"Bronze bell, the qualification of a king, has feature 1 floating, feature 2 heat resistance, hidden feature, heavy metal, level 50" Xiaotian is also looking at the information of this bronze bell

"This bronze bell is so strong, the king's qualifications, and three characteristics" Xiaotian couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the information he checked.

"King's qualifications? Or three characteristics?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

The floating feature of bronze bells is the basic feature, which is the feature that all bronze bells have, but the rest of the heat-resistant features and hidden features are very rare, not to mention that this bronze bell also has the qualifications of a king.

"When this bronze bell was first discovered, there were a lot of forces in the Shenao area to snatch it. It should have been captured by the Heavenly King Wusong in the end, but because of the cunning Tengu incident before, the forces behind Wusong Heavenly King were at a loss, so they It was robbed by me, and I didn't expect this Pokémon to be so precious." Hearing Xiaotian's exclamation, Shirona said with a smile on her face

"This? Xiaotian, what are the characteristics of this bronze bell?" On the other hand, Xiaozhi, who had not found out what the characteristics of the bronze bell, asked curiously.

"In addition to the basic characteristics of floating, the bronze bell will also have heat-resistant characteristics and hidden characteristics of heavy metals. These two characteristics are extremely precious and rare characteristics." Hearing Xiao Zhi's question, Xiao Gang replied in a shocked tone.

"It turned out to be heat-resistant properties and heavy metal properties, let me take a look."

"Heat-resistant, heat-resistant physique will halve the power of fire-type moves."

"Heavy metal will double its own weight."

"Hey~ so strong" Xiao Zhi was stunned when he saw the information on these two characteristics

Not to mention heat resistance, just simply halve the power of the fire attribute trick, but the heavy metal characteristics can be abnormal. When the weight of a Pokémon with heavy metal characteristics becomes 2 quilts, its powerful defense will also be doubled. In addition, the power of skills such as impact will also be multiplied.

Although the weight of the body will double the speed of the bronze bell, but the bronze bell is a Pokémon with a slow speed, and the slowdown will not have much effect on the bronze bell.

"This bronze bell...(bdea)." Xiaotian looked at Shirona hesitantly, wondering if he should accept this Pokémon

It's not that Xiaotian is hypocritical, the key is that this bronze bell is really too precious

However, it was Hirona's beautiful big eyes who responded to Xiaotian. She didn't need any words. Xiaotian immediately understood Hirona's heart.

"Thank you, I like this Pokémon very much" Xiaotian thanked Shirona solemnly

"You gave me a fire-breathing dragon who has always been an emperor. It is my closest friend. Besides you, no one can see how precious this bronze bell is." Seeing Xiaotian accepting his gift , Shirona said slightly naughty

Hearing Shirona's words, Xiaotian's heart was suddenly filled with emotion. Although Shirona said this, Xiaotian knew that it was just comforting herself.

He did give Hirona a fire-breathing dragon, but that was Xiaotian's own decision. The fire-breathing dragon that Hirona could get was also the person chosen by the fire-breathing dragon who defeated the other two opponents.

As for the latter, no one except Xiaotian can see its preciousness. It is true that only Xiaotian can accurately see the qualifications and characteristics of the bronze bell, but that must be possessed by the bronze bell itself. Who uses such a precious Pokémon? who knows

"Hey hey~~ hey hey~" Just when everyone was stunned by the powerful aptitude of the bronze bell, Xiaoguang's swimming gas Itachi suddenly called out to Shirona with a provocative expression, waving while calling

"How can you be like this, you are so rude." Seeing Yongqi Itachi's behavior, Xiaoguang hurriedly blamed Yongqi Itachi

"Huh?" Shirona looked at Yunqi Itachi with a cute face

"This swimming gas itachi is challenging Shirona, not a provocation." Feeling the fighting spirit of the swimming gas itachi, Xiaotian explained to everyone

"No way" Before Shirona could respond to Yongqi Itachi's challenge, Xiao Zhi suddenly made a solemn voice to stop Yongqi Itachi's challenge

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, everyone looked at Xiao Zhi with doubts, not knowing that Shirona, the party involved in the family, hadn't spoken yet, why did Xiao Zhi quit?

