"Xiao Mao, why didn't you go to challenge the gym and come to join the security team?" After being happy, Xiao Zhi asked Xiao Mao with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, when I met these four Shield Armored Dragons, the security team had already been defeated by those hunters. I originally wanted the Shield Armored Dragon to live in the New World, but these four Shield Armored Dragons didn't want to leave. Their hometown Tianguan Mountain, there is no way, in order to avoid the shield armored dragon being captured, I can only protect these four shield armored dragons here." Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Xiaomao said with a sigh

"You... haven't you joined the Shield Armored Dragon's protection team long ago?" Hearing Xiao Mao's words, Xiao Zhi asked in surprise

"No, I just spent a few days here in Tianguan Mountain trying to conquer the Pokémon. I also helped the Shield Armored Dragon after seeing the people from the protection groups were beaten by the hunters. "Xiao Mao retorted

"From what you said, it seems that you know so much about Tianguan Mountain. I thought you had been here for a long time." Hearing Xiao Mao's words, Xiao Zhi sighed.

"No, I just wandered around here for many days to conquer Pokémon, and I hid for a long time to avoid those hunters, so I am more familiar with this area of ​​Tianguan Mountain," Xiaomao answered Xiaozhi with a sigh, as for saying Joining the protection team is nothing more than Xiaomao's arrogant performance, but not everyone will be like Xiaozhi, working hard for Pokémon everywhere

Then Xiaomao looked at the four shield armored dragons

"Shield Armored Dragon, the bad guy who wanted to catch you has already left. We will be separated when Miss Junsha arrives in a while." Xiao Mao said sadly.

After hiding for a while, Xiaomao completely took care of these four Shield Armored Dragons as his own Pokémon, and Shield Armored Dragon regarded Xiaomao as his only support, and now he is finally facing separation, to say Xiaomao Don't be sad, that's totally impossible

"Shield~Shield~" Hearing Xiaomao's words, the four shield armored dragons suddenly became anxious and hurriedly surrounded Xiaomao.

"Shield Armored Dragon, I want to travel, I can't stay here forever, now the bad guy who wants to arrest you is gone, when Miss Junsha arrives, I will give you to Miss Junsha, she will take good care of you "Squatting down and looking at the four shield armored dragons, Xiao Mao said to the shield armored dragon with some sadness.

"Shield~Shield~" Hearing Xiaomao saying that he would give himself to others, the four shield armored dragons suddenly became anxious, anxiously surrounding Xiaomao with a look of reluctance

Under the protection of countless times, in the heart of the shield armored dragon, Xiaomao has become an extremely important person in the shield armored dragon's heart, and naturally he is reluctant to separate from Xiaomao

"This..." Seeing the anxious expressions on the faces of the Shield Armored Dragons, Xiaomao was suddenly dumbfounded, not knowing how to comfort the Shield Armored Dragon. Although Xiaomao was reluctant to give up the Shield Armored Dragon, Xiaomao also May stay here forever

"Since the Shield Armored Dragon is reluctant to be separated from you, why don't you subdue these four shield Armored Dragons?" Xiao Zhi, who was on the side, said carelessly when he saw such a situation.

In Xiaozhi's opinion, since he is reluctant to rein in it, it's fine if he can't conquer it. What's the problem? Even if Xiaomao needs to send back the Shield Armored Dragon because he has to conquer more Pokémon in the future, it is better than separating like this. It's hard to see the strong, at least as long as these four shield dragons are subdued, they can often be seen in the future.

"However, the shield dragons don't want to leave their hometown, I don't want to embarrass them." Hearing Xiao Zhi's suggestion, Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi with some embarrassment

Hearing Xiaomao's words, the four Shield Armored Dragons suddenly looked at each other with a hint of hesitation on their faces. After tangled with each other for a while, the four Shield Armored Dragons suddenly looked solemn and made up their own minds.

"Shield-armored dragons...." Xiaomao was full of surprise when he saw the four shield-armored dragons being subdued by the red light on Xiaomao's empty elf ball.

Xiaomao never imagined that the Shield Armored Dragon, who was reluctant to leave his hometown in the face of the danger of being caught, would choose to be subdued by himself for his own sake, and his heart was suddenly filled with emotion.

"Four Shield Armored Dragons..." On the other hand, seeing Xiao Mao subduing the four shield Armored Dragons at once, they were all envious and dumbfounded.

