"Xiaotian, let's not go in. We don't have any super-type Pokémon on us. If we encounter a ghost-type Pokémon, we will be miserable." Sundae said with some fear.

Looking at the sky, Xiaotian returned to his indifferent expression, then said "it's okay" and walked in.

The Pokémon that Sundae said about encountering ghosts is not in the forest, but it is guaranteed to be encountered, but there is an old lady in the forest who rents Pokémon Gugu to people who enter the forest. Gugu can do it. See through fantasy and pinpoint those hidden ghost-type Pokémon

Just now, Xiaotian looked at the sky. It was still early. Although he couldn't walk out of the forest, it was still very easy to find the old lady who rented the Pokémon aunt. As long as there is a Gugu, Xiaotian is not afraid.

Xiaoxi and Sundae saw that Xiaotian walked in calmly, but had no choice but to keep up. Walking into the forest seemed even more gloomy, and Xiaoxi and Sundae were even more frightened and tightly grasped Xiaotian's arm.

Looking at Xiaoxi and Sundae who were grabbing one of his arms, Xiaotian was helpless, he was so timid, if he was in this forest at night, he wouldn't be scared to death.

Then he comforted, "It's not dark yet, and the ghost-type Pokémon hasn't come out yet, so don't be so afraid."

"Then we won't be able to get out of this forest before it gets dark. What should we do when it gets dark? We didn't bring super-type Pokémon." I was in a hurry when I heard Xiaotian's words


"It doesn't matter, there is an old lady who rents Pokémon Gugu. Pokémon Gugu can see hidden ghost Pokémon. As long as we know where those ghost Pokémon are hiding, we won't be afraid of our strength." explanation of

"Then let's find it quickly," Sundae said worriedly.

"It's here!" Xiaotian said suddenly after walking for a while, seeing the stone door in front, Xiaotian knew that it was the residence of the old lady who rented Gugu

The person who rented Gugu was an old lady with a wrinkled face, but she also claimed to be the most beautiful woman in the forest. Of course, she was right. She was the only human in the entire forest, and there was nothing else but her. It's a woman, passing by doesn't count

I rented it to Gugu, Xiaotian has confidence now, as long as he can find the ghost Pokémon, he is not afraid at all when he is young

Even if Sundae and Xiaoxi have Gugu, they are still not confident enough. They are still a little afraid to grab Xiaotian's arm and follow Xiaotian tightly, which makes Xiaotian very helpless. They are just ghost Pokémon. How dare these little girls so small. .....

79. Psychedelic Forest, Zoroja

The sky was getting dark, and the three of Xiaotian, who were slowly advancing in the forest, suddenly saw the ghost fire appearing in the distance, and floated towards Xiaotian and others.

Xiaotian looked indifferent, this should be a fantasy created by ghost-type Pokémon, just when Xiaotian planned to let Gugu see through these fantasy



Two sharp screams came, and Xiaotian, who was originally indifferent, was frightened, and Xiaotian, who recovered, looked at the two girls screaming beside him with a dark face. He was really not afraid of God-like enemies. I'm afraid that the pig-like teammates were not frightened by the illusion created by the ghost-type Pokémon, but were almost scared to death by the screams of their companions. Your voices are usually not that loud, especially when Xiaoxi usually talks. Soft and weak, why the scream was louder than the sundae just now

Xiaotian with black lines on his face "Gugu looked at you"

"Gugu" Gugu's big round eyes emitted a red light to the ghost fires, the ghost fires that were illuminated disappeared without a trace, and the light emitted from Gugu's eyes began to shine around, there was nothing at all In this place, some ghost-type Pokémon kept appearing after being hit by the speed of light emitted by Coco's eyes, and Sundae and Xiaoxi, who were constantly screaming, stopped screaming when they saw the ghost fire disappeared, froze for a while, and watched. To those ghost-type Pokémon who are photographed, it is obvious that these ghost fires are fantasy made by ghost-type Pokémon

In turn, Sundae released Pokémon angrily to teach these ghost-type Pokémon who almost scared him to death a lesson, but there was someone faster than her, a small figure flashed past, and jumped into the air to face her. It is Pikachu who sends out powerful thunder and lightning with those ghost-type Pokémon.

