"Little Fire Dragon, avoid quickly" Seeing that the other party continued to attack, Xiaotian hurriedly instructed Little Fire Monkey to avoid

In the field, after hearing the command, Little Fire Monkey hurriedly jumped aside to avoid the opponent's attack. Although Little Fire Monkey successfully avoided the head strike from the head of the head dragon, Xiaotian's brows were furrowed together.

"The opponent's head dragon is very fast, so he will be attacked sooner or later if he continues to dodge." Xiaotian felt a little troubled. The little fire monkey is flexible and does not have any advantages in terms of speed. The most important thing is to prevent too many losses.

In the field, the head dragon continued to use the mind hammer, while the little fire monkey kept dodging the opponent's attack. Before Xiaotian came up with a way to deal with the mind hammer, the field changed first.

In order to avoid the opponent's thought hammer, the little fire monkey jumped high in desperation

"Good opportunity, the other party can't take advantage of it in the air, and the head dragon uses the most powerful thought hammer." Seeing this scene, the opposite Piao Tai's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly directed the head dragon to launch the strongest attack

"It's over, I can't dodge" Hearing the other party's command, Xiaotian was stunned. In the situation where Little Fire Monkey couldn't take advantage of the power in the air, he couldn't dodge the opponent's attack at all, and he used the opponent's strength to use the most powerful attack. Mind hammer, it is estimated that the little fire monkey can almost explain it.

However, even if you want to lose, you can't make the opponent feel better, so Xiaotian pointed at the little fire monkey with a finger.

"Little Fire Monkey, use the most powerful flame wheel" even if you want to lose, you can't just capture it.

With a sound of "Boom~", the two used their skills to pack together, and the powerful power directly knocked the other side out.

"The little fire monkey lost its ability to fight, and the head dragon of the gym trainer wins." Looking at the little fire monkey with two eyes in circles, the referee announced the result of the battle

"Little Fire Monkey, you did a good job." Taking back the fainted Pokémon, Xiaotian praised the little Fire Monkey while looking at the panting Hijab.

Although the opponent defeated the little fire monkey, the last blow of the little fire monkey, the flame wheel, and the hijab dragon also suffered huge damage, and the opponent was not better.

However, don't look at the other side's hijab that is out of breath, but there is still a lot of fighting ability left, so the battle will continue

"Go, Absol" and then Xiaotian released his second Pokémon, Absol.

626. Get the Iron Medal

The game of "Gaitolong continues to use the Mind Hammer" began again, and the opposite Pyota continued to instruct the Head Dragon to use the Mind Hammer

"Absol is not afraid of your mind hammer, Absol avoids the opponent's attack." Seeing the opponent's attack, Xiaotian gave a command with a relaxed face

Unlike the little fire monkey, Absol's speed is much faster than that of the little fire monkey. With Absol's speed, it is enough to match the speed of the opponent's mind hammer, and even if Absol does not have a head dragon. The idea of ​​hammering is fast, and the acceleration skill of flashing light is enough to allow Absol to perfectly avoid the opponent's attack.

In the field, with the head of the head of the dragon on the opposite side, Absol flexibly jumped aside to avoid the opponent's attack.

"Absol uses to predict the future, and then continues to dodge the opponent's attack" Seeing Absol avoid the attack, Xiaotian continued to issue commands

Predicting the future, after using the move for a period of time, it sends a mass of psychic power to the opponent to attack.

"Damn, head-capped dragon, continue to use the mind hammer to attack." On the opposite side, seeing Absol easily avoiding the attack, and then using the ability to predict the future, Piaotai's face was unwilling.

Although the head of the head dragon's mind hammer is very powerful, and with the help of the impact force, the speed of the mind hammer's attack is also very fast, but the mind hammer is not an acceleration skill after all, it depends on the impact force to increase the speed. , in the end there is no flash of light that increases as fast

"It's useless, at the speed of Absol, your head dragon can't attack Absol, and Absol uses the shadow clone." Seeing that the other party continued to attack unwillingly, Xiaotian relaxed and casual. the command

In the arena, Hijab headed towards Absolu with a hard head with a mind hammer, but Absolu suddenly used the shadow clone skill, and suddenly there were countless shadows in the entire field, and the head was covered with a dragon. , I can't tell which one is Absolu's body.

