But there are few people, it doesn't mean that no one came. With the urination of the majority of trainers, if there are rare and precious Pokémon, they would have been taken away by others.

Of course, it can't be said that there are no such precious and rare Pokémon here. After all, the environment is there, maybe there will be a few ancient Pokémon left.

But such Pokémon are basically protected by special protection teams, and only those Pokémon can live safely here

So, even if you meet such a Pokémon, they won't let you subdue

"Master, what do you think that is?" At this moment, Xiaoxi on the side suddenly pointed at the foot of the mountain in the distance and asked suspiciously

Because the three of Xiaotian are on Tianguan Mountain, they have a wider line of sight when they look down the mountain, so Xiaotian and Sundae followed Xiaoxi's line of defense and saw a super huge machine at a glance.

"That's a flying machine, a relatively high-tech flying machine, but why is there such a thing here?" Sundae also replied with some doubts when he saw what Xiaoxi was pointing to.

It's strange to have a high-tech aircraft in such a remote wild area, let alone such a huge aircraft.

"Let's take a look?" The curious sundae's big eyes flashed with curiosity, and suggested to Xiaotian

"I'm not going, it's too far." Hearing Sundae's proposal, Xiaotian didn't even think about rejecting it directly. The distance was too far, and Xiaotian didn't bother to move.

"Such a huge machine, don't you wonder what they are doing? Maybe they want to hurt the wild Pokémon here? Or do something bad?" Hearing Xiaotian's refusal, Sundae took Xiaotian's arm and acted like a spoiled child. Said in a seductive tone

"Master, let's go and see, how peaceful the wild Pokémon here are, don't let those people hurt the Pokémon here, okay?" Xiaoxi on the side heard the sundae talking about the machine. People are likely to hurt the wild Pokémon here, Xiaoxi suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly pulled Xiaotian's arm to beg

Although Xiaoxi doesn't like fighting, she is very good to all Pokémon, including wild Pokémon of course

"Okay, okay, let's go." Looking at the two women who were holding their arms and acting like a spoiled child, Xiaotian had no choice but to nod and agree.

Just when Xiaotian and others came down from the mountain, two groups of people were fighting fiercely at the bottom of the mountain.

Just when Xianxiaotian was walking up the mountain, Xiaozhi and others almost followed Xiaotian's butt to the foot of Tianguan Mountain.

But unlike Xiaotian, Xiaozhi found a shield dragon in the woods. Although shield dragon has not gone extinct, the number is absolutely rare and precious.

Before Xiao Zhi thought about whether to conquer the shield dragon, almost at the moment when Xiao Zhi had just checked the shield dragon illustration, two people suddenly ran out of the forest and wanted to arrest the shield dragon.

As soon as he saw the other party's robbery behavior, Xiao Zhi, whose heart was full of justice, suddenly quit. In order to protect the shield armor from being captured by the other party, Xiao Zhi directed the Pokémon to fight the other party.

However, the aggressive Xiaozhi has a good starting point, but unfortunately, he can't beat the opponent at all.

The Pokémon commanded by Ash is the Pokémon captured by Ash in Shenao Xin, and the level is too different from the opponent's. Although the robber on the opposite side is not too strong, but no matter what, the Pokémon commanded by him is also himself. ace

The ace of the hunter who often catches Pokémon, and the Pokémon that Xiao Zhixin can't conquer, the result is naturally a complete defeat for Xiao Zhi.

As for Pikachu?Unfortunately, the opponent is using a ground-type Pokémon, and after defeating the electric-type Pikachu, Pikachu has no tricks

Just when Ash was about to release all his Pokémon to fight the opponent to the end, a water cannon suddenly burst out from the forest, hitting the hunter's Pokémon accurately.

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With one hit, the opponent directly slams into the street~

"Shield Armored Dragon, it's great, you're safe and sound"

"It's Xiaomao, Xiaomao, why are you here?" Xiaozhi asked suspiciously when he saw the person who suddenly appeared.

"I don't have time to go into detail, it's time to go." Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Xiao Mao did not answer, and ignored the hunter whose Pokémon was knocked down. Instead, he picked up the Shield Armored Dragon, turned and ran away.

"Hey, wait a minute." Seeing Xiao Mao hurriedly turned and left, Xiao Zhi chased after him curiously.

However, to Xiaozhi's surprise, after coming to the forest with Xiaomao, Xiaozhi actually found that there were three more shield dragons in the forest, and the one in Xiaomao's arms, there were a total of four shield dragons.

Looking at the four Shield Armored Dragons, Xiaozhi wondered, "How come there are so many shield Armored Dragons?"


You must know that the shield dragon is a very rare and precious Pokémon. It is incredible that four wild shield dragons appeared here at once.

"This is all the shield dragons in this area." Hearing Xiao Zhi's question, Xiao Mao replied with a sigh

"It seems that your investigation is very detailed." Hearing Xiaomao's words, Xiaogang exclaimed.

"Yeah, on this Tianguan Mountain, the original natural appearance is still preserved. In order to allow them to live in peace, I joined the special protection team established to protect the shield armored dragon, but it is a pity that human beings There are always some greedy people. The two hunters I met before were just investigators. In order to capture the Shield Armored Dragon, this place has been surrounded by a hunter organization, so we have to evacuate here." Xiao Mao looked solemn. Said to Xiaozhi

Hearing Xiao Mao's words, the three of Xiao Zhi's faces turned straight, and they immediately felt that the matter was serious.

Just when Xiao Zhi and others were planning to evacuate here, and when they were studying the disgust for evacuation, not far away, two people and a cat were sneakily hiding behind the grove.

No need to guess, these three guys are Ash's follower, the Rockets trio

"Did you see it, it's a Shield Armored Dragon. If we give it to Boss Sakagi, we can be upgraded to become officers." Seeing the shield Armored Dragon in the distance, Kojiro said to Musashi with a look of longing.

"What I want to snatch is the Pokémon of those hunters." Hearing Kojiro's words, Musashi shook his fingers and said with a serious face.

"Those hunters are nasty guys who specialize in collecting rare Pokémon. If we get all the loot from those hunters, we'll be rich," Meow-eyed explained to Kojiro.

"Oh, this is a good idea." After hearing Miaomiao's explanation, Kojiro suddenly realized

"With all the energy of those people looking for the little ghost head and the shield armored dragon, their interior will definitely be very slack. This is a godsend opportunity."

669. Xiaozhi, Xiaomao vs. Hunter j

While the hunters were distracted and focused on searching for Xiao Mao and others, the Rocket team sneaked into the other's base, which was the huge flying machine that Xiao Tian saw on the mountain.


There was no more, the Rockets trio directly threw themselves into the net, and were remotely controlled to lock the door and closed it.

"Boss, there are three idiots who broke into the room of our base, and seemed to be looking for something, and I locked the door and closed it." This is the report of Ronaldinho who is in charge of monitoring to the boss.

Outside, Xiao Mao and others wanted to avoid the hunter's search as much as possible and leave here, but unfortunately, the entire Tianguan Mountain area was blocked by the other party, especially Xiaozhi and the four shield dragons, the goal was too big , was eventually discovered by hunters who were searching everywhere

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