"What, don't let the big rock snake come out first." Al was stunned when he heard the commander of Sundae, and then hurriedly shouted

It's a pity that it's too late. The big rock snake has already exposed most of its body. Before the sundae let the water arrow turtle feel the vibration of the ground, just to feel when the big rock snake came out. With the huge size of the big rock snake, it will obviously vibrate when it travels underground, especially It just came out once, so the water arrow turtle has a good grasp of when the big rock snake will come out.

So Al's Big Rock Snake fired the water pressure cannon as soon as the water arrow turtle came out. Seeing the water arrow turtle's ability to fire, Al quickly aimed the Poke Ball at the Big Rock Snake and wanted to take it back. As a result, the water pressure cannon and the Poke Ball were red. The light hit the Big Rock Snake at the same time. Although the Big Rock Snake was retracted, it was obvious that the Big Rock Snake was also attacked by the water pressure cannon. I don't know if it fainted.

Water pressure cannon, the water-based ultimate move launches a water pressure cannon to attack the opponent, there is a stiff time, and then you can't move

Al, who took back the big rock snake, was furious and sent the next Pokémon, a level 59 thunder and lightning zebra.

"Using a thundering attack" Al angrily commanded,

It's a pity that the water arrow turtle that uses the water pressure cannon will have a stiff time next, and the sundae has already been prepared. When Al sent the second Pokémon, the water arrow turtle was pulled back, and it was not attacked by the thunder and lightning zebra. When the thunder struck, it made Al jump into a rage

Looking at the thunder and lightning zebra in front of him, Sundae thought about his own Pokémon, and then sent out the scorpion shark. Now the scorpion shark is level 57, and there is an evolution stone given by Xiaotian, which can evolve by mega, after evolution The fierce bite land shark level has reached the level of 62 quasi-king, which is just right to deal with thunder and lightning zebras.

"Bite the land shark restores my mind, mega evolution" As soon as the fierce bite land shark was dispatched, Sundae commanded the strong bite land shark to evolve and command the mega evolution

"Bite land shark uses sandstorm" mega evolved the characteristics of the bite land shark into the power of sand

When the weather on the field is a sandstorm, the damage of the skills used by Pokémon with the power of sand is increased by 1.3 times, and will not be damaged by the sandstorm.

"Thunder and lightning zebra uses thunder attack" after seeing the mega evolution of the fierce bite land shark, Al was stunned and then commanded.

"Bite the land shark out of the way and use the power of the earth" Sundae's face is serious

Power of the Earth; Unleash the power of the earth under the opponent's feet, dealing damage and reducing the opponent's special defense.

The bite land shark quickly dodged the thunder attack and then used the power of the earth to cause damage to the thunder and lightning zebra

"Bite the land shark quicksand hell" sundae continues to command

Quicksand hell, changing the terrain to reduce the opponent's movement speed and cause continuous damage

A large-scale quicksand hell, changing a large area of ​​the ground, making the movement speed of the thunder and lightning zebras slower

"Damn, thunder and lightning zebras use electromagnetic waves" The electromagnetic waves attack the opponent with a weak electric shock and paralyze the opponent.

"Bite the land shark uses the wave of the dragon, block the electromagnetic wave and then use the tornado" Sundae makes good use of the sandstorm skill

Now the ground has turned into a quicksand hell, sandstorms are blowing in the air, and the sundae's tornado, mixed with sandstorms, rolls towards the thunder and lightning zebras.

56 Sundaes vs Pride 2

"Thunder and lightning zebras dodge with lightning flashes!" Al hurriedly shouted

Helpless, although the thunder and lightning zebras are fast, they run on the ground no matter how fast they are. After being slowed down by the quicksand hell, they did not avoid the tornado, and they were dizzy and dizzy.

"Severely bite land shark continuous cut" while the sundae is now commanding

I saw Liebiting Land Shark flying quickly towards the Thunder Zebra that had just been spun around by the tornado. Remember to keep attacking the Thunder Zebra in a series, and the continuous cuts caused a lot of damage to the Thunder Zebra and knocked it down to the ground.

"Destroy the dead light now" while the quicksand hell is not over yet and the lightning zebra fell to the ground, the sundae's eyes lit up and quickly commanded

A destructive death light hits the lightning zebra, directly take it away

Not to mention that Al was stunned, even the audience in the auditorium and Xiao_Tian and others were stunned.

"What's the situation? Even though the mega-level of the mega-evolution is stronger than that of the lightning zebra, it is not enough to fight the lightning zebra." Xiaotian was full of surprise, not to mention Xiaotian, the audience was full of frying pans Oh, this biting land shark is too sharp, and the commander of the sundae can be said to be pressing step by step until he knocks down his opponent.

Xiaotian looked at the serious-looking sundae and suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Shirona

Seeming to feel Xiaotian's gaze, Shirona winked mischievously at Xiaotian and then watched the game earnestly

Xiaotian suddenly, no wonder the sundae's command is so sharp, it seems to be the teaching of Hirona

Shirona's trump card is Bite Shark. Of course, the command of Bite Shark is flawless. With Shirona's teaching, the progress of the sundae is so great. Sundae's Bite Shark is stronger than Al's Thunder Zebra, but The gap is not large, and the result is a clean defeat of the opponent. This is the ability of the trainer's command post, which makes the Pokémon burst out with super strength.

First, the sandstorm continued to attack, and made good use of the characteristics of the fierce bite land shark, followed by the quicksand of hell, which slowed down the speed of the lightning zebra. Dazzling, and then continuously attacked to cause damage and knocked down the opponent. Finally, while the quicksand hell time was still there, the opponent's speed slowed down and took away with a single damage. It can be said that Sundae's command is even better than Xiaotian's command.

"Hey, the real start is just now. I'll show you my true strength." The arrogant man said after returning to his senses. Although the battle just now gave the arrogant man a hard blow, the arrogant man is an arrogant man. , still pretending

"Go, flaming lion" The arrogant man sent a 62-level quasi-king level flaming lion

Seeing that the other party sent a quasi-king-level Pokémon sundae with a powerful momentum, his face was full of seriousness.

"Flaming lion uses jet flame" arrogant man leads first

"Bite the land shark, the breath of the dragon" The opponent's Pokémon is a quasi-king level, so the sundae's face is full of seriousness

The powerful dragon's breath and the jet of fire collide to create an explosion that fills the smoke

"Flaming Lion Advanced Noise" Al commanded, it doesn't matter if you can't see the target, you only need to aim at the general direction to use the advanced noise

Although I can't see Liebiting Land Shark because of the smoke, I can hear the painful cry of Liebiting Land Shark.

"Bite the land shark, the wrath of the dragon" Sundae quickly commanded

Dragon's Fury; fires a blast of fury at the opponent, dealing damage.

Although it can't be seen because of the smoke, but through the direction of the noise, the dragon's rage that bites the land shark directly hits the flame lion

Both sides are hurt and no one takes advantage

"Flaming Lion Flame Vortex" said Al commanded

"Dragon Wave" looked at the flame vortex rushing in front of him, Sundae's eyebrows wrinkled, this flaming lion's attack is very strong, and the attack speed is also very fast, he must block these skills, but this is not the right way Did you fight? The sundae is not like fighting against each other. After all, the other side still has 4 quasi-king-level Pokémon.

"Big Character Explosion" saw the fierce bite land shark blocking the flame vortex Al and continued to attack

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