But seeing Wusong Tianwang releasing two Pokémon, Xiaotian couldn't wait any longer. Only the fire-breathing dragon of Xiaozhi's Pokémon can barely resist the opponent's attack. , that's not good

"Xiaotian? Why are you here?" Xiaozhi, who was originally worried, was relieved when he saw Xiaotian and the three of them suddenly appearing, and asked Xiaotian with surprise on his face.

"I heard that you have done a big thing, I came to see you and see what happened. I didn't expect to encounter this scene. It seems that the foundation of the Shenao Alliance is dark enough." Xiaotian answered Xiaozhi lightly, completely King Wusong, who ignored it once, said that Xiaotian raised his watch and turned to ask King Wusong.

"I don't know, this scene was announced, how should you explain it to the Shenao Alliance?" The high-tech watch has a video recording function.

"Di Shitian, this matter has nothing to do with you. You know how much trouble this kid has brought to the Shenao Alliance. The entire Shenao Alliance has been held accountable, and it should be punished" Wu Song Tianwang looked To Xiaotian, said angrily

"Ha, it's like you're innocent, you must know that it's you who hurt the Pokémon, and I don't believe that people from the Shenao Alliance will take action against Xiaozhi, it seems that you or even the guy behind your back wants to Take revenge on Xiao Zhi?"

"As for the trouble with Xiaozhi, don't even think about it. He is my friend. Anyone who dares to hurt Xiaozhi is against me. Then I have a good reason to do it." Xiaotian looked casual. said

Originally, Xiaotian wanted to take care of this King Wusong, but when he saw his cautious appearance, Xiaotian knew that it was impossible for him to take action, so he could only warn him not to treat Xiaozhi. shot

"Di Shitian, you are going too far, this kid has caused so much trouble, why are you not allowed to shoot him?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, King Wusong asked angrily.

"Just because he's my friend, I don't care what the reason is, and I don't care who it is, as long as someone bullies Xiao Zhi with the strong bully, you can try and see if you can withstand my anger" Xiao Tian Leng Looking coldly at what King Wusong said

This time, the incident of hurting the Pokémon, Xiaotian didn't do it by himself, but he still wanted to trouble Xiaozhi?I gave you your face, didn't you?Seriously, your temper won't do it for a long time?

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Hearing Xiaotian's words, Wusong Tianwang's face was full of livid anger, but he was helpless, weak, and he was helpless. In the end, he could only leave with a face full of anger and unwillingness.

Not far away, after hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaozhi was moved. Thinking about his childhood friends, Xiaotian and Xiaomao, compared with Xiaomao, who was black with each other as soon as they met, the gap was too big. a bit

"So domineering?" Unlike Xiaozhi's moving, Xiaoguang's eyes were staring straight at the stars, and he looked at Xiaotian with admiration.

Although I have heard Xiaozhi say before that this handsome Xiaotian is very powerful, but Xiaoguang has never seen Xiaotian make a move, so naturally he cannot understand how powerful Xiaotian is.


But at this time, hearing Xiaotian's extremely domineering words, Xiaoguang can fully imagine how powerful Xiaotian is. At least, Xiaoguang has never seen anyone who said such domineering words to the regional king, and the regional king still dare not refute

"It's so domineering, he's still so young, and he doesn't even refute the regional king. It's amazing." Xiaoguang sighed. Xiaoguang is not a nympho, but she admires the strong

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang on the side heard Xiaoguang's words, but they looked at Xiaoguang differently, not to mention the regional king, even the regional champion Venerable, in front of Xiaotian, they have no confidence to refute, okay?

However, at the same time as being moved, Xiaozhi was also hot in his heart. Xiaozhi's dream is to become a powerful trainer, so in the face of Xiaotian's strength, it is impossible to say that Xiaozhi does not envy him.

"Xiaotian, thank you, if it weren't for you, we would be in big trouble." After King Wusong left, Xiaozhi thanked Xiaotian gratefully

"You're welcome, Xiaozhi, remember that although the new continent has not yet opened up, and you are not the king of the region, but as the future four kings of the new continent, not only what happens, but the new continent is your strongest backing" Hear Xiao Zhi thank you, Xiaotian waved his hand and said solemnly

As the protagonist of the Pokémon world, Xiaozhi's future achievements are limitless, Xiaotian will naturally pull Xiaozhi to his own camp, and of course Xiaotian will not be stingy with his own people.

