Xiaoxi, who didn't notice the pouting of the sundae, was excitedly talking about the situation of the game. After all, it was her first game. Xiaoxi, who had just played, had a blank head because of her weak personality. She didn't know how to command until her opponent. Using the impact to knock down her own Heracross, Xiaoxi just reacted and ordered Heracross to use the impact, but the opponent was solved at once, so Xiaotian had to sigh again this luck

I watched a few games with the pouting sundae and the excited Xiaoxi. Xiaotian didn't find a strong player, but his opponent and the sundae's opponent were very strong. The second game begins

Xiaotian, who entered the battle arena, continued to send his own Pokémon, level 31, Ibrahimovic. As a Pokémon that can only evolve once, Ibrahimovic's evolutionary limit is level 30 and 50, which means that when Ibrahimovic reaches 3050, his strength is It may not be able to improve, or it may improve very, very slowly. Only evolution can continue to improve. As for the limit, it depends on the aptitude of the Pokémon. The higher the aptitude, the higher the limit level. It's much faster to upgrade

When he saw the Pokémon sent by his opponent, Xiaotian was speechless. The regulation of this competition is that both sides send Pokémon at the same time, so Xiaotian didn't know what level of Pokémon his opponent was, thinking that he was the strongest opponent before the sundae. It was just by chance that Xiaotian only sent a level 31 Ibrahimovic to increase his experience, but when he saw the opponent's Pokémon, Xiaotian was shocked. The level 58 fast dragon, not to mention the rarity of fast dragons, just said you What's up with this level?The elite peak came to participate in this kind of competition to bully people?

The result of the final battle was obvious. Although Ibrahimovic's strength broke out to be much stronger than that of the same level, he was helpless in the face of an opponent who surpassed his level 27, and Xiaotian was eliminated.

Originally, Xiaotian, an elite who didn't intend to show all his strength, just planned to increase the experience of those low-level Pokémon, doesn't care about losing the game, but the level 58 fast dragon who defeated himself, Xiaotian already thinks that the game will be the end. The winner of the game must be him. This is just a small town, and it is absolutely rare to see a player at the top of the elite level.Xiaotian can't believe that the strength of this small town is really that strong.

Xiaotian, who had just lost the game, saw Xiaoxi run over.

"Master, I won the game again" Xiaoxi said excitedly

"Yes, congratulations" Xiaotian said indifferently, Xiaotian didn't think I Xiaoxi could win the final victory, not to mention that Xiaoxi was not strong in the first place, just saying that the player who eliminated Xiaotian, Xiaoxi, was an absolute winner. However, Xiaoxi can gain experience and exercise is also good

"Master, did you win the game?" Xiaoxi asked

"No, I lost, I took out the low-level ones, but I was defeated." Xiaotian said indifferently, not embarrassed that he lost the game

"It's over, even if the master loses, I'll be finished soon," Xiaoxi said weakly.

"Hehe, this competition is just for you to exercise, don't care too much about the ending" Xiaotian comforted Xiaoxi lightly

"Well, the master is right." Xiaoxi quickly showed a small face again

Xiaotian and Sundae, who were both eliminated, could only cheer for Xiaoxi on the side and watch the game

And Xiao finally knew why Xiaoxi was able to win. In the third competition, Xiaoxi's opponent, a small Lada of level 8, was easily defeated by Xiaoxi, which made Xiaotian very puzzled. How did Lada win two games, and the other side actually sent 8 little Lada, what's the difference between you and the free one?

Xiaoxi, who won another victory, was full of joy, and came to Xiaotian with a smile.

"Master, I won again, how was my performance?" Xiaoxi asked with a smile

"Uh... well done" Xiaotian was speechless, what else could he say?The opponent is directly given away, and you can beat the opponent with one hit, but in order to encourage Xiaoxi, Xiaotian said speechlessly

"Hee hee" Hearing Xiaotian's words, Xiaoxi showed an innocent and satisfied smile

In the next fourth game, this time Xiaoxi's opponent is the player who eliminated Sundae

"It's over, Xiaoxi is going to lose." Seeing Xiaoxi's opponent, Xiaotian secretly said

The result is shocking, Xiaoxi's opponent did not send the level 46 Pokémon that eliminated Sundae, but a level 11 Pokémon, and the opponent said, "If it weren't for my main Pokémon in the previous Both the game and the opponent were injured and the injury was too serious. How could it be possible to only send such a weak Pokémon?” He means to eliminate the sundae.

