I don't know since when my pursuit became pure power. I don't know when it started, the improvement of those Pokémon can no longer make Xiaotian happy, I just think it should be, and even want to improve even more. Powerful, I don't know where to start, it seems that I haven't felt the mood of my Pokémon for a long time

Thinking of those Pokémon who worked hard to catch up with him, Xiaotian slowly closed his eyes and left a tear in remorse.

"I'm sorry, my friends, you worked so hard to be able to follow me, but I ignored your feelings in pursuit of strength, I'm sorry" Xiaotian left a solemn vow in his heart

"Xiaotian, what's the matter with you?" Sundae asked suspiciously when he noticed Xiaotian's abnormality.

"It's nothing, it's just that I feel sorry for my Pokémon." After hearing Sundae's answer, Xiaotian smiled again and replied.

"Sorry Pokémon? Why do you say that?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae was even more puzzled

"As I get stronger and stronger, I haven't felt the mood of those Pokémon for a long time. I just let them train hard to increase their strength. They are my most loyal partners." Xiaotian replied to the sundae road

Xiaotian said this to the sundae to mention the sundae, because the current sundae seems to be the same as the previous Xiaotian. In pursuit of power, he has neglected his Pokémon for a long time.

Except for those powerful Pokémon that have always followed him, the rest of the Pokémon, like Xiaotian, have been ignored for a long time. In this regard, Xiaoxi has done a good job. All the Pokemon of Xiaoxi, Du Xiaoxi takes good care of them, even if it is a Pokémon that has become uncute after evolution, it is the same

"Xiaotian, those Pokémon..." Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, and lowered his beautiful little head with incomparable self-blame.

"Okay, don't think about it, just pay attention to it in the future." Looking at the sundae, Xiaotian said with a smile

Sundae, like himself, is not a person who will not abandon or give up his own Pokémon. He just ignores those Pokémon in pursuit of power. As long as Sundae notices this problem, it will be fine to pay attention to it in the future.

"By the way, Sundae, your main forces are all king or god-sent, but the circle bear and kabi beast among them are still peerless, and peerless is still a bit reluctant, you take this to those two magical Taking it for the baby can improve their aptitude to a godsend." Saying that, Xiaotian took out two genius treasures to improve their aptitude and handed them to the sundae.

These two genius treasures were exchanged by Xiaotian in the system store by spending points. There is no way. Although the combat power of these two Pokémon is very high, if the aptitude is not good, the upgrade level will be slower and slower in the future. These two Pokémon have enough qualifications to become the main force of the sundae all the time, and in order to cultivate the sundae, Xiaotian can only spend the points by himself.

There are very few genius treasures in this world to improve their aptitude. In addition, there are many rare genius treasures in this world. People in this world do not know what it is, so the genius treasures that can improve their qualifications are very rare.

"...." Because of what Xiaotian said before, the sundae did not reject Xiaotian's kindness, but was moved to accept the genius treasure that Xiaotian handed over, and then sent a kiss full of tenderness to express his feelings

"Hey, keep fighting" After the tenderness, the sundae continued to fight

Time passed slowly, and in a flash, a month passed, and this time the sundae's strengthening journey has already yielded a very huge harvest.

The highest level, Bangira, because the level is already very high, it is not easy to upgrade the level, so even with the help of the genius treasure, it has been upgraded to 85 and 4 levels. This is because of Bangira. Only with the qualifications of a king can you have such an improvement, otherwise I am afraid that the improvement will be less

The Heavenly King-level Shield Sword Monster, the Heavenly King-level Kirby Beast, and the Heavenly King-level Three-Headed Dragon, these three were originally Heavenly King-level Pokémon, and their qualifications were all defeated by the God-given level, and this time, these three Pokémon were upgraded. It is the most important thing, so the three quasi-champions who have all reached level 80

The promotion of these three Pokémon made Sundae happy for a long time. Looking at Sundae's purest smile, even Xiaotian was in a very good mood.

The rest of the Pokémon Chuanchuanxiong, after the qualification promotion and defeating Tianci, did not need to accumulate time to advance to the heavenly king, and soon they were upgraded to the heavenly king level. In the end, under a large number of evenly matched battles, the circled bear was promoted to the advanced level of the heavenly king.

One month, from the peak of the quasi-king to the advanced level of the king, this is an incredible thing in the eyes of other trainers, but with the help of the genius and the treasure, and with the help of a large number of battles, the circle bears forcibly has arrived, I have to say that resources are too important for trainers

The strength has reached the high level of Tianwang. It is a horror to be commanded in the hands of Sundae. Sundae is trained according to the method of Xiaotian instructing the king to ask for leave and to command the bear. Although it is not as perverted as the king of leave, But for the Pokémon on the ground, the circle bear is also very powerful

The rest of the stone balls, no, it is precisely the mantle rock, because the stone balls have evolved into mantle rocks in the Fengyuan area, and after the promotion in the New World, they have evolved into Pangyan monsters, and their defense workers attacked. Powerful is a horror. With a large number of genius treasures and countless battles, the Pangyan monster was forcibly promoted by the sundae to the primary level of the king.

