It stands to reason that Xiaotian should let the opponent attack for a while to vent his emotions, but looking at the opponent's Rose Reedo, he has a lot of skills. Xiaotian is very curious and wants to see how the opponent's strength is.

To be more precise, it was because the first two Pokémon of the Vegetable Seed Trainer had special talents, so Xiaotian wanted to see if this Roseredo had any special talents.

"Hey, Bronze Bell defends first and then attacks." After a quick thought, Xiaotian gave a command to Bronze Bell

Let Bronze Bell defend first, and you can also see how strong the opponent's attack is, and then let Bronze Bell use the attack to see how the opponent's defense and speed are, Xiaotian nodded secretly in his heart, expressing his satisfaction with his arrangement

Following the command of the trainers on both sides, Rose Raido in the field used a powerful flying leaf storm to hit the bronze bell, while the bronze bell crossed his hands and used the iron wall for defense.

"Ding~ding~ding~" Countless flying leaves hit the bronze bell using the iron wall, making a series of crisp sounds

"The attack power is average." Watching the confrontation between the two Pokémon in the field, Xiaotian shook his head and thought to himself.

Although the opponent's Flying Leaf Storm is very powerful, it is also because of the high level of the opponent. If we really want to talk about the attack power, the opponent's Flying Leaf Storm also belongs to the normal range of Rose Reidor.

"It's a strong defense, Humph Roseredo uses the Sunshine Flame~" On the opposite side, seeing that the Flying Leaf Storm did not cause any damage to the bronze bell, the Vegetable Seed Trainer was startled, and at the same time began to instruct Roseredo to use a stronger big move

The vegetable seed trainer is very dissatisfied now, and feels that he has been deceived. This bronze bell is obviously a very high-level Pokémon. Where is this level that a primary battle might have?

Just when the opponent's Rose Raido obeyed the vegetable seed trainer to use Sunshine Flame, the bronze bell in the field also obeyed Xiaotian's command and launched his own attack.

Previously, Xiaotian's command to Bronze Bell was to defend first, then attack. Bronze Bell was very loyal to execute. First, he used the iron wall to defend, and then attacked.

"Huh? Oh, I'll wipe, what are you doing with the bronze bell?" Watching the bronze bell turn over and point the round mouth at the bottom of the bell to Rose Raido, who was preparing to face him, I was shocked. Although I told you to attack, But are you too cruel?

Before Xiaotian could stop Bronze Bell's attack, a white electric light suddenly pierced through the entire arena, including Rose Raido, who was preparing for the flames of the sun on the opposite side.

"Roseredo loses his ability to fight, Bronze Bell wins" the referee announces the closing result

Seeing the bright eyes of Rose Raido, Xiaotian was completely dumbfounded, and then looked at the vegetable trainer opposite with some lack of confidence.

"Second...Seckill~" At this time, the vegetable seed trainers, including Sundae and Xiaoxi in the auditorium, were stunned by the sudden attack.

With a speechless and helpless face, Xiaotian is full of helplessness. You said that the vegetable trainer on the opposite side is also you. What kind of sunshine flames are you using well? This is good. There is no defense at all, so you can bear the bronze. Zhong's glossy electric cannon, [-]% pure damage.

And the bronze bell, you said I let you use the attack, what glossy electric cannon did you use?Alright now, just kill it

After looking at the vegetable trainer whose eyes started to turn red after being shocked, Xiaotian's head went big. This is the rhythm of crying.

"It's not that I bullied you, it was Bronze Bell who did it himself, don't blame me." Xiaotian secretly shouted injustice, and then Xiaotian glared at Bronze Bell fiercely, you see, you made people cry.

657. Huge River

Fortunately, this vegetable seed trainer has a lot of nerves. Although there is a rhythm to cry, the vegetable seed trainer is even more curious about the skill of Bronze Bell to kill Rose Reidor in seconds.

"What skill did your bronze bell use last?" The vegetable trainer asked Xiaotian with a twitching nose.

"It's a glossy electric cannon, it's a big move." Hearing the other party's question, Xiaotian hurriedly answered, and then looked carefully at the vegetable trainer

Seeing that the other party's eyes were red, but he didn't cry, Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, the girl was the most terrifying when she cried

"Hey, it's not that I can't afford to lose, this is your medal." Seeing Xiaotian's cautious appearance, the vegetable seed trainer immediately understood what Xiaotian was thinking, and angrily threw a gym medal to Xiaotian. Then he turned his head angrily, without even looking at Xiaotian.

