After thinking about it, in the end, Xiaotian decided to stop doing things first, and develop the new world first. It is said that Xiaotian's own strength can not be improved in a short time. In this case, instead of worrying, It's better to cultivate power, powerful power is also part of power, isn't it?

Just like this battle, if there were no Sakagi, Yulongdu and the others to resist those trainers behind, if there was no Hirona behind to help clean up those Pokémon, it would not be easy for Xiaotian to return to the New World safely.

"Xiaotian, what are you thinking?" Seeing Xiaotian being a little stunned, Shirona asked with some doubts

"It's nothing, I'm thinking, how can we quickly develop the new continent and improve our strength?" Hearing Xirona's question, Xiaotian replied absentmindedly after thinking over and over again.

Although Xiaotian really wants to quickly develop the new continent and increase the strength of his forces, but unfortunately this can't be done quickly.

To develop the new world, the only things that are really precious are those precious and rare Pokémon and those genius treasures, but these things are scattered all over the new world. If you want to get these things, you can only search carefully bit by bit, as soon as you want. No, this is an unsolved problem,

Moreover, because of the long-term wild relationship in the New World, the level of Pokémon in the New World is generally relatively high, which also adds a lot of trouble to the search work.

But now Xiaotian can't completely open up the new continent, or else countless trainers flock here, and those precious and rare Pokémon or genius treasures have not been looted?

"Xiaotian, are you accommodating a few more forces to join the new continent?" Shirona knew why Xiaotian was troubled and couldn't help but make suggestions

"These 3.4 are not needed" Hearing Shirona's suggestion, Xiaotian didn't want to reject it directly

Except for those forces that are closely related to him, Xiaocai will not let other forces join the new continent. Xiaotian would rather slowly develop the new continent than raise a white-eyed wolf. Betrayal is the most hated, but it is a cooperative relationship. The most unguaranteed cooperation

Seeing Xiaotian sitting in a chair frowning and thinking, Xirona suddenly felt a little distressed for Xiaotian, who was obviously still a young boy, but had already assumed such a huge responsibility

Obviously already so powerful, why do you still think hard about improving your strength?

Thinking of this, Shirona couldn't help but scold those who beat Xiaotian in her heart. If it wasn't for their beating, Xiaotian wouldn't be full of unwillingness in her heart, and she wanted to improve her strength...  

591. New plans

After thinking about it, Xiaotian finally understood that being strong alone is not strong. Haven't seen the most powerful Arceus, is he all miserable by humans?

And in this battle, if the rest of Xiaotian's Pokémon also reach the championship level, then let alone beating, it's just a tough face, and Xiaotian can beat those people out of the way.

Although Fire-breathing Dragon and Bite Lu Shark are extremely powerful, they are useless in the face of too many champions. After all, the other party is not stupid.

In the face of the powerful attack of the fire-breathing dragon, people can't beat it, can't they hide?After all, the number of opponents is there, and the task of attacking is handed over to other Pokémon. Anyway, there are a lot of Pokémon that I partner with. Even if the Fire-breathing Dragon and the Fierce Biting Lu Shark are powerful, they will be incapable of being cloned.

However, although Xiaotian figured it out, it is not easy to improve the strength of Pokémon

Xiaotian champion-level Pokémon either have their own chances, or their level is already high when they are conquered. As for the rest of the Pokémon, reaching such a level is already the result of the very hard work of those Pokémon.

"The strength of Pokémon is too different" Thinking of his Pokémon, Xiaotian couldn't help but sigh

In addition to the incomparably powerful strength of the fire-breathing dragon and the fierce biting land shark, there are also the super ancient psychic puppets who have just been subdued and not very obedient, and Shanaido who has just obtained the chance of level 16 and reached level 95. The rest of the Pokémon are similar to these Pokémon. Compared, the strength difference is too big

Even Pikachu, who has reached level 92 and has the qualifications of a king, is too far behind, let alone the rest of the Pokémon.

In fact, this is no wonder Xiaotian, every trainer has a Pokémon that is an ace, and Xiaotian is no exception. However, Xiaotian's ace strength is a bit too high, which makes the other Pokémon seem too weak. , or with the rest of Xiaotian's Pokémon, no matter where he goes, Xiaotian can be called a powerhouse

The next day, Sundae and the others all came back. Seeing that everyone was not injured, Xiaotian was relieved and set aside a few days to accompany Sundae and Xiaoxi. The travel time was over and it was rare to have leisure time. I don't care about my little girlfriend, and I only focus on improving my strength, life is too boring

And Sundae and Xiaoxi also know that Xiaotian may be in a bad mood because of the beating this time, so the past few days have been unusually gentle and obedient.

