaotian may face, even Shirona, who is usually cute, is extremely angry at this time. Shirona can no longer worry about whether it will hurt the lives of those trainers. She just wants to solve this place as soon as possible, so as to help Xiao sky

After getting rid of the trainers and the planes that were blocking the way, Shirona Hao didn't stop, and hurriedly turned around and chased in the direction that Xiaotian flew away.

It is a bit difficult to catch up with Xiaotian. After all, it has already been delayed for some time, but Xirona has her own task, which is to quickly clean up those prospective champions

Those Pokémon chasing Xiaotian can't be all that fast. Some of them will always be dropped, or they will be knocked to the ground by the attacks of the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite land shark, and most of these Pokémon are weaker. The quasi-champion, and Hirona's task is to catch up from behind, clean up all the backward Pokémon, and knock them out

"Mind power puppet, let's go" After clearing up the blocked trainers and planes, and a few quasi-champions who did not pursue Xiaotian, Xirona shouted at the super ancient mind power puppet, and then hurriedly moved in the direction of Xiaotian's departure chase

Even if the mind power soil puppet is huge, the speed is not fast, but it doesn't matter, the mind power soil puppet with the super power system can move instantly, and a teleportation can teleport far away.

Shirona walked neatly, and the dozen or so powerful Pokémon left behind were stunned. How come no one paid any attention to us?Why are we here?Do you make soy sauce?

In the air, Hirona, who left quickly, looked at the dozen or so Pokémon below with an idiotic expression. Are you stupid?Or when we are fools?Xiaotian and his own Pokémon are both flying Pokémon, who can afford to eat enough to pay attention to you non-flying Pokémon?If you have the ability, just run on the ground and talk if you can catch up.

Whether it's Xiaotian or Hirona, they completely ignored the dozen or so flightless Pokémon, and even those trainers and planes in Hirona's situation completely ignored those flightless Pokémon.

Shirona is worried about the IQ of the trainers of those flightless Pokémon. Is it useful to send flightless Pokémon?Even if the strength of those Pokémon is strong, can they stop him and others from leaving?You and Xiaotian are not stupid, and you will fight to the death with you non-flying Pokémon? .

589. War 7

Sunshine is a trainer, an extremely ordinary trainer, but this does not hinder his love for Pokémon. Similarly, as a "senior" trainer, Sunshine will not forget to watch

However, what Sunshine didn't expect was that this Caiyou Conference would be so intense, and the strength of some of the players was simply terrifying.

Especially the Xiaotian player who finally won the championship, his strength is simply terrible, strong shield sword monster, invincible sacred sword, defense unparalleled king's shield

Pikachu, super fast speed, incomparably powerful electrical skills, it makes people's blood boil

Shanaido, a combination of beauty and power, super powers that are powerful enough to reflect the opponent's attack, and a chic and mysterious attack, is simply the Pokémon that all trainers dream of

It's a pity that it was that Bangira. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he lost his fighting ability in a confused way. Listening to the host's explanation, it seemed that he was directly replaced by the fellow brigade of the opponent's dream demon. As for what skills the brigade is?Sunshine doesn't know

Since watching this season's Caiyou Conference, Sunshine has completely admired the Xiaotian contestant. He is obviously about the same age as himself. How can this guy be so strong?

At this time, Sunshine was watching the video of the Caiyou Conference, recalling countless passionate battles. At this moment, Sunshine suddenly seemed to feel something and looked up.

I saw a huge fire-breathing dragon and a fierce bite land shark in the distance, flying fast, and behind, a large group of Pokémon were chasing and attacking the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite land shark in front.

Before the sunlight could react, the two Pokémon Fire-breathing Dragon and Liebiting Land Shark, as well as a large group of Pokémon behind them, whizzed past at a terrifying speed.

However, what is scary is the fast-flying fire-breathing dragon, the fiercely biting land shark, and a large group of Pokémon behind, that monstrous and terrifying aura, the Sunshine Trainer almost scare the urine, too terrifying, that terrifying He was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, those Pokémon are very fast, otherwise, the Sunshine Trainer would be crushed to death by the terrifying momentum.

"Mom, it's terrifying, what's this swollen, is the world war?" He looked at a large group of Pokémon in the distance with lingering fears. After such a short contact, the Sunshine Trainer was already dripping with cold sweat.

"Huh? No, the person on the back of the fire-breathing dragon seems to be the champion Xiaotian. What's going on? Why are there so many terrifying Pokémon besieging him?" The trainer had a question mark on his forehead. No matter how he guessed, he would never have imagined that Xiaotian was beaten only because of the champion's prize, that energy meteorite. These things are beyond the reach of ordinary trainers.

However, this sunshine is just one of countless people. On Fengyuan Continent, countless people saw this magical scene. A large group of terrifying Pokémon chased two more terrifying Pokémon.

Xiaotian commanded the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce bite land shark to retreat while fighting, and they fought for thousands of miles. Many people saw this scene. Similarly, the battle on this road inevitably caused huge damage.

The strength of the two sides is too strong, even the weakest is a quasi-championship-level strength. The destructive power of such an attack is completely conceivable.

Fortunately, such a battle was in the sky, and the attacks from both sides were also directed at the opponent flying in the sky, so they did not cause too much damage to Fengyuan Continent.

But despite this, occasionally an attack hits the ground, and the destructive power is unparalleled

It's like a fire-breathing dragon. There was a Pokémon before that, relying on its speed, it flew in front of the fire-breathing dragon with a flash of electric light. It wanted to resist the fire-breathing dragon's advance, and the opponent's flying height was much lower than the fire-breathing dragon.

As a result, the fire-breathing dragon spewed flames, and the forest below was divided into two, a huge straight line running through the entire forest, completely ruined, plus a Pokémon-shaped pit

For such environmental damage, Xiaotian secretly apologized, but at the same time, he could only say to the Hoenn Area Alliance that he deserved it. Who made you fail to protect the meteorite?

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