The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1229: : Negotiation.

And now, the dragon sword is not only as simple as the sword and the secret law, but also guides a kind of exercises on its own, so that Ji Hannuo benefits greatly!

Under normal circumstances, the Wu practitioners must be cautious in their practice. Once they are selected, they must be very careful if they want to change their exercises. Otherwise, it is easy to get mad and even die.

However, the practice that was guided by the dragon swordsman did not have such doubts, so that the season was directly cultivated and the first step was taken.

"The space here seems to be very different. When I practiced the dragon's inheritance, I realized that there is tremendous power to enter the body through this space. And the original dragon inheritance seems to be lacking, but the role of power in this space. Underneath, it was directly completed and became complete."

At this time, Ji Hannu began to look around for four weeks, and he said with surprise.

She still doesn't know where it is, and it will have such a big effect.

"This space is all I have, but I don't know the specific origin. But the inheritance you get is related to Xiaolong, and naturally it will get a chance here."

Su Yi laughed, and the reason why he was called the mysterious space here is because he is not clear about the origins here.

But he knows one thing. Whenever there is a wild monster entering here, he will get a huge benefit and inheritance, which is enough to make the wild monster be reborn.

From the earliest golden dragonfly, white jade blackbird, etc., to the later Su Tianque, Su Xiaoshuai, Qinghuang, Zixianghuang and others, there has been no earth-shaking change.

Only when human beings enter this place, they will not get these benefits. Of course, with a strong aura and a certain rhythm unique to the space, West Ruless, Huang Jian, Lei Yunhe and others will also improve rapidly.

This season, Ji Hannuo has inspired the inheritance of Xiaolong. As a kind of powerful Yaozu, the mysterious space is probably also of great benefit to Xiaolong.

This may be the reason why the mysterious space can complement the season's practice.

"The ancient dragons! Little girl, you have to fly in the future!"

Bi Xueling looked at Ji Hannu and said.

Ji Hannuo Yingying smiled and did not speak.

"The spirit liquid has been smashed a lot!"

Su Yi's eyes turned to the small pool of the spirit liquid, and he found that the spiritual liquid there had a small half of the pool, which made him happy.

Only a few days ago, all the spirits were taken away. I didn’t expect that a few days passed, and there were so many more.

It seems that the power of the Yuanshi that was swallowed this time is absolutely magnificent. This can be seen from the concentration of aura in the space.

"Let's go out first, and send you back to Xuanjianmen in the next day. You are always worried."

Su Yi turned to look at Ji Hannu, and if so.

The people of Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong left the Bawangzong shortly after they left the customs. After all, there are still several cities and towns that need to be managed. It is impossible to leave for too long.


The girl nodded lightly, oh.

Su Yi did not rush to take away the spirit, but it could not be run anywhere.

He took Ji Jinnu out of the mysterious space and came to the cave.

"smell good!"

When the light of the mysterious space dissipated, Su Yi Ghost lifted his hand and put it on the tip of his nose and heard it.

"What?" Ji Hannu doubts.

"Hey..." Su Yi lived.


Seeing that Su Yi held his hand and looked obsessed, Ji Hannu suddenly thought of something.

This guy, the fragrance on his hand, is clearly his own body!

"Cough... I am broken!"

Su Yi coughed and tried to hide it.

But in my heart, I couldn't help but recall the scene when I just had two people.

Soon, he thought of the embarrassing scene that happened in the sacred sacred gods. Even the fingers did not consciously move, seemingly reminiscent of the wonderful touch at that time.

"It's the worst for you!"

Ji Hannu is blushing, but he is no longer as shy as he used to be. Instead, he is holding his chin and looking directly at Su Yi, a brave look.

"Cough... little girl, big courage!"

Su Yi once again coughed, but said helplessly.

Suddenly, Ji Hannuo slightly picked up his feet and took advantage of Su Yi’s unnoticed moment to get him in front of him.

The red lips are like water, and they touch the juvenile's cheeks.

The next moment, the girl was like a bad thing and was caught in the shape of the body. She ran away from the cave without heading back, and her body was like a butterfly.

Su Yi was a bit obsessed with it, so she watched the girl twisting her slender waist and disappearing lightly in sight.

"Is this a feeling of love? It seems very good!"

Feeling the wetness of the kiss on the cheek, the two men swallowed a sip of water and made a loud laugh.

Immediately, he also walked out of the cave.

Su Yi found Nangong Ningyue, let her lead Ji Hannu, walk around the Bawang Zong, and visit everything here.

And he himself, is back to the back hill, continue to cultivate nine unique.

However, this time Su Yi did not enter the mysterious space again. Before the cultivation, he spent more than a day.

After more than a day, he needed to summon the tyrants of the tyrants, and Su Yi did not dare to delay the important things.

In the process of cultivation, time passes quickly.

Unconsciously, it was the day of the deliberation.

Su Yi’s cultivation is not progressing fast. The third type of wrath is very difficult to cultivate. It is estimated that it will not be reached in a few days.

"The lord, everyone has noticed that among the strongest tyrants of the tyrants, a total of seven yuan imaginary realms have been gathered in the main hall! In addition, there are many beasts and demons in the heavenly demon hall. Finished!" Cool%l craftsman NET is E version E} first!. 0o

Nangong Ningyue came to Houshan and reported to Su Yizhen.

"Know, you wait in the past, I will be there soon!"

Su Yi said a moment, stopped the cultivation of martial arts, and after a little adjustment, it was to plunder the hall of the tyrants.

After a while, the teenager sat in the first place on the main hall. On both sides of his seat, there were two large backrest chairs. The left side was sitting on the west and the left side was empty.

Su Yi looked around, Huang Jian, Weng Zhengquan are sitting in the chair below.

In addition to these people, there are still seven figures standing in the hall, leaving a lot of chairs, but they are afraid to sit down.

These seven people are newly joined the tyrannical tyrants of the tyrannical tyrants. However, most of them are in the first stage of the Yuan dynasty. Among them, three or four people are after the annihilation of the Yu Ding dynasty, and they come from the wind. After the consent of others, it was included in the Zongmen.

Beyond the main hall, there are a large number of demon emptiness and wild monsters waiting. These savage beasts cannot be adult-shaped. The body is too large, and the shadows are too large to enter the hall.

"You also sit down and go!"

Su Yi waved his hand and let the emperor, such as the Green Emperor, Yang Ming, Yin Ming, and Ling Emperor, standing behind him, all descended.

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