A few days later, Xiaotian left Wenrou Township and officially started his intensive journey.

First of all, Xiaotian brings all his Pokémon, and the whole continent is looking for Pokémon above the king to fight to improve the strength of those Pokémon.

Fire-breathing dragons are still the old rules, and they stay in the necklace in front of Xiaotianxiong, while Liebiting Lu Shark is wandering all over the continent to protect the safety of the new continent.

This time, Xiaotian's promotion journey is not only about Pokémon, but even Xiaotian is trying his best to improve his command ability. You must know that in the previous battle, those Pokémon did not have their own trainer command, so The strength that has been exerted is already so powerful, Xiaotian can't believe it, if you add the command of those trainers or a flash of inspiration, how powerful the existence of those champions will explode.

This also makes Xiaotian feel a sense of crisis in his heart. If it is one-on-one, Xiaotian believes in the strength of himself and the fire-breathing dragon, but what if several super-strength trainers from the other side beat Xiaotian together?Such a combination is not as simple as one plus one, those experienced trainers can definitely burst into super strength

Of course, it's not that Xiaotian's command ability is weak, but because Xiaotian wants to become stronger, this time he was beaten just because of an energy meteorite. Although Xiaotian cares about this meteorite, he doesn't care about it. It's not something that can't be discarded. Even if the meteorite is lost, Xiaotian feels distressed, but it's not unbearable.

But what if it's Xiao Tian's turn to be threatened?Xiaotian will never allow it, at that time, he will still be as powerless as the previous war.

Xiaotian will not be arrogant and think that he is invincible. At the very least, the level 101 fast dragon that destroyed the death light and bit the land shark with one blow was not something that Xiaotian could provoke.

That Kuailong is too strong, even if the two Pokémons of Fire-breathing Dragon and Liebiting Lu Shark add up, Xiaotian may not be able to beat that mysterious Kuailong.

In this strengthening journey, in order to exercise his command ability, all Xiaotian's battles are all battles between the weak and the strong.

In terms of qualifications, Xiaotian's Pokémon have very high qualifications, and the strength of the Pokémon with the Heavenly King's primary qualification can even be compared to that of the Peerless Heavenly King's Intermediate Pokémon.

Therefore, Xiaotian's challenge, the Pokémon with the Heavenly King's primary talent, will go to fight with the Heavenly King's advanced and peerless Pokémon. Only in this way is the real fight against the weak.

On the other side, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao set off again a few days after returning to the New World. Xiaotian is very aware of Xiaomao and Xiaozhi's whereabouts. Although Xiaozhi and Xiaomao did not explain their whereabouts to everyone, Xiaotian did. It is very clear that these two goods are going to challenge the battle factory.

Xiaomao and the original book have long gone wrong, so I won't talk about it. According to the original book, Xiaozhi's challenge journey is not easy. Although Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon's strength has greatly increased and returned to Xiaozhi's side, Xiaozhi's challenge is not easy. not easy

However, because there is a skin god who has become a god beast every day and every second, Xiaozhi also hit it all the way to the end.

As for what will happen to Xiao Zhi in the end, it is completely meaningless to Xiao Tian. Even if Xiao Zhi's current strength has greatly increased, it will not be any different from the ending of the original book. The strength of the battle factory is not comparable to Xiao Zhi. , so in the end Xiaozhi can only rely on Pishen

The departure of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao did not have any impact on the New World. The rest of the people are still continuing to develop the New World in an orderly manner. Xiaotian is fighting all over the continent, while Sundae and Xiaoxi, except to often accompany Xiaotian. Time is also different

The rest of the people, Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng, did not leave either. They also wandered around the New World, looking for suitable Pokémon to fight. 983 hopes to improve their own strength.

For a time, the new continent fell into incomparable calm, and in the outside world, after more than a month of storms, the aftermath of Xiaotian's shocking war also calmed down.

After all, no matter how strong Xiaotian is, Xiaotian cannot rule the world. If Xiaotian really has such thoughts or even actions, then the combined strength of the whole world is absolutely terrifying.

A month later, in a valley in the New World, Xiaotian is commanding his Pokémon to fight a quasi-champion-level Pokémon.

"Leave King, use Concentrated Slam"


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