Not only where, there will always be some Pokémon with more ferocious personalities, especially in the wild

"Yes, then you said that most of the Pokémon here are peaceful and friendly, but there are also some Pokémon that often attack other Pokémon. Do you think such Pokémon are bad Pokémon?" Xiaotian asked again.

"Jenny~Jenny~" To Xiaotian's question, Jenny Turtle did not answer quickly, but after thinking for a while, he nodded to answer Xiaotian

From the perspective of Jenny Turtle, most of the Pokémon here are friendly, and those guys who are cruel and often attack other Pokémon are already considered very bad Pokémon.

"Do you also think such Pokémon are bad Pokémon? Then let me ask you, are the Pokémon here good or not?" After hearing the answer from the Jenny Turtle, Xiaotian pointed to those who were attracted by food in the distance. The coming Pokémon asked the Jenny Turtle

"Jenny~Jenny~" Following the direction of Xiaotian's finger, the jenny turtle quickly nodded and answered Xiaotian's question. Those wild Pokémon attracted by food belong to those Pokémon with very gentle characters. So the jenny turtle answered "yes" without thinking.

"Do you think the Pokémon here are good?" Seeing the jenny nodding, Xiaotian asked again

"Jenny~Jenny~" Jenny Turtle nodded and replied

"So, are those Pokémon that often attack other wild Pokémon good too? After all, those Pokémon also belong to the Pokémon here," Xiaotian questioned Jenny Turtle

"Jenny?" Hearing Xiaotian's question, Jenny Turtle was stunned, not knowing how to answer Xiaotian's question

"Now understand, Jenny, there are good people and bad people among humans, you can't hate all humans just because humans have bad people, it's like the Pokémon here have bad Pokémon, but you will deny it because of this. Are there all the Pokémon here?" Seeing the Jenny Turtle stunned, Xiao Tian gave Jenny Turtle no time to think, and said in a seductive tone.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Jenny Turtle was stunned, and his small eyes blinked. Although it seemed that what Xiaotian said made sense, he always felt that something was wrong.

If Xiaotian knew what Jenny Turtle was thinking at this time, he would definitely tell Jenny Turtle aloud that something was wrong?Something is wrong. The Pokémon and humans here are completely two kinds of feelings for the Jenny Turtle.

But in order to fool the Jenny Turtle, Xiaotian will naturally not give the Jenny Turtle time to think. Anyway, the two do have something in common, and Xiaotian didn't lie to the Jenny Turtle.

That is, humans and Pokémon do have good and bad existence. The only difference is that humans are too complicated, while Pokémon are naturally like this, just like a spoon snake, their nature is more ferocious

"Jenny Turtle, although it's a pity that you were once abandoned by your trainer, this doesn't mean that all humans are bad people, just as I told me, some of the wild Pokémon here are cruel and bad Pokémon. , but you, because of a few murderous Pokémon, denied all the Pokémon here, do you think you did the right thing?" Xiaotian changed his soft attitude and asked Jenny Turtle sternly and loudly.

"Jenny? Jenny~Jenny~" Hearing Xiaotian's question, the Jenny Turtle was stunned for a moment, then shook his head hurriedly, denying all the Pokémon here just because there are ferocious Pokémon here, is the Jenny Turtle? possible

At this time, under the severe questioning of Xiaotian, the Jenny Turtle had no time to think about it. Although the Pokémon here will have ferocious Pokémon, they have not harmed the Jenny Turtle, but humans have hurt it.

"Jenny Turtle, in the past you didn't want to be subdued by humans because of the bad guys among humans, but now, you also know that humans are the same as Pokémon, and there will be good and bad guys, so can I subdue you now?" Tian took the opportunity to ask the Jenny Turtle tentatively

"Jenny~..." Jenny Turtle, who was a little flustered because of Xiaotian's questioning, suddenly showed a cautious look when he heard that Xiaotian was about to subdue him.

After all, although the jenny turtle at this time has been fooled and lame by Xiaotian, the hatred for humans has always been

"Since it's not impossible to make up your mind, let's do it, I won't accept you first, you will travel with us first, if after a month of getting along, if you still think that human beings are not trustworthy, then I will not make it difficult for you, let you be free How?" Seeing Jenny Turtle's hesitation, Xiaotian didn't see it well, and at the same time he secretly blamed himself for being impatient, he hurriedly changed his words.

Xiaotian doesn't believe that after a month of getting along, he still can't conquer this jenny turtle?