I have to say that the four shield armored dragons are also a chance for Xiaomao. Regardless of their strength, just taking them out will make me envious of other trainers.

Xiaomao has now conquered four Shield Armored Dragons, which is just as enviable as when Xiaotian captured five Bangiras. Although the Shield Armored Dragons are not as strong as Bangira, the Shield Armored Dragons are even rarer and more precious. On, Shield Ankylosaurus and Bangira are almost the same

Next, let's not mention how Xiaomao will deal with the upcoming Junsha. Anyway, it is impossible for Xiaomao to return the Shield Armored Dragon that has been subdued.

On the other side, Xiaotian continued to move towards the next gym. A day later, Xiaotian encountered a challenge from a group of trainers.

Although it is normal to encounter challenges from other trainers, this time, Xiaotian completely abused the other five with only one Pokémon

With only one Pachiritz, Xiaotian easily singled out five Pokémon from the opponent, but unilaterally abused him, or in a situation where the opponent's level was higher. In this battle, Pachiritz's strength was completely shocked. Everyone, wrap the sundae

In fact, in the beginning of this battle, nothing happened to Xiaotian. The five people on the other side were two groups of people, maybe they were fighting to win the Pokémon, and the two sides quarreled.

However, the funny thing is that the Pokémon that both parties wanted to conquer, took advantage of the opportunity of the quarrel and ran away secretly. When the five people on the opposite side reacted, the wild Pokémon had long since disappeared.

Faced with such a situation, the two parties were immediately angry and accused each other of each other.

".ˇ With your strength, you can't beat that Pokémon even in a subduing battle, so it's better to just let me subdue it."

"Hello, you are strong, why don't you accept it if you have the ability?"

"Damn, if you hadn't come to delay things, I would have captured that Pokémon long ago"

"Just you? Pull it, the two Pokémon on that kid's shoulders are stronger than your Pokémon, and you still subdue that Pokémon? You didn't wake up, right?" Pointing at the passing Xiaotian, angering the other party

Hearing the other party's words, Xiaotian's face turned dark, this Nima, I was just passing by, this is just lying down and getting shot

"Damn, to compare my Pokémon with those two little guys, do you want to fight?" The hacked trainer on the opposite side was immediately angry when he heard the other side's words

However, before the two sides on the opposite side have sparked the spark of passion, Xiaotian quit, Nima, you guys quarreled with each other, why are you hacking my Pokémon?

(got Zhao)

Not to mention Xiaotian, the two Pokémon, Pikachu and Pachiritz on Xiaotian's shoulders, are equally angry

Pikachu is a little better. Pikachu is a powerful existence that has defeated the champion level. In the face of these two turtles who judge their strength according to the size of the Pokémon, Pikachu said that he has a lot of adults and ignores you two idiots.

But Pachi Liz quit. The Pachi Liz, who has been training hard, has recently increased his strength. Now he suddenly heard that someone looked down on him so much, and Pachi Liz suddenly became angry.

Facing the opponent's map cannon, before Xiaotian could speak, Pachilitz jumped up from Xiaotian's shoulder, an electric shock hit the feet of the two people who were arguing on the opposite side, and then took a fighting stance aggressively.

Seeing Pachiritz's actions, Xiao Tian, ​​who was originally unhappy, naturally would not rest on his laurels. Since you both hacked my Pokémon, and both sides are trainers, naturally there is nothing to say, fight~

It's just that what makes Xiaotian depressed is that before, the two sides on the opposite side were angered and angered by each other. In the face of Xiaotian who was lying down and was shot, the two sides of the other side actually became the same enemy.

Let Xiaotian have to wonder, is he just recruiting hatred like this? .

672. The Battle of Patch Leeds 2

A battle between trainers has officially started

"I'll be the referee" As soon as he saw a fight, the sundae ran to the side and acted as the referee

It goes without saying that Xiaotian played a battle, but Pachi Liz had already put on a fighting stance.

As for the other side, after the two sides blacked each other for a while, a trainer took advantage of the other side's inattentiveness and came to the podium ahead of time, with a triumphant expression on his face, as if he was sure to win.

However, what made all the people present was that this guy finally grabbed the opportunity to fight, but the Pokémon released was a flying god – yqqlm

To deal with the electricity-type Pachiritz, but sent a flying-type Pokémon, is your brain really a brain?

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