Although the Bronze Bell sent by Xiaotian at the end was too high-level, it was also the vegetable seed trainer who sent the high-level Pokémon first. Although the battle with Xiaotian made the vegetable seed trainer feel aggrieved, it was no wonder Xiaotian. I can only blame myself for not being as strong as others.

"Thank you~" Taking the gym medal thrown by the other party, Xiaotian politely thanked him, and then hurriedly turned around and left Baidai gymnasium

Although Xiaotian is very curious about where the seedling tortoise of the vegetable seed trainer is captured, but looking at the current state of the vegetable seed trainer, Xiaotian thinks it is better to go first

After successfully obtaining the second medal, the three of Xiaotian left the Pathway Gym and continued their journey

A day later, the three of Xiaotian encountered a super huge river

"What a huge river!" Standing on the edge of the river, Xiaoxi looked at the opposite bank and exclaimed. Xiaoxi had never seen such a huge river before. The width of these hundreds of meters is almost catching up with a huge lake. , if you are not standing on the high bank, you can't see the other side of the river at all

"Tsk tsk, this river is big enough." On the other side, Xiaotian looked at the big river in front of him with a look of amazement. If he hadn't stood at a high place and could see the surrounding environment at a glance, Xiaotian would have thought that this was a big lake.

"Such a huge river, there should be boats to take it," said the sundae on the side, looking around.

"Hey, there really is a boat, and it's a big boat"~" Soon, Sundae found the target and shouted, pointing to a huge steamboat running in the river

"The boat came down from the upstream. So, there should be boats above the river." Seeing the boats in the river, Xiaotian touched his chin and said.

In fact, what Xiaotian said is also nonsense. Xiaotian came from the downstream, and in the lower reaches of the river is a super huge waterfall. If there are boats crossing the river, it can only be upstream, and there may be no boats crossing the river in front of such a huge river. ?

"Hey, look, it seems that someone is chasing the ship at the back of the ship?" Before Xiaotian and the three of them took action, Xiaoxi suddenly pointed to the back of the ship and exclaimed.

Hearing Xiaoxi's words, Xiaotian and Sundae turned their heads and saw that behind the ship, a giant-finned flying fish was quickly chasing the ship, and on the back of the giant-finned flying fish were standing two little men.

Because the distance is too far, the three of Xiaotian can only see two small dots, but with the 1.5 eyesight of the three of Xiaotian, they can still vaguely see that the people on the back of the giant-finned flying fish seem to be Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang.

"It seems to be Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, what are they doing?" Sundae asked suspiciously, watching Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang in the distance chasing the ship on the back of the giant-finned flying fish.

"Look at that ship." Hearing Sundae's question, Xiaotian looked at the ship in front thoughtfully and replied.

"Steamboat?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Sundae and Xiaoxi looked at the steamship suspiciously, then stunned.

"This is....."

"Yes, except for a few Pokémon on the ship's control room and the entire deck, there are no staff at all, and there is a waterfall in front of it. If there are staff on board, then they should come out to control the ship now," Xiaotian guessed.

"That is to say, there are no staff in that ship at all, only a few Pokémon?" Sundae exclaimed when he heard Xiaotian's words.

"Well, and look at those Pokémon, Pikachu, Pogaman, aren't they the Pokémon of Ash and Xiao Guang? I guess that's why Ash's kid is chasing the ship, and it's very likely that the ship hasn't set sail yet. time, and then Ash and Xiaoguang's Pokémon were playing on the ship, but they accidentally started the ship," Xiaotian guessed.

Among those Pokémon, there are Pikachu and Pachiritz, two electric Pokémon. If you accidentally start the ship, it's entirely possible.

"But there is a big waterfall in front. If Xiaozhi catches up and boarded the ship at this time, it will be very dangerous." Xiaoxi on the side suddenly said with some worry

"No, at the current speed of the river, this ship can't go back at all, it will be washed down the waterfall by the urgent river water, and Xiaozhi has caught up with the ship." Watching Xiaozhi catch up with the ship, the sundae on the side suddenly exclamation

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