Pikachu, who was originally on Xiaotian's shoulders, was resting lazily on his stomach. As a result, two high-pitched screams almost knocked Pikachu out, but the screams were Pikachu from Xiaoxi and Sundae, but they couldn't shoot them. , just to feel Xiaotian's anger at those ghost-type Pokémon, don't let Xiaotian command, Pikachu directly vented his anger on those ghost-type Pokémon, a powerful million volts, those ghost-type Pokémon one by one It fell from the tree and was electrocuted.

After dealing with these ghost-type Pokémon, Xiaotian asked Sundae and Xiaoxi with a black line on his face.

"Didn't I say it before, the ghost-type Pokémon in the forest will create illusions and confuse passersby who enter it. What did you just scream? Almost scared me to death"

"But master, just now, it's so scary," Xiaoxi said pitifully, staring at innocent big eyes

have to.Xiaotian covered her forehead helplessly, Xiaoxi's appearance is really unbearable, and she can't blame it at all

"What about you Sundae, you've been traveling for a year anyway, what was your name just now?" Xiaotian asked with a black line to Sundae

"But people are also afraid," Sundae said weakly.

"Hey" I'm not ready to say anything to the two goods, Xiaotian, who made them his companions, and can only sigh helplessly

"No matter what you see next, don't be surprised, it's probably a fantasy created by ghost-type Pokémon," Xiaotian finally reminded

"I know I know" sundae

"I understand, I understand" Xiaoxi

"..." Looking at the two people who didn't care, Xiaotian was full of powerlessness. He didn't know who was screaming just now. Xiaotian didn't know what to say to express his current mood.

The three of Xiaotian continued to set off, but Xiaotian's face was full of vigilance, not only for those fantasies, but also for the screams of Xiaoxi and Sundae at all times. Feeling the screams of the two women at close range was too powerful. span

"Huh? It's so cute, what kind of Pokémon is that? Is it a ghost Pokémon?" Suddenly Xiaoxi looked at a Pokémon that looked like a little fox in the distance and asked

Xiaotian heard the words and looked, "It's a fantasy again" Xiaotian said lightly, that is a Zoroja, Zoroa is a very rare Pokémon, evil attributes, and usually has a mother to take care of, here there is one Zoroja, who was branding the list, was obviously abnormal, and then Xiaotian said to Gugu, "Gugu is watching you"

Knowing what Xiaotian meant, Gugu's big eyes released the speed of light towards the Zoroja. According to Xiaotian's idea, it was an illusion that it would disappear after being hit by the speed of light from Gugu's eyes, but the result was unexpected, far away. There was nothing wrong with the photographed Zoroja, and it did not disappear.

However, after being hit by the speed of light, this Zoroa was obviously frightened, but it seemed to be injured and did not escape.

Xiaotian and others stepped forward curiously and found that Zoroya was indeed injured, especially the injury on the calf, which made this Zoroa unable to move and escape.

Seeing Xiaotian waiting over, Zoroja is frightening the three of Xiaotian with a hoarse grin, hoping to scare them away, but Zoroja is really cute, and that vicious look has no lethality at all.

"This is Zoroja. Let's heal it first, and take it with you by the way." Xiaotian said lightly, it is very abnormal for this Zoroja to appear here, but Xiaotian doesn't care whether it is normal or not, he just wants to know Soroya Has Roja been subdued? You must know that Zoroja is a very rare Pokémon

Listening to Da Tian's words, Xiao Xi walked up with the healing medicine and said softly, "Zoroa, you are injured, can I heal you?"

It's a pity that Zoroja seems to be very wary of human beings.

Reluctantly, he stepped forward, and Xiaotian directly picked up Zoroya, "Pikachu," Xiaotian said hello to Pikachu, and Pikachu, who understood Xiaotian's meaning, directly released a thundering trick to the open space in the distance, which was powerful. The thundering trick of his smashed a big hole on the ground, and then Xiaotian said to Zoroya, "If you don't want to eat Pikachu's skills, be honest, and now I will heal you, understand?"

Zoroja, who was obviously frightened by the power of Pikachu's thundering trick, nodded in fear, and became very honest.

"Master, you are so savage, how can you scare Zoroa like this?" Xiaoxi saw Xiaotian scare Zoroa and quickly snatched Zoroya from Xiaotian's hand and held it in her arms, gently stroking Zoroa's hair

"How can you scare Zoroya, Xiaotian?" Sundae also said with help.

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