"I said Yulongdu, why did you think of running to me? Are those old guys in your family done?" Xiaotian turned his head and asked, that's right, the person who came was Yulongdu, who had disappeared for two days.

"Hey, don't mention it, those old undead, didn't I just go to Pandora? When it came to them, it seemed that I had committed an unforgivable sin, and they wanted me to compensate with a small mini-dragon, hum. , all of them are long and beautiful, and they don't even want to snatch my little mini gantry."

"So what?" Xiaotian tilted his head to look at Yulongdu

"So, I just ran, just because those guys wanted to trap me, how could it be possible? As for me taking the mini-dragon compensation, I don't even have to think about it." Yu Longdu replied confidently, as if running out of the family would be enough solve the same problem

"I said Yulongdu, even if you run away from the family, where can you run to? If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, and you can never leave the family? Since you have to go back to the family sooner or later, it's better to solve it earlier. Punishment for those old guys"

"Also, I'm not talking about your family, you are already such an adult, and your strength is strong enough, those old guys are too lenient, even if you go to Pandora this time, it's a bit rash, but at most it's just a lecture. It's over, I'll let you pay some blood for compensation, as for you to take out the mini dragon?" Xiaotian asked Yulongdu

It's not that Xiaotian is meddling and participating in Yulongdu's family affairs, but because Xiaotian is very aware of how much Yulongdu loves that mini-dragon, that is simply Yulongdu's heart.

Even if Yulongdu made a mistake, it's not worth robbing Yulongdu's mini-dragon, right?With Yulongdu's character as a money fan, robbing that mini-dragon is no less than robbing Yulongdu's heart. It's too cruel.

However, to Xiaotian's surprise, Yulongdu did not vomit as much as Xiaotian thought when he heard his words, but instead bowed his head and fell into silence.

"You don't understand Xiaotian, you walk out every step by yourself, which is different from the trainers cultivated by a family like us. The trainers cultivated by a family like us, including Shirona, every one of our trainers is different. Our actions are no longer our own will, but the responsibility and hope of the entire family.”

"You know Xiaotian, I rarely go to those wild continents to cultivate, it's not that I don't have time, it's that I can't go, because I bear the hopes of the whole family, so I can only work as hard as possible, especially those The work of cleaning up the dark forces is the only way to find some fun in battle, but unfortunately, the strength of those dark forces is too weak to make me happy at all"

"You know what? Although it was dangerous to be chased by wild Pokémon in Pandora, I was full of excitement. At that time, I really felt that I was a trainer. Opportunity, crisis, battle, this is what Everything you have to face as a trainer" Yulongdu was still a little affectionate when he said about the family at the beginning, but when he talked about Pandora, Yulongdu turned a corner and was full of excitement.

"Don't make trouble, you're going to Pandora, I won't save you, even if you die, you won't go there." Feeling Yulongdu's excitement, Xiaotian hurriedly reminded

Xiaotian feels that Yulongdu seems to have misunderstood the trainer, you are not a real trainer, you are not dead

However, Xiao Tiandao understands the responsibility of the family that Yulongdu said. After all, a family has devoted a lot of energy to nurture you, and the whole family is waiting for you to flourish. If you have nothing to do, go to the dangerous wild continent to wander. If you accidentally die there, then the whole family probably has the heart to die.

"Don't worry, I know, I've caused such a big thing, I guess I can't go to Pandora, Xiaotian, I want to thank you" Yu Longdu suddenly thanked Xiaotian with a serious face

"No thanks, we are so familiar with each other. I can't stand by and watch you die in Pandora, right? Just pay attention next time." Xiaotian thought that Yulongdu was thanking himself for saving him, so he shook his head and said.

"No, I'm not thanking you for this, although I'm very grateful that you went to Pandora to save me, but as a friend, I won't meet you any more. My thanks is because you let me join the New World. I knew you found a The New World, I thought that developing the New World would have to clear up Pokémon to fight, so I desperately wanted to join the New World. I didn't expect that in the New World, not only would I be able to fight as much as I wanted, but even my family was improved because of the huge 5.5 gain. A few grades, if it weren't for your approval, I'm afraid I would still be doing boring work every day as before, and my family wouldn't have improved so much."

Seeing that Yulongdu, who is usually out of tune, is rarely serious once, Xiaotian nodded and did not refute. It was considered that he accepted Yulongdu's gratitude. Xiaotian never thought that the trainer cultivated by the family would have such a great spirit. responsibility and pressure

Xiaotian couldn't help thinking of Shirona, even the usually shameless Yulongdu had such responsibilities and pressures, so what kind of mental pressure did the cold and responsible Shirona bear?

By the way, the battle that Yulongdu said was not always fighting against wild Pokémon. After the initial development, most of the later Yulongdu went to Kuailong Island to fight. .

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