"If you want to challenge the venerable champion, you must challenge the four heavenly kings, only to defeat the insect-type King Aliu, the super-type King Wusong, the ground-type King Kikuno, and the great cause of manipulating the flame type Pokémon, only by defeating These four heavenly kings are qualified to challenge the Honorable Champion. For Xiao Zhi, it is a very sacred thing to challenge the Honorable Champion, so he will stop the Swimming Qi Weasel from challenging Shirona so casually.” Seeing Xiaozhi's embarrassment, Xiaotian answered everyone's doubts for Xiaozhi

Hearing Xiaotian's explanation, everyone suddenly realized, indeed, for most trainers, it is a sacred thing to be able to challenge the champion, so it's no wonder Xiaozhi wants to stop the swimming gas Itachi

The current Xiaozhi is not a rookie who dared to challenge the king when he first set off. Now Xiaozhi has learned to respect the strong.

646. Bronze Bell vs. Swimming Gas Itachi

Perhaps knowing the gap between himself and the champion, itachi gave up the idea of ​​challenging Shirona, and instead challenged Xiaotian

Looking at the Swimming Qi Itachi, who was provocatively waving his little hand, Xiaotian's heart moved. He just got the bronze bell, and just took the Swimming Qi Itachi to see how strong the bronze bell is.

"I agreed to your challenge" Xiaotian ~ accepted the challenge of swimming gas itachi

"Hey hey~ hey hey~" Hearing Xiaotian agreeing to the challenge, the swimming gas Itachi suddenly became full of fighting spirit.

Come to the outside of the Pokémon Center, the battle between Xiaotian and Yuki Itachi is about to start_

"Let's check what skills this bronze bell has." Before the game started, Xiaotian secretly checked the skills the bronze bell possessed.

I checked the information of the bronze bell before, and I looked at the qualifications and characteristics, but I did not pay attention to the skills of the bronze bell.

"Bronze Bell vs. Yuki Itachi, the battle begins" Sundae, who ran to serve as the referee, announced the start of the game

"Swimming gas itachi, use the jet of water" Xiaoguang travels the duty of a trainer and directs the swimming gas itachi to fight

However, in the face of Xiaoguang's command, the swimming gas weasel bird did not give Xiaoguang a single shot, and directly used the water gun skill.

"It's a water gun, then the bronze bell uses an iron wall." Seeing the skill of Yongqi Itachi, Xiaotian calmly issued a command, ignoring Xiaoguang's command to Yongqi Itachi, Xiaotian was not surprised, after all, although Yongqi Itachi is a Xiaoguang's Pokémon, but itachi has yet to admit Xiaoguang.

In the field, after hearing Xiaotian's command, he already agreed with Xiaotian as his trainer, Bronze Bell folded his hands in front of him, his body exuded a radiance, and he used his iron wall skills.

Iron wall, strengthen your defense

Itachi's water gun hit the bronze bell using the Iron Wall skill, causing no damage at all

"It's not bad because of the characteristics of heavy metals, but the defense is high." Seeing such a result, Xiaotian sighed inwardly.

"That's the case, itachi, this time, you must use a jet of water." Seeing the unscathed bronze bell, Xiaoguang gritted his teeth and commanded again.

However, swimming Qi Itachi is not a bird, this time, swimming Qi Itachi jumped high, his tail slammed fiercely, and a blade of air shot out, hitting the bronze bell

"It's a sonic boom skill!" Xiao Zhi exclaimed when he saw the skill of the swimming gas Itachi

"Why?" When Xiaoguang saw that itachi was completely disobeying his orders, Xiaoguang's face was full of disbelief.

"Bronze Bell uses an iron wall" Facing the sonic boom of the swimming gas Itachi, Xiaotian continued to command the defense

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