The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1551: :Father as a mountain

"Sister, sister!" Li Ling called out loudly, and flew like a lightning bolt to Ouyang Jinwei.

Li Ling was panicked, his eyes were full of fluorescent light, and two blood and tears were found in the blood, and a bottle of Chenpin Dan medicine was taken from his arms, and he was immediately fed by Ouyang Jinwei.

In the distance, Ouyang Yuanfeng's body shape is stunned, and his feet fall to the side of Ouyang Jinwei. His eyes are red and bloody, his eyes are cracking, and his hands trembled and touched the cheek of Ouyang Jinwei, who had passed out.

Suddenly found that Ouyang Jinwei's heart collapsed, the meridian cracked, this life wants to practice again, may not be enough!

"Wei Er, Wei Er!" Ouyang Yuanfeng shouted with sorrow.

Li Lingyu was in tears. She knew that compared with the son who did not live up to expectations, the owner of Zhongzhou City was most concerned about Ouyang Jinwei.

This Ouyang Jinwei, who inherited the pro-passing plaque, is the greatest pride of the Zhongzhou City Master. The grief of Ouyang Yuanfeng’s heart can be imagined.

"Hey, I know so, why should I be at the beginning!" Su Yi eyes cold.


At this moment, Su Yi swayed and changed the steps and fully operated. The volley stood in front of Muling, and looked at Yunjing. His eyes were full of concern: "Is it okay? When you wake up, I feel that you are weak." A lot! Don't be stubborn!"

Looking at Su Yi brows hesitated, Yunjing Yue Yan bright, full of smiles, said softly: "Nothing, I will do it for you in the future, I will help you! I will accompany you in the world! Kill the holy mountain and follow me!"

"Jinger, you...hey!" Su Yi's calm and calm eyes flashed a slight invisible wave, and his mouth was slightly pulled.

Although the time is short, the usual gags are snoring, and the jokes are much more. When they are serious, they can still bring a small touch to Su Yi.

Slightly shaking his head, Yunjing’s voice signaled Su Yi to rest assured, saying: “The two elders of the sacred mountains of the Yuanzong, I can’t fight, but I can clean up the small fish and shrimp!”

Immediately, Yunjing smiled lightly, and the moon eyebrows bent and leaned closer to Su Yi’s ear. He said: "My future husband must be a peerless hero who has broken through the sky!"

Under the Ouyang Yuanfeng looked at the two of you, you yelled at me, when you rushed to the crown, the rich metality surged out, turned into a wave of boundless horror collapsed into the void, directly shrouded to Su Yi.

"Su Yi! Still not revealing the true content! Don't dare to show people the true face of the king of heavenly arrogance?

Yun Jing took a deep breath, his face changed slightly, and the palm of his hand changed. He wanted Su Yi to let go.

"Su Yi, I am coming!"


Su Yi took down the technique of Yi Rong and turned around. The whole body was cold and shot, and the surrounding air was cold. A war of the sky burned in the stars, and the robe swayed. The thin and straight body is like a juvenile **** of war!

For example, the volcanic spurt of the general volatility makes people invisible, and Su Yi looks deep, killing and decisively said: "You are going to die, I am as you wish!"


Su Yi is full of body and body, the body of the ocean is generally in the infuriating in the thick meridians, swaying the hot and powerful fire attribute energy, then the entire sky, the moment half of the **** horizon.

In the next moment, Su Yi's double-winged vibrations, like the butterfly of the flame, crossed countless residual images in the air, and the palms of the palms changed. It was like a red-red flame with a tyrannical scent that directly came toward Ouyang Yuanfeng.

The momentum that came from the collapse suddenly made Ouyang Yuanfeng scared. This momentum is where the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty can be displayed.

After that, Ouyang Yuanfeng swelled in the wind, and the two scorpions blasted, and a paw print burst out. The paw prints with the endless metality, and even the space was directly scratched, and the violent and unrelenting strength was included. Void square.


Under the sacred and solemn metallic light, Su Yi’s body was instantly shaken back by a dozen steps, and the huge strength swept through it. The demon **** war of the automatic bodyguard had a little tremor, and it was filled with the dragon’s body. The subtle radiance continues to flow, and the claws of Ouyang Yuanfeng are straightened out.

The sky is so strong that for Su Yi, it is only the robes of the robes that are more prestige, and the qi and blood are suddenly suppressed, and the coldness emerges. For example, the same young warrior is generally fierce and empty, and squatting in the world.

"How is it possible! The Yuanhuangjing double blocked my golden wind cracking claws!"

These physical strengths, Ouyang Yuanfeng unheard of, when Su Yi left more than a year ago, the power is too much!

"I let you know what is the real strength!"

Su Yi, who only relies on the singularity of the singer, is constantly rising in height, and it is faintly visible in the flames. Su Yi’s figure is constantly appearing in it, and behind him, a huge incomparable emperor’s shadow is blended, and the vast expanse of power is like Taikoo. Cross-control out of control!

Su Yi's body, double red gold, a raging anger and the supreme sorcerer swept across the void.

The sound of sacrificial sings around the body is surrounded by Su Yi, when the air is empty, the wind and thunder are immortal, and there is no end!

"Ouyang Yuanfeng, your so-called sacred mountain is nothing but a worthless rubbish!" Su Yi Han Mang cold, Su Yiwei in the fire of the pressure of Hehe, supreme **** Wei sacred hegemony.

"You fart! Just by you! The holy mountain is the existence you can never reach!" Ouyang Yuanfeng shouted loudly.

Ouyang Yuanfeng’s scorpion continues to set off an irresistible color of anger. The holy mountain is his life’s pride. No one can defile it. The fingerprints are constantly condensed, and a sacred atmosphere like a wave is layered in the sky.

"Some of the sacred spirits are enough to suppress your ants who have never seen the world road!"


The whole space was swept away like a storm, and gradually began to distort. A horrible energy suddenly came from all directions and bombarded the entire square with great pressure.

The sound of blasting sounds through the heavens and the earth, and the horrible power of the heavens and the heavens is like causing a fierce tremor in the heavens and the earth, the wind and the clouds are discolored, and the light is like a wave of the sky.

"Come on! Fight!" Su Yi shouted.

In the midst of the energy storm of the sky, a squeaking sound of a cloud-cracking stone swooped down in a decisive manner that destroyed hundreds of millions of people, and the rolling flames swept out in all directions.

"Oh la la!"

The fiery hot breath, the enchanting demon and the sacred golden light make the back of the woods, and Li Ling is shocked.

The emperor fluttered and fluttered like a giant wave, and the golden light took off, and the two entangled in a collision!

The tremors of the void, the fire whistling!

The golden light and the flames are lifted like fireworks. Under the brilliant light, a shadow of the people then retreats, and the figure retreats.

I saw Ouyang Yuanfeng's face pale and pale, and the magnificent scorpion poured into the boundless twilight!

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