"Jenny~Jenny~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Jenny Turtle showed a hesitant look. Although Jenny Turtle felt that what Xiaotian said was very reasonable, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Jenny Turtle, you deny all human beings because of the bad people among humans, which is the same as denying all Pokémon here just because there are murderous Pokémon here. Oh, you are doing this wrong." The hesitation, Xiaotian hurriedly continued to flicker, and said in a reproachful tone.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Hearing Xiaotian saying that what he did was wrong, Jenny Turtle retorted a little unconvinced, then nodded and agreed to Xiaotian's proposal

In the eyes of the Jenny Turtle, although he is a wild Pokémon, he is a good Pokémon unlike those ferocious Pokémon.

"Huh, I finally succeeded." Seeing the Jenny Turtle nodding, Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief.

If you give Jackie Turtle time to think, Jackie Turtle will be able to react. Humans and Pokémon here are different, and the two sides have nothing to do with each other. Why do you want to conquer Jackie Turtle? Jackie Turtle must follow yourself Traveling together for a month?

But fortunately, the turtle has not thought about this aspect, and is temporarily crippled by Xiaotian. When the turtle will figure it out later, the turtle has already agreed anyway, and you can't go if you don't want to go, Pokémon. Absolutely trustworthy in terms of credibility and commitment.

662. Training

Successfully fooled into Jenny Turtle, Xiaotian is in a good mood

"Jenny Turtle, since you have already promised me to follow me for a month, don't be so stubborn now, come and eat some Pokémon food together, this is the taste that water-type Pokémon likes very much." Xiaotian smiled. of pointing to the Pokémon food and said to the Jenny Turtle

Since the Jenny Turtle has promised Xiaotian, what Xiaotian should do now is to find a way to make the Jenny Turtle accept him, and the best choice is to enhance the relationship with the Jenny Turtle.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Jenny Turtle thought for a while, and felt that it was indeed the case. Since he had promised to follow the other party for a month, it was naturally impossible not to contact the other party, so he hesitated for a while. Afterwards, the Jenny Turtle carefully tried the Pikachu's past Pokémon food

"Jenny~" Soon, after trying Xiaoxi's food, Jenny's eyes lit up, showing a look of love, and then he ate it in big mouthfuls.

"Xiaotian, you just fooled the jenny turtle?" Sundae came to Xiaotian and sighed in surprise.

In the case of the jenny turtle, it is very difficult to subdue it. Sundae never thought that Xiaotian had completely relied on flickering, so he got the jenny turtle in his hands.

Although Xiaotian has not yet subdued the jenny turtle, but in Sundae's view, living together for a month is no different from having subdued it.

"There's no way. With the Jenny Turtle's disgust and vigilance towards humans, I really can't think of any other way other than fooling around." Hearing Sundae's words, Xiaotian shrugged and said happily.

In the next time, Xiaotian has been chatting or playing with the Jenny Turtle to increase his favorability. Of course, in order to prevent the Jenny Turtle from being unaccustomed to contact with humans, Pikachu accompanies him all the way.

Because he wanted to develop a good relationship with the Jenny Turtle, Xiaotian deliberately stayed in the wild for half a day. Until the next morning, Xiaotian and others returned by Pokémon and continued to travel.

And Jenny Turtle is also in the case of Xiaotian's efforts to cultivate good feelings, and he reluctantly accepts Xiaotian. At least Jenny Turtle is not disgusted with Xiaotian, and has been able to communicate with Xiaotian.

"Patch Liz, use the electric shock to attack the target behind" Xiaotian said to Pachi Liz, pointing to two overlapping targets in a straight line in the distance.

On the way to travel, Xiaotian will train Pokémon, and at this time, Xiaotian is instructing Pachiliz to attack and conduct electric shock training

"Pachiritz, your predecessor Pikachu's electric attack is characterized by being fast, ruthless, and accurate. It is almost impossible to cross the first target and attack the next target."

"Compared to Pikachu's powerful and fast attacks, your electrical attacks are much weaker, so you need to make up for the lack of attack power with dexterity."

"Pachiritz, after an electric-type Pokémon makes an attack, it can control the direction of the attack. Since it can control the direction of the attack, it can naturally change the form of the attack."

"So your training direction is to change your attack form as much as possible, and what you have to do now is to let your electrical attack bypass the target in front and directly attack the target in the back, so go to training, you can use it to your heart's content Electric shock for training, if the power in the body is exhausted, there is a Pikachu that can charge you." Xiaotian told Pachi Liz his training method, and then asked Pachi Liz to practice slowly

Pikachu's attack is too fast and too ruthless. If you want to change the attack form, it is almost impossible to directly attack the target behind. Of course, Pikachu is characterized by super attack, and Xiaotian never thought of changing Pikachu.

But Patchleys is different. Patchleys' attack power is too far from Pikachu's, and it's impossible to catch up, so Xiaocai will let Patchleys use dexterous attacks to make up for the lack of attack power.

After telling Pachiritz about the training method, Xiaotian continued to instruct Absolu and Bronze Bell to conduct their own training.

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