The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1426: : robbing the sea

Immediately said: "The two elders, this is the banned by the nine-star ancestors of the year, in order to prevent outsiders from entering at will. The rumors in the valley that entering the nine-star robbery not only require a strong external attack, but also rely on the 'star recording', the place The power of the stars gathers, and the two can be combined to open the nine-star robbery."

After that, Nangong Han Ge said that the nine-star robbery has not been opened for many years. How much external force is needed, no one knows.

"Then you said, how is it good?" Si Kongchang eyes swayed straight and whispered and said with a low voice.

Nangong Han Ge Dunton, looked at the three Yuanzong realm powerhouse, the blazing light in his eyes bloomed.

"Nangong has a small idea. Here, the nine-star robbery will depend on the three elders to attack together. In addition, the force of pulling the stars for everyone, and the four of us will work together to make it possible to enter."

After listening to the Nangong Han Ge, everyone has fallen into silence.

The nine-star robbery of the sea has not been opened for many years, and there is no such thing as a genius treasure. It is not known.

Everyone has their own ghosts and wants to monopolize the opportunity of the nine-star robbery. They don't want to spend too much energy at this time.

Looking at a few elders who are still hesitating, Nangong Han Ge is very anxious. When he is about to talk, another wave of people rushes from the distant clouds, and the dust is servant.

It is the people of Cangyun Temple, Wei Hong, Qin Yusheng, Shi Susu and Situ Muyang, behind a beautiful man to follow closely, it is Yang Ming.

While flying, Situ Muyang asked the Yang Ming who was behind him.

"Yang Ming Ge, do you really know that there is nothing wrong with the uncle?"

Situ Muyang still asked with a little worry, and the teacher in front of him heard Su Yi’s name and silently erected his ears.

Yang Ming nodded softly, he told Situ Muyang that he and Su Yi were separated in the stone room.

Before leaving the secret land, there is a beautiful woman who tells her that Su Yi will come out in a moment, don't worry, and the rest of the things can't be remembered at all.

The Yang Ming, which was directly discharged, was actually released immediately after Xuan Shuang and others. After coming out, he followed the Cang Yun Temple to chase the frost to the entrance of the junction.

A wave of Wuhuan Wuyi once again descended at the entrance, and the Nangong Hangemei was heavily heavy, and the corner of his mouth was slightly pumped, and he said darkly.

"Three elders, the power of the stars is constantly dissipating, the tenth period is approaching, have you not considered yet? If so, Nangong does not go in!"

When Wei Hong heard the words of Nangong Han Ge, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said to the elders of Xuan Shuang.

"Xuanshuang elders, robbery of the sea, Cangyun Temple must go together!"

Shi Susu, and Qin Yusheng should be there immediately, and they all said that they must go forward and retreat. They waited too long on the Hell Mountain Range. At the last minute, no one wants to sit still.

When Xuan Shuang listened, he said to Nangong Han Ge: "Nangongchengzhu, what do you think of this? Everyone wants to go in, can't wait at the door?"

Nangong Han Ge’s heart suddenly became angry and was handed over to the Shuo Shuo Da Xiu Luo Jian. He intended that he could clear the obstacles for himself. As a result, other forces were almost out of light, but Cang Yun Dian and Bawang Zong did not have one!

This group of old men is squatting, and they can't get a little advantage. They think for a while, and a mysterious smile on the corner of the mouth is invisible, and then they say.

"The nine-star robbery is everywhere in the sea. If it can be opened smoothly, it is good for everyone to go to nature together. I just hope that we will not fight each other and let some fishermen benefit!"

After reading it to the tyrannical tyrannical tyranny, Meng Xun saw it and immediately shouted loudly.

"The thief, your master?"

In the long and narrow eyelids of Yangming, a fine light burst, carrying the golden dragon blood, the ancient atmosphere filled the whole body, the nine-heavy yang of the demon kingdom is not afraid of the Mengzong of the Yuan dynasty.

"Old ghost, what do you say?" The voice just fell. A fascinating sky rises to the sky and strikes directly from Meng Xun.

"Killing my elite disciples, still can't admit it?" Meng Xun pointed to Yang Ming loudly.

"Which dog eyes do you see that I have done?"


When Meng seeks to establish his own temperament, he thinks that there is no direct evidence to prove that Su Yi is killing.

But if you want to break your head, Meng Xun does not know who can still have such a means of killing, and there is sufficient motive for killing.


Yang Ming's nose screamed heavily, as if looking at mental retardation and looking at Meng Xun, the other end, but his heart did not show up for Su Yi, there is a hidden worry.

Nangong waved his hand, indicating that no more noisy, no time, it is important to open the sea immediately.

According to the instructions of Nangong Han Ge, the three Yuanzong realm strongmen stood in the east, west and front of Taniguchi respectively, forming a corner of the valley.

Immediately, the property of the Nangong Han Ge water rose, and the volley was empty, standing on the sea.

"Ready to start!" Nangong Han Ge shouted.

The voice has just fallen, and the strongest of the three Yuan dynasty realms open the absolute field at the same time.

The unmatched energy with space rules is coming to the entrance with the energy of the earth and the ground, just like the Yangtze River and the rivers are surging, the power of Yuan Zongjing is completely exuded and spread in the void.


The three elders robe swayed, their face was dignified, and the scorpion was covered with ice. The air of the body swelled to the extreme, and at the same moment, they were in the same position.

The blue, red and white radiances swayed, and the glare of the glare was swayed. Under the concerted efforts of the three people, the palms were pushed and shrunk, and they became a huge and incomparable huge training. Hit.

At the same time, Nangong Han Ge muttered to himself, the handprints continued to condense, and his left hand went to heaven.

A mysterious star symbol was born from the soles of the feet, gradually forming a vast and unparalleled energy that swept through the void, with an unstoppable power.

The bystanders beside them are chilling and the atmosphere is not dare to come out. This is the combination of the three Yuan dynasty and the power of the stars, and the enormous destruction energy produced is beyond imagination.

Everyone held their breath and watched the entrance changes carefully.

The next moment, at the height of the top of the black clouds, there are gradually nine small blue columns of light.

While the energy of the three elders hits the entrance, the nine beams of light encircle the entire entrance in a circular shape, in which the stars are densely covered, and the complex and complicated texture outlines the mysterious stars.


In an instant, powerful power bursts out, and as the light column continues to rotate, a vortex of incomparable light is formed, which produces a horrible tearing ability.

In order to avoid the spread of energy and wind, the teacher Susu is in the Cangyun Temple and the elders of the Qingmen Gate.

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