One of these two goods specializes in the flight type, and the other specializes in the water type, both of which are restrained by the low-electricity type.

If you send a water-type Pokémon, it seems to be no different from the first trainer.

However, with the mentality of revenge for his companions, and the idea of ​​consuming Pachiritz, Xiaotian's third opponent still summoned the courage to send a 35-level Bogaman evolution form Prince Bo to fight

In the face of such a situation, Xiaotian will naturally not be polite, relying on the super-fast speed of Pachileiz, plus the double damage electric skill, Xiaotian's Pachileiz easily crushes the opponent

The third opponent is stronger than the first, and knows to use the water-based long-range skills to attack

However, the eggs were useless. Relying on the extremely fast speed, Patch Liz quickly avoided the opponent's attack and approached the opponent, and then shock, shock, shock, and the opponent successfully slammed into the street~ became another player who gave away the head.

Looking at the opponent bowing his head and leaving the podium, before Xiaotian was happy for 0.5, the fourth player sent a Pokémon, and when he saw the opponent's Pokémon, Xiaotian suddenly became angry.

"Damn, the horned rhinoceros, it is also a Pokémon of the ground type and rock type that is immune to electricity"

The horned rhinoceros, also known as the iron-clad rhinoceros, is the evolutionary form of the one-horned rhinoceros. It has the attributes of the ground system and the rock system. The most important thing is that it is a Pokémon with a thick skin.

Xiaotian can see it, the opposite is a scumbag. If the opponent's Pokémon are all Pokémon with immunity to electricity and thick skins like the Iron Armored Rhino, then with the remaining physical strength of Pachiritz, winning may still hang. , the opponent's Pokémon is too Nima to resist beating...  

674. The Battle of Patch Leeds 4

In the face of the armored rhino, Xiaotian still commanded Pachileiz to attack by fluke.

"Boom~" Like when he hit the rumbling stone before, Pachiritz relied on super fast movement speed and used impact to knock the iron armored rhino to the ground.

But what makes Xiaotian's face ugly is that the iron-armored rhino did not suffer much damage at all, but made Pachileiz tired. This iron-armored rhino is not only thick-skinned, but also heavy in tonnage.

"It's broken, continue like this, Patch Liz's physical strength is likely not enough to defeat the iron armored rhinoceros, and there is another person on the other side." Xiaotian thought in embarrassment.

Although Pachileitz has defeated three opponents with the strength of level 30, there is still one that completes the rumbling stone of Pachileiz, which fully illustrates the strength of Pachileiz

But looking at Pachileiz, who was aggressive and fighting at this time, Xiaotian knew that Pachileiz never wanted to lose.

"Patch Liz, if you can't use electricity skills, your attack can't cause too much damage to the iron armored rhinoceros. In the end, even if you barely win the iron armored rhinoceros, you won't have much stamina left. 17, don't forget The other side also has a Pokémon, so, if you want to win, you can only rely on the steel tail of the steel system, Patch Liz, can you win, it's up to you" Shaking his teeth, Xiaotian shouted to Patch Liz. Get inspired and venture out to Pachileeds to use a steel tail that he hasn't quite mastered yet

"Z~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Pachiliz's face suddenly became extremely solemn and firm.

"Whoosh~" This time, before Xiaotian gave a command, Pachiliz was already strung out like a sharp arrow.

Came behind the armored rhino at a very fast speed, and before the other party could react, Pachiliz jumped up high, and the small tail hit the armored rhino hard.

However, there is no use for eggs. Although at the beginning, Patch Liz's tail used the completed steel tail, but when attacking the opponent, Patch Liz's steel tail suddenly lost its effect and changed back to its original furry and long tail. long tail

The soft tail did not cause any damage to the iron armored rhino at all

Although Patch Liz's steel tail failed, but seeing this situation, Xiaotian's eyes lit up. At the beginning, he was able to make a complete iron tail, which was much stronger than when he practiced before. Although Chilitz did not use the steel tail completely, but under the stimulation of victory, Pachilitz also made great progress.