"The Skull Dragon uses jet flames" Seeing such a situation, the opposite Piao Tai hurriedly directed the Sauer Dragon to launch an attack without waiting for Xiaotian to issue a command.

A huge and powerful jet of flame spit out from the mouth of the head dragon and swept the entire field. Under the sweep of the head dragon, Absol's shadow was all scattered, but Absol's shadow was scattered. The main body is dexterous and quick to dodge the attack of the jet flame

"Sure enough, as the overlord of the ancient times, how could the head dragon only have the ability to think about the head hammer? It seems that the head dragon is going to exert its full strength now." sigh

"The head dragon, continue to use the jet flame" After destroying Absol's shadow clone, the opposite Pyota continued to attack


Before waiting for the opponent's head dragon to attack, the head dragon seemed to be hit by an invisible attack. The powerful power directly knocked the head dragon out and caused huge damage.

"No, it's predicting the future, Sauger Dragon, are you alright?" Seeing this sudden attack, the other party was taken aback, and then he looked at Saugar Dragon hurriedly and nervously.

"Head cover~Head cover~" Hearing the rest of Piaotai, the head cover dragon stood up again, although a little reluctant, but it seems that he still has the ability to fight

"This head dragon has enough physical strength." Seeing the head dragon stand up again, both Xiao Tian and the sundae in the audience were shocked.

You must know that the last blow of the flame wheel of the little fire monkey was very powerful. Because the little fire monkey has the characteristics of fierce fire, when the physical strength reaches one-third, the power of the fire skills is greatly enhanced, so when defeating the little fire When he was a monkey, the opponent's head-covered dragon had already suffered a lot of damage.

And just now, the head dragon unpreparedly took a blow to predict the future, and even stood up, showing how strong the opponent's physical strength is.

"However, even if your physical strength is strong, after this continuous battle and two powerful attacks, how much physical strength does the head-covered dragon have left?" Xiaotian thought confidently, and then, Xiaotian Xiaoshou Actively launch an attack

"Absol, use the most powerful Kaze-Itachi wind"

"So ro~" Hearing Xiaotian's command, Absolu let out an imposing roar, and then one after another powerful and huge sickle wind was continuously thrown out by Absolu with a single horn

"What a quick attack." Seeing the Kama Itachi wind from Absol, Pyota on the opposite side took a deep breath.

Although Piaotai has not seen Absol, but Piaotai knows that the sickle wind that Absolu uses is used one by one. compare

"Head cover dragon, use Qi gathering, and then use the most powerful thought hammer" After that, Piaotai hurriedly issued a command.

Absolu used too many scythe winds, and the speed was too fast, and the head dragon was completely unable to dodge, so Piaotai decided to block all the winning and losing on the next attack.

"Do you want to use a strong defensive skull to defend against the Kama Itachi wind? Your idea is too naive" Hearing the other party's command, Xiaotian thought confidently in his heart

In the field, in the face of the countless sickle and itachi winds played by Absolu, the opponent's head-covered dragon, while his head was glowing, used the hammer of his mind, while he gathered his strength and used the gas-gathering skill, intending to do the last fight.

However, although the opponent's idea was to use the hard skull of the head dragon to defend against Absolu's Kaze Itachi, the final result did not meet the opponent's expectations.

In the face of Absolu's Scythe Wind Blade, the head dragon hit the wind blade with its hard skull at first, and it was indeed unharmed, but soon, the scene changed.

Because the other party was unable to move forward, in addition to the attack by the wind blade, the countless Kametsuka winds also had powerful winds, which directly blocked the impact of the head dragon, and even the strong wind brought by the countless Kamachi wind blades, directly behind them. Blown the head dragon back

Under such circumstances, the opponent's head dragon could not use its hard skull to defend against Absol's wind blades. Countless wind blades hit the head dragon, and the head dragon was directly attacked by these countless wind blades, and its two eyes Incapacitated in a circle

".々This....how is this possible?" Seeing such a result, the opposite Piaotai looked in disbelief

I have never seen Absol using the scythe wind in a row. Your Absol sends out a lot of scythe wind, but Piaotai has never heard of it. Which Absol has been used? When using the Kame Itachi wind, it will bring such a strong wind force, and it can blow back the head hammer of the head dragon. This is too perverted.

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