Little Fire Dragon is a gift from Xiaotian, not to mention his aptitude has reached the king's level. It is the most favorite Pokémon in the Sundae, and also the most beloved Pokémon. With this 4.2-month improvement, Little Fire Dragon has directly grown from 20 to [-]. The multi-level promotion to Tianwang Intermediate, the speed is simply frightening

Although these seemingly impossible upgrades, with the help of a large number of geniuses and treasures from Xiaotian, all the Pokémon in the Sundae have been promoted very terribly. Even the trainers of these Pokémon, the Sundae himself have been affected by this. Astonishing ascension speed stunned stunned

During this month, Sundae has been in a state of excitement and happiness. Every time a Pokémon learns new skills and every evolution, it will make Sundae happy for a long time.

And Xiaotian also recalled the happy time of cultivating low-level Pokémon

Every time the Pokémon get improved, the sundae will be happy and shouted. This is what Xiaotian likes about the sundae. The sundae is so innocent. Just lose your temper, be gentle when you are emotional, be noble when you are serious, never cover up your mood, although it seems a little abnormal, isn't this a manifestation of innocence?  …

595. Xiaozhi returns

In order to get back the touch, Xiaotian took all the Pokémon for a leisure time, just to get together, no training at all.

"Come on Big Needle Bee, although the Giant Claw Mantis is a flashing Pokémon, your efforts are not inferior to anyone else's. You will definitely win if you compare the speed." cheer on the side

Although looking at the appearance, the silver giant mantis is more handsome, but when he thinks of the usual efforts of the big needle bee, the sundae still cheers the big needle bee loudly. The speed of the promotion of the babies, the sundae can fully imagine how hard the big needle bee usually works

"You two big fat dudes, don't sleep when you are full, and exercise more often." Looking at the giant kapi and the giant boscotola crawling lazily on the side, Xiaotian couldn't help but complain.

"Pikachu, don't bully my little chubby!" Xiaoxi on the side shouted softly to Pikachu

This time, Xiaotian didn't tell anyone, only brought Sundae, Xiaoxi and many Pokémon, just to recall the past touches and enjoy the rare happiness of 16

Lying lazily on the grass with the breeze blowing, Xiaotian closed his eyes and couldn't help recalling the moment when he first owned a Pokémon

At that time, when Xiaotian just walked down the stairs, the first Pokémon he saw was Pikachu, who was still Pichu. Because of his envy for Xiaozhi Pikachu, Xiaotian liked it at a glance. After getting the little ball, Xiaotian invited Pichu, that is, from that moment, Xiaotian officially had his own Pokémon, a little Pichu who was still level [-].

Looking at the now superior Pikachu, who would have thought that the first electric shock would go wrong when Pichu was under the command of Xiaotian?

Fire-breathing dragon, Xiaotian's initial Pokémon, originally only had fire-breathing dragon with excellent qualifications. In order to catch up with the rest of the partners, when it was still a small fire-breathing dragon, fire-breathing dragon was working very hard, but despite this, fire-breathing dragon's strength is still Falling down little by little by the rest of the partners, and finally at the moment when Xiaotian changed the aptitude of the fire-breathing dragon, the fate of the fire-breathing dragon changed completely, soaring into the sky, and until now, it has become the world's top super existence

Bite Lu Shark, when we first met, the desire to pursue power and determination made Xiao Tian’s heart move, but unfortunately, because of the dark experiment of the dark organization, Bite Lu, who was still a round land shark at that time, made a strong bite of Lu Shark. The shark's body was completely useless, but as a demigod Pokémon, it had the worst aptitude. Even the Yuanlu Shark at the time couldn't even reach the worst aptitude. Just walking a few steps would make you out of breath.

Looking at the hopeful eyes at that time, Xiaotian couldn't help but subdue the round land shark that nobody cared about at the time, and then after changing the qualifications of the round land shark, the round land shark became Xiaotian's most loyal and reliable partner

Kuailong, Kabimon, and Minas, these three Pokémon were captured by Pokémon hunters when they were still in their primary form and intended to be sold. I just got these three Pokémon, it can be said that from the very beginning, these three Pokémon have followed Xiaotian

The giant stinger is a Pokémon with good qualifications that Xiaotian has been roaming in the forest for two days before conquering

Fossil pterosaur, dug up by Xiaotian in Dasha Valley

Suijun, controlled by bad guys, met Xiaotian for the first time, and it was still a hostile relationship. It was Xiaotian who defeated a strong enemy and snatched it from the other party.

Wei Erlong, originally just a fossil, was resurrected by Xiaotian using a resurrection machine and a fossil

Waiting for some other Pokémon, little by little in Xiaotian's mind, he recalled the scene of the first meeting. He was moved, sweated during training, and happy when he defeated a strong enemy or evolved.

Surrounded by a large group of Pokémon, Xiaotian slowly fell asleep

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