The three of Xiaotian who had breakfast the next day packed up the tent and were about to set off. Pikachu's long ears on Xiaotian's shoulders stood up, and he began to look left and right, and finally oriented in one direction, looking vigilantly towards a forest in the distance

"What's wrong?" Xiaoxi asked strangely after seeing Pikachu's strange behavior

"There is someone or a Pokémon in that direction," Xiaotian said with certainty. If there is nothing, Pikachu will not be like this. You must know that Pikachu's senses are very sensitive, especially Pikachu, a race that is naturally vigilant, although Xiaotian's Pikachu is not like this. Not as timid as a normal Pikachu, but with sharp senses

"Come out, whether you are a human or a Pokémon, I have found you," Xiaotian said indifferently

Just when Xiaoxi and Sundae looked nervous, a person, a woman, walked out of the forest. Seeing Xiaotian frowning, she was a little puzzled. If the other party gave him Zoroark, he didn't need or need it. Send a heavenly king?Trouble with yourself?Even more wrong, let's not say that the transaction between me and Banmu is very pleasant, the other party has no reason to trouble him, and a king is not his opponent.

"Athena?" Xiaotian said tentatively, after all, there is still some gap between the anime and myself

"It seems that you know a lot about us," Athena said after hearing Xiaotian's words, and then seeing Xiaoxi and Sundae's nervous faces, Athena quickly said

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to send Zoroark" and when they heard that Athena was here to send Pokémon, Sundae and Xiaoxi looked happy, so Zoroark was rescued.

"Do I need to send a Heavenly King to send Zoroark, or do you have a lot of free time for the four Heavenly Kings?" Xiaotian asked with some doubts

"Just by the way, by the way to see you as a monster trainer, why can't I come?" Hearing Xiaotian's question, Athena shook her hand and said casually.

Ming ignored Athena's question, and Xiaotian asked lightly, "Where's Zoroark?"

"Come out," Athena greeted into the woods behind her, and saw a few men in black carrying a large cage, and Zoroark was lying on her stomach weakly. Very excited, and Xiaoxi and Sundae also smiled, finally rescued

"What's wrong with it?" Seeing that Zoroark was weak, Xiaotian asked worriedly, don't have been tested

"Don't worry, this Zoroark is not honest in the cage, so use some medicine to make it honest," Athena explained, and then directed to the men in black, "Give them the Zoroark, yours Even if the mission is completed, you can go back." Obviously those men in black should be members of the Rockets, and they didn't wear the Rockets uniform because they didn't want Xiaoxi and Sundae to know that they were the Rockets

Hearing Athena's words, those men in black put the cage with Zoroark in front of Xiaotian and others, then turned around and left without saying a word, which shows that they have strict discipline and are likely to be elite members.

"According to the agreement, Zoroark is given to you. As for Zoroark's state, it is affected by some drugs, and it will be fine in a while," said Athena who stayed behind.

84. Capture Zoroja and Zoroark

Xiaoxi and Sundae saw Zoroark in the big cage hurriedly stepped forward and helped to open the cage. Zoroja also jumped out of Xiaoxi’s arms and cried anxiously to Zoroark in the cage, while the cage The weak Zoroark saw that Zoroja was a little surprised at first, and then full of excitement. It was obvious that it did not know that he was rescued.

After opening the cage, Zoroya rushed in anxiously, came to Zoroark's side, dawdled intimately, showing his attachment, and kept making happy cries, while Sundae and Xiaoxi were also full of relief on their faces. Looking at it with a smile, the rescue of Zoroark Xiaoxi and Sundae is also happy for little Zoroya

Because Zoroark was affected by the drug and his body was weak, Xiaotian and the three had to suspend their departure and stayed to take care of Zoroark and Zoroya. Zoroja obviously relied on his mother very much. Roja stayed by its side, and Athena on the other side did not leave.

Instead, Xiaoxi chatted with Sundae. (Book^wu*小} said + net) I am also very grateful to Athena Xiaoxi and Sundae who rescued Zoroark. I didn’t know that Athena was a member of the Rockets, so the three of them seemed very close

Looking at the familiar Athena, Xiaotian didn't understand what Athena meant. He didn't leave after sending the Pokémon. Instead, he chatted with Sundae Xiaoxi in full swing. Seeing this intimacy, he seemed to have known each other for a long time. Like best friends, at the same time, Xiaotian has to admire Athena's communication skills. It's so close when we first met. Didn't you see that Athena is combing Sundae and Xiaoxi's hair now? I just praised Xiaoxi and Sundae for their beautiful hair. , are combing their hair now

As time passed, Zoroark's body slowly recovered. When Zoroark's body recovered, Zoroark, who was able to move freely, firstly thanked Xiaotian and the three of them gratefully, and then She called out to little Soroya a few times, and then she was about to leave with a Zoroja. Seeing that Soroya was leaving, Xiaoxi stared at Soroya with a disappointed face and her pitiful big eyes.

And Zoroja, who was going to leave with Zoroark, saw that the pitiful Xiaoxi suddenly hesitated. He lowered his head and pondered for a while, thinking that Xiaoxi saved himself who was injured and unable to move, and even protected him from the terrible boy. He was very kind to himself, and he also saved his mother. Soraya knew that Xiaoxi liked that he was reluctant to leave by himself. Now suddenly seeing Xiaoxi's pitiful expression, Soraya suddenly hesitated, and he also liked Xiaoxi very much. Hee, looking down and thinking about it, Zoroja made up her mind, and then called her mother Zoroark "woo woo woo", and Zoroark also made a "woo woo" sound. Obviously, this is big and small. Only Pokémon are talking

After talking for a while, the two Pokémon came to Xiaoxi together, made an intimate cry and rubbed Xiaoxi affectionately.