Xiaotian was greatly surprised, "Nima, a first-class trainer with level 46 Pokémon, other Pokémon are actually level 11? It's funny"

But no matter how surprised 710 Xiaotian is, Xiaoxi successfully defeated his opponent and advanced to the competition

"Master, I won the game again." Xiaoxi's aunt ran to Xiaotian in a cool manner and said with a smile, as if a child had done a good deed and hoped that adults would praise it.

"Well, it's a good performance" Xiaotian continued to say indifferently, although Xiaotian was unable to complain at this time, but he couldn't beat his little apprentice, so Xiaotian could only say against his heart.

There is a hairy performance, it is another collision, to solve the opponent, what can Xiaotian say?

"The next exciting moment is coming. The next game will be the final, which will determine the final winner of the game"

Hearing the host's call, Xiaotian and Sundae were shocked. What's the situation, Xiaoxi has entered the finals in a confused way?

However, Xiaotian, who came back to his senses, comforted Xiaoxi, "Come on, it's not important to win or lose, the main thing is to exercise." Although Xiaoxi entered the final in a confused way, Xiaotian doesn't think that Xiaoxi can defeat the opponent, even if the opponent is only more than 20 levels It's not enough, and if the opponent is level 30 Xiaoxi, you can basically say goodbye

Xiaoxi, who learned that she had made it to the finals, was also full of excitement and nervousness. Time passed slowly under Xiaoxi's nervousness and the comfort of Sundae and Xiaotian.

In the final game, the finals started, Xiaoxi took a deep breath and walked into the arena with a firm face, while Xiaotian looked at Xiaoxi walking into the arena and thought to himself that the player who defeated him using a level 58 Pokémon should be In the end, Xiaoxi's opponent, Xiaoxi can basically be said to lose.

87. Shocked Xiaotian, amazing reward

Xiaoxi, who walked into the arena in a hurry, didn't see her opponent, Xiaoxi's mouth twitched, it could be said that she walked into the arena with a sigh of relief, but now that she didn't see her opponent, Xiaoxi's plucked up courage went out directly. And in the next waiting, Xiaoxi's weak personality made her full of tension and anxiety until...  

"Xiaoxi's opponent was unable to come to the competition due to some urgent matters, so this time Xiaoxi won the final victory" the host announced

Xiaotian and Sundae are very thoughtful, so is this the final victory? , and Xiaoxi was even more confused, apparently still unaware of the situation

However, what is surprising is that the audience did not have any dissatisfaction and still cheered, making Xiaotian say that it is unscientific, I am outdated, or I can't keep up with the rhythm of the world. In the final victory, the audience didn't have any dissatisfaction, and they looked happy. What's the situation? , this is just a small town, so not many people came to watch the game, only about 22 people, but even if more than 1000 people don't have a troll, it's a miracle

"Please come to the final winner to receive the mysterious gift" the host shouted

Confused, Xiaoxi stepped forward and accepted the three Poké Balls presented by the host.

Then Xiaoxi ran to Xiaotian with a happy face, "Master, I won the final victory." Xiaoxi said to Xiaotian with a smile

Looking at Xiaoxi Xiaotian who is smiling and speechless, is this the benefit of being nervous? I was confused just now, but now I am so happy

"Congratulations," Xiaotian congratulated Xiaoxi, no matter what the reason, Xiaoxi became the final winner anyway

"Congratulations, Xiaoxi, for the final victory." Sundae also congratulated Xiaoxi with a smile. Although Sundae was eliminated in the first game, Sundae was still happy for Xiaoxi.

"Master, you see this is my prize" Xiaoxi said with a smile and raised the three Pokémon balls to Xiaotian and Sundae

"Don't let it out yet, let's go back to the room to watch first," Sundae said mysteriously. Until now, Sundae still remembers that when Xiaotian participated in the battle on the San Annuo and won the championship, the prize was a flash. Many, that's very rare, and now the prizes are released in public, in case there are some precious Pokémon, it is impossible to guarantee that no one will break the idea.

"Oh, oh okay", being infected by the sundae, Xiaoxi also said nervously

Although Xiaotian doesn't think that a small town's competition reward can be so good, but maybe there is a good reward, Xiaotian has no objection

The three returned to the room, and Xiaoxi couldn't wait to release the rewarded Pokémon from the Pokémon Ball.

Seeing the reward Xiaoxi got, Xiaotian and Sundae were shocked.

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