The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1548: : Dust settled

Outside the Li Ancestral Hall.


Su Yi recovered from the sinking and concentrating, and after a long breath of turbidity, he slowly opened his eyes, and the overflowing light appeared again in the stars. The sound of the wind and thunder disappeared in an instant, and a strong wave of the sky As the energy light waves generally spread to the distance.


"You wake up, I have not recovered, you will recover, the metamorphosis guy is a metamorphosis speed!" Yunjing said with a chuckle.

"How did I get abnormal?" Su Yi asked.

"You will go out and have a look, thanks to what you have given, it may have become a horrible **** outside!" Yun Jing looked at Su Yi's eyes, full of stars like a dawn.

"Hey, hey, by the self-sufficiency, the butchers self-slaughter!" Su Yi's face suddenly sinks, the robes are slightly moving, the breath is faint and moving, and the face of the demon and evil is covered with frost.

For the holy mountain, Su Yi has only endless anger and hatred.

"I am afraid that the old man who comes in tomorrow will come in, you can't deal with it!" Yunjing said with some concern.

"Nothing, when helping the Leiji lion and the fire lion, they promised that I would block Xu Liu, Wang Quande and Xue Honglou personally clean up!" Su Yi whispered, the war gradually swelled in the blood. move.

"Then how do we go out?" Yunjing's gaze is still a little bit worried. If it is really fighting, it will be difficult to prevent mistakes.

Su Yiwei Shen Shen, took a space bag from his arms to Yunjing, solemnly said: "This thing I used ten days ago, now should be restored."

Su Yi continued to say: "Jinger, your strength is clear, just in case, if there is really a strong person at that time, you will use this to leave, take everything to the Shenjianmen and wait for me."

"I don't want to go together!" Yunjing returned the thing to Su Yi, and said with a sigh.

"Can you guarantee that you won't faint again?" Su Yi asked.

"Reassured, I still have the power of the Iron Soul, let's go out! It's time to open the Sky Crystal!" Su Yi said softly.

Upon his appearance, Sun Hao and Zhang Dan immediately greeted him and handed over two heavy space bags to Yunjing. He whispered: "The mother, this is a good soul measurement, a total of 1,270. Eleven, and all the space bags of the sacred disciples! All here!"

Zhang Dan then took out a space bag and said to Su Yigong: "Master... Master, this is just a pretty monster who came over, there are thousands of souls in the soul!"

Su Yi nodded slightly, and sure enough, the monster was more reliable than the human heart. He waved and said: "Give these to Mo Shishi! This is antidote, you can roll!"

Sun Hao and Zhang Dan looked at each other and suddenly they were unbelievable. They said: "Master... Master! We both know that you are not a broken man. It must be a hero. Although you are a hot resort these days, it is better than For those of the Mount Athos College, it’s really good for us, so we don’t want to leave! We want to trust you!”

Yun Jing suddenly had some eyes, some accidentally looked at the two, did not expect things to come, or the two ants are generally reliable, although the cultivation is low, the head is still relatively aura.

"Under the medicine, you will take it, and talk about it later! If you really have the heart, I will arrange for you to join my sect after the event!"

The two men were shocked when they were on the scene. Sure enough, the broken eyes in front of them were not the same as the ones. After a hurry to thank them, the two flew away.

"Is it really reliable?" Yunjing said with doubt.

"These two people have done a lot of things for me. These days are also debts. If you cultivate a low-profile book, you will not be able to make a storm. If you don't do anything, you can do it forever!" Su Yi gradually became gloomy and turned to that. A thousand practitioners of water.

"But these people, and all those who have participated in the slaughter of Lee, are all killed!"

After that, Su Yi took up his knife and fell, and his anger rose with innocent vitality. Everyone's vitality was like the whale dragon's water rushing into the hands of Sujing in the hands of Su Yi.


Su Yi according to the method taught by the Iron Soul, the power of Haotian swept through the sky, and suddenly the whole sky turned into an ice blue color, and the dazzling water is like a giant bubble wrapped in the Li Ancestral Hall.

The glare is like the crystal blue night pearl under the stars, the breath roars, and all the water savvy practitioners feel their own vitality is taken away. The whirlpool of Dantian is like an air pump, and it is continuously pumped out, along with the whole blood. I took it away.

"Help! Help!"

"Broken Master, I am wrong, I should not **** Lee's implement!"

"I am wrong, I should not seize Lee's medicinal classics!"

"I should not kill the elder of Lee, occupying his granddaughter!"

For a moment, all the water-powered practitioners said all their sins, and hoped that Su Yi could let go of himself. The more he said, the more difficult it was to listen. Yunjing finally covered his ears and looked disdainful.

"It's you! You guys should live in the bottom of the **** garbage, and pay a sin to Hee's Li!"

Every time the language of confession is said, the anger of Su Yi's sorrow will rise by one point. In the end, the killing of the sky is like a storm, sweeping the whole Li ancestor, the emptiness of cattle and cattle, and the energy of the heavens and the earth is also disordered.

The huge ice blue water polo ball gradually became a blue water dragon, shining like a living thing, swallowed up a thousand water property practitioners, and finally turned into a stream of light, directly to the day of Su Yi Among the crystal residues.


A thousand practitioners of water attributes have fallen to the ground, with the same shape, and their eyes are deep and dark like caves. The skin of the corpse is glowing in the darkness, and there is no trace of blood flowing out.

The body after the loss of the essence, like a piece of paper, died with the wind.

"The dust will go like dust, why bother to sorrow!" Yunjing sighed softly. This group of ant-like characters was only a dream of Huang Qi.

At this moment, Su Yi let this blood night dream completely wake up. The holy mountain, starting today, is no longer the existence of Shan Gao Yang, but it is a hypocritical gate that covers the fig leaf.

"Holy Mountain, all the accounts I will be able to tell you clearly on the holy mountain!"

"Animals, stop!"

Su Yiwei condensed, and in the distance came two bright golden lights, two breaths rising into the sky, like the horrible energy of the energy collapsed, the wind was overwhelming.

"Is it so fast?"

This speed is so fast, it is unexpected in Su Yi.

When the arrival of the people stood, the two temptations of the tempting figure made Su Yi squint cold, and the corner of his mouth sneered.

"Who am I, I used to be familiar!"

Yunjing's complexion is gradually solidified, and his face gradually becomes chilly: "It turned out that your wife is coming!"

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