Pig's foot halo?

Leaving Bini City, Xiaotian thought about what "bang, bang, bang" to buy in the system store while walking. "Pika Pika?" Pikachu also raised his ears and looked puzzled

Going to the place where the sound is made, Xiaotian intends to see what is going on. It is human nature to be curious, and Xiaotian is no exception.

"Bang, you can't break the cage even if you hit it, you should just stay honest and wait for it to be sold for money. I'm lucky this time. I actually met three rare Pokémon, which is worth a lot of money. "Xiao Tian heard a voice from a distance, "It turned out to be a Pokémon hunter"

Xiaotian came to the location sneakily and saw three cages with mini dragons, little kabbits, and a Lalu Lassi,

In front of the cage stood a year-old uncle, and next to the man stood a statuette, Xiaotian expressed his doubts

These three elves are very rare, and they are all highly qualified. Where can this uncle get it?

But it's not important, what's important is that Xiaotian has taken a fancy to these three elves. "Pikachu, you sneak over for a while, then move at a high speed, apply high-voltage electric shock, and directly give me that uncle and Bi Diao, Hurry up and don't let them react"

"Pika, Pika" Pikachu's face was very solemn, and then he sneaked over

Xiaotian was waiting in the distance, only to see Pikachu using high-speed movement and high-voltage electric shock very close to them, instantly turning into a bolt of lightning and hitting the hunter and Bidiao. Although Bidiao was high-level, he was still stunned by Pikachu and the hunter. past

High-voltage electric shock Pikachu's exclusive skill is full of electricity, hitting the target at an extremely fast speed, causing double damage to the target with physical attack and special power

Combined with high-speed movement, Pikachu is extremely fast.

Seeing that Pikachu, the hunter and Bidiao had settled, Xiaotian quickly ran from a distance, found a rope to tie the hunter and Bidiao together under a big tree, and then picked up three cages and ran away quickly, Xiaotian never thought about killing people, nor did he think about handing the uncle hunter to Miss Junsha

What if the elves are taken back by the alliance, Xiaotian's goal is these three elves.

Run to the distance and release the three elves. "You were caught by the Pokémon hunters, I saved you, and now I want you to be my elves, are you willing?"

The three elves looked at each other, and then looked at Xiaotian with warlike expressions on their faces.

"Well, do you have to beat you to recover, then go Pikachu" Xiaotian was very satisfied to see the three elves were very wary

"Pika, Pika" "Pikachu uses...simple to defeat three Pokémon, then spray them with healing potions.

Xiaotian was very excited to recover the three little guys, so there was a little elf.

And they are the dragon-type mini-dragon, the insect-type giant bee, the fire-type fire-breathing dragon, the super-type Lalu drawing, and the ordinary-type small pika beast.

Electric Pikachu

Ding quest "Recover 4 Pokémon completed" "Recover [-] Pokémon completed" "Recover [-] Pokémon completed"

"It's great again. Points are earned, but unfortunately only Pokémon have missions before the recovery!"

"View Pet Properties"

mini dragon

characteristic; peeling


physical strength; gold

physical attack; purple

special power; purple

physical defense; purple

special defense; purple

speed; purple

grade; grade

skill; impact.Tornado, Dragon Tail, Dragon's Breath, Reverse Scale (Inheritance)

Little Capbie

Properties; Post-fat


physical strength; orange

physical attack; purple

special power; purple

physical defense; gold

special defense; gold

speed; purple

grade; grade

Skills; Shock, Defense Roll, Roll, Tarzan Overhead


feature; tracking


physical strength; purple

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