While watching Xiaotian, his face was full of surprise, and he shouted in his heart, "I'll slap it, you evildoer." It's impossible for Zoroya and Zoroark to separate, so Xiaotian thought that Xiaoxi couldn't conquer Zoroya. I didn't expect that Xiaoxi's weak appearance would be equally damaging to Pokémon, and not only did he get the small one, but he also bought one for one, and gave a large one. The situation in front of him was very obvious. If they leave, then only Xiaoxi, whom they recognize, can take down the two Pokémon.

Zoroja is still young.It's only level 22, but Zoroark is quite strong. The level 59 elite peak level Pokémon far exceeds the strength of Xiaoxi's own Pokémon. Come to the door, Zoroja generally evolves at level 45 to 50, and the strength after evolution is almost level 55 and 60.

Looking at the intimate Pokémon in front of her, Xiaoxi was also a little stunned, and then touched the two Pokémon intimately. Xiaoxi didn't know that the Pokémon expressed such an intimate behavior to you, which means you can conquer it.

"Xiaoxi, try and see if you can subdue them," Xiaotian on the side said to Xiaoxi

"Can I do it, master, but isn't Zoroja going to follow its mother?" Xiaoxi said in surprise, a little unbelievable.

"It's impossible to separate Zoroja and Zoroark, so you have to subdue them together, try and see if you can subdue them," Xiaotian explained, asking Xiaoxi to try because Xiaotian was not sure about the Roja, after all, Xiaotian doesn't understand the thoughts in Pokémon's heart

"Are you willing to be subdued by me?" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi said to the two Pokémon with some uncertainty, but what surprised Xiaoxi was that the two Pokémon nodded in agreement.

"You guys are willing to be my Pokémon? Great." Seeing that the two Pokémon agreed, Xiaoxi couldn't believe it, and then showed a happy smile

"Then, let's go to the Pokémon Ball" Xiaoxi excitedly took out two Poké Balls and threw them at Zoroja and Zoroark. The two Pokémon did not refuse and successfully captured them.

Then Xiaoxi released two Pokémon, with a happy smile on her face.

"Thank you Zoroya" Xiaoxi knew that it was Zoroja who persuaded Zoroark, so Xiaoxi thanked Zoroya with a moved face

"Woooooo!" Zoroya jumped into Xiaoxi's arms and cried with a look of happiness. Zoroya didn't want to be separated from her mother, nor did she want to leave Xiaoxi, so this is the best outcome.

"Monster, the old hunter uncles didn't do anything to Xiaoxi who looked pitiful, and now he's got a Pokémon!" Xiaotian has been unable to complain.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Xiaoxi successfully conquered Zoroya and Zoroark, which finally gave a perfect ending. Then Xiaotian and the three continued to set off. Along the way, Xiaoxi wore a happy smile, and Zoroark was in Xiaoxi's Pokémon. In the ball, Zoroya has been held in Xiaoxi's arms all the time, and Zoroya is obviously very comfortable, smiling all the time.

Athena, who stayed in the same place, looked at Xiaotian and the three who had already left and said with a smile, "What a lovely lady." Xiaoxi's soft and well-behaved character will be liked by anyone who sees it, especially if she thinks that Xiaoxi is a Banmu's daughter, Athena, who came here with a good impression, not too long ago, Athena likes this Xiaoxi who may be the eldest young lady very much.

"I really want to congratulate the boss, you have such a lovely and beautiful daughter," Athena said as she raised her hand, with a few strands of hair wrapped around her hand

It was when Athena deliberately left it when she was combing her hair for Sundae and Xiaoxi. It was a little difficult to follow Xiaotian and others, but it was easy to get Xiaoxi's hair. After all, there is no witchcraft in this world. What, Xiaotian doesn't care about hair or anything


Athena, who got the hair, immediately returned to Team Rocket's headquarters and handed Xiaoxi's hair to Banmu. After Banmu got the hair, he directly tested it, and then began to wait anxiously for a long time. For Banmu, who has no relatives now, suddenly How happy it would be to have a daughter, Banmu can't imagine how disappointed he would be if Xiaoxi wasn't his own daughter

An hour passed quickly, and the results of the examination came out. Banmu was so excited that he didn't even dare to check the results. Finally, suppressing the anxiety in his heart, Banmu looked over.

"The similarity is 99.9%." That is to say, there is a 99.9% chance that Xiaoxi is his daughter. Seeing such a result, a huge sense of happiness fills Banmu's heart.

After happiness, Banmu is worried again, how do you recognize each other?Especially the lie that Xiaoxi's mother made up to Xiaoxi, which made Banmu not knowing whether to be angry or happy. He was angry because Banmu didn't know how to recognize Xiaoxi now. He was happy that Xiaoxi's mother gave birth to him. daughter

In the end, Banmu definitely started with Xiaoxi's mother. First of all, Banmu still has feelings for Xiaoxi's mother, not to mention that he has a daughter now, and when he met Xiaoxi, he couldn't tell her that I broke up with your mother. And I didn't know you existed? Don't make trouble, when Xiaoxi is not cruel, you will be good, and I will recognize you,

Although Xiaoxi's mother may not forgive herself, Banmu believes that Xiaoxi's mother will never hope that Xiaoxi does not have a father.

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