624. Steel Gym Challenge

After separating from Xiao Zhi and others, the three of Xiaotian continued to travel. At the same time, after Shirona, who was far away in the New World, got the news, she rushed back in a hurry, making a big noise in the Shenao Alliance.

As the champion of the region, Hirona has great power, and this incident of hurting Pokémon made Hirona extremely angry

Although the final result was not told to Xiaotian, Xiaotian knew that Shirona had tossed the Shenao Alliance a lot, and it was reported in the trainer forum.

The three of Xiaotian, who continued to set out, finally came to the first gym in the Shenao area, the Iron and Steel gym.

"Finally arrived at the Steel City, first go to the Pokémon to relieve the fatigue of the Pokémon, and then go to the Steel Gym," Xiaotian said excitedly

"Xiaotian, it looks like you are looking forward to the first gym battle from the new trip." Looking at Xiaotian who was a little excited, Sundae said with a smile, it seems that no matter how powerful, Xiaotian is really enjoying the trip. the fun

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to commanding my newly captured Pokémon in a gym battle, and I'm really looking forward to "[-]"," Xiaotian said eagerly.

After coming to the Pokémon Center to relieve the fatigue of the Pokémon, the three of them went directly to the Steel Gym for the Gym Challenge.

"Is this the Pokémon Gym, or the archaeological engineering team?"

Here, all are Pokémon fossils, and there is also a Pokémon fossil resurrection machine that is constantly working. Others are also studying fossils everywhere. At first, Xiaotian thought he was in the wrong place.

"Are you here to challenge the gym?" Just when the three of them were stunned, a man in a helmet asked the three of them.

"Yes, we are here to challenge the gym. Excuse me, is the gym trainer there?" Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian asked gratefully.

"I'm a gym trainer"

The man's answer surprised the three of Xiaotian. They didn't expect this man with a helmet and like a construction worker to be the gym trainer here.

"That's right, I'm Piaotai, the gym trainer here. I'm sorry, I just came back from the rock pit not far from the steel city, and I made you wait for a long time." It seemed that he felt the thoughts of the three of Xiaotian, Piaotai A little apologetic, I explained to the three of Xiaotian

"Rock pit?" Hearing the other party's explanation, Xiaotian didn't feel anything wrong. Although the other party is a gym trainer, the gym trainer also has his own business. It is impossible to stay in the gym all the time. The rock pits mentioned make Xiaotian a little curious.

"That's right, not far from the steel city, there is a huge rock pit, which is often famous for some fine coals dug up, but for me, it is a treasure place, because that rock pit is often Some Pokemon fossils will be dug up.” Hearing Xiaotian’s question, Piaotai replied, and after that, Piaotai also released a Pokemon

"This is my partner. It was discovered in that rock pit, and then resurrected by my fossil resurrection machine, and it will come back to this era again."

"It's a head-covered dragon~" Xiaoxi and Sundae exclaimed when they saw the Pokémon released by the other party.

There are two extinct groups hidden in the new continent of Xiaotian, the cephalosaurus and the baby tyrannosaurus. I did not expect to see the cephalosaurus resurrected from fossils here.

Resurrection machines have appeared in this world, so many ancient and extinct Pokémon have been resurrected and reappeared in this world

But most of those Pokémon are Pokémon such as ammonite beasts, spiny ammonite beasts, and Pokémon that are rarer than these are Pokémon such as ancient feather bugs, too expensive armor, and then the name. The ancient overlords with the word "Dragon" are like Pokémon such as fossil pterosaurs or cephalopods, and finally the most precious and rare Pokémon, that is the extinct dragon-type Pokémon, like baby tyrannosaurus, ice dragon Pokemon like this

And the other party can resurrect an ancient overlord hijab dragon, the other party is already very lucky

"That's right, this hijab was found in that rock pit." Piao Tai obviously liked this hijab, and even when he explained the hijab, he was full of smiles.

Afterwards, after a brief self-introduction by the three of Xiaotian, Piaotai took the three of Xiaotian to the Pokémon Battlefield for a Gym Challenge.

"Challenger Xiaotian, the Gym Challenge against Gym trainer Pyota is about to start. The rules of the challenge are to use two Pokémon. After one of the two Pokémon loses the ability to fight, the game ends. Only The challenger is eligible to replace the Pokémon"

"So, now the game starts" the referee announces the game officially begins

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