"Pachiritz is like this, I believe in you, you can definitely do it when you come to Iron Tail. If you want to win the battle, you must use the Iron Tail." Xiaotian encouraged Pachiritz, and at the same time he did not forget to defeat him. The other side came to stimulate Patch Leeds

"Z~zi~" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Pachi Liz showed a firm expression, ready to use the iron tail again

"Damn, you can't even think about it, the iron-clad rhino, using a one-horned drill." On the opposite side, seeing Xiaotian commanding Patch Liz to use the steel tail, he was shocked and hurriedly directed the iron-clad rhino to attack.

The steel tail can cause double damage to the iron armored rhino of the rock system. Once the opponent's Pachiritz learns the steel tail, the iron armored rhino will be miserable.

Hearing the other party's command, Xiaotian couldn't help shaking his head. He is really not afraid of enemies like gods, but afraid of trainers like pigs. Your iron armored rhinoceros is obviously a Pokémon of the meat shield family, and it is super fast in the face. When you are far more than your own Patch Liz, you don't want to fight back at the moment Patch Liz attacks, but always think about taking the initiative to attack, but every time you take the initiative to attack, for Patch Liz, it is a perfect attack. Opportunity

In the field, after hearing the command of the other party, the iron armored rhino stared at the rotating horn, and slammed into Pachileiz fiercely.

However, the iron armored rhino's attack is still useless. After Pachiliz's flash increase, the speed completely crushes the opponent's iron armored rhinoceros.

Patch Liz once again detoured behind the armored rhino at a super-fast speed, and then jumped high, the little tail was a fierce blow

"Peng~" hit a hit, and the huge iron-clad rhino was directly knocked down by the tail of Pachileiz

"Great~" Seeing such a situation, Xiaotian was overjoyed immediately, and he didn't need to watch Pachileitz's use of the steel tail. Xiaotian already knew the result. If Pachileitz's steel tail failed, no matter what. It can't defeat the big guy on the opposite side, the armored rhino.

"It's broken, it's broken." The trainer on the opposite side was shocked when he saw that Pachileiz successfully used the Iron Tail.

"Patch Liz continues to use the steel tail" ignoring the anxious opponent, Xiaotian returned to an understated expression, because Xiaotian knew that Pachi Liz had already won.

Following Xiaotian's command, Patch Liz in the field continued to approach the opponent at the same speed as Scud, and then used the steel tail of the steel system.



The trainer and the armored rhino on the opposite side were completely stunned

Although it is only a skill, it is enough to turn the situation around for Pachiritz in an instant. The steel tail of the steel type will cause double damage to the iron armored rhino with the rock type, so every hit of the steel tail will cause damage to the iron armored rhinoceros. huge damage

"Sister Sundae, why can't Pachiritz use high-speed stars and impact to cause too much damage to the iron armored rhinoceros, but the steel tail just learned can cause so much damage?" ask on behalf of

Xiaoxi is very curious. The high-speed stars and the flash of electric light have been used very skillfully by Patch Liz, and although the steel tail 183 is more powerful, because it is just learned, the power of the two sides should not be too different. Yes, even if attribute restraint can cause double damage, shouldn't the gap be so huge?

Look at the other party's iron armored rhinoceros. When it received high-speed stars and impacts, it did not suffer much damage at all. Instead, after being attacked by the steel tail, the iron armored rhinoceros suffered huge damage and kept screaming. Is the gap too big?

"Well, that's because of the strong defense of the armored rhino. When Pachiliz uses the high-speed star and impact skills, the damage can only barely break the defense of the armored rhino, and can't cause too much damage, but using the steel tail This skill, because it is attribute restraint, can cause double damage, so the damage to the armored rhino greatly exceeds the defense of the armored rhino, which can cause such a huge damage and gap.” Sundae on the side explained patiently to Xiaoxi road

Just when Sundae was explaining, the winner and loser had already been decided on the field. Relying on the super-fast speed, the Iron Armored Rhino could not dodge the attack of Patch Liz at all. a little temper

In the end, under the last steel tail attack of Patch Liz, the iron armored rhino passed out with a circle in his eyes, KO~.

675. The Battle of Patch Leeds 5

Looking at Pachiliz who defeated his opponent without consuming too much physical strength, Xiaotian nodded with satisfaction. Pachiliz can learn the steel tail in battle. It can be said that he burst out because he wanted to defeat his opponent. potential

"Even if the other party is sending out a big meat shield, it's completely useless to Pachiritz," Xiaotian said confidently in his heart.

However, when he saw the fifth Pokémon on the field, Xiaotian's face darkened again.

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