The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1609: : Gengen Five-way Pond

Zuo Qiufeng thought about it, swallowed a slobber, and whispered: "The whereabouts of the man was unknown, and the entire 驭天宫 was unlucky. Duanmu 筱man killed all the enemies of that person. Finally, it is not, always I couldn't find the whereabouts of that person. After many years, I gave up my thoughts and simply went to the post-peak cultivation! From then on, we are not allowed to mention the name of the person."

Jun Yue Tian Yue listened more and more shocked, Jun face was full of dignity, whispered: "The ancient elders have always been angry with the palace, if Su Yi is really dead, the ancient elders go to the palace to go, it is a disaster! ”

Zuoqiu Fengyin said: "I don't think it's so easy to die, if it's not dead..."

"Master but said no problem!" Jun Haotian respectfully looked at the way the left hill winds talked and stopped.

"By your own fight to open the mountain line? The hard-lined elders do not die, can you do it?" Zuo Qiu has a light in his eyes.

Jun Haotian shook his head, and he was just invincible in the same order. He just broke through the fourth-order Chinese product, and then went up, one layer was a little difficult.

"It's hard!"

Zuo Qiufeng patted the shoulders of Jun Haotian and encouraged him to say: "You are the hope of my life. Even if his physical strength is against the sky, it will be eccentric, even if you live out from the back peak, you will be able to defeat him! The other things are for the teacher to bear for you! You don't have to think about it!"

Jun Haotian looked deeply at his master. From the young master, he put all the burdens on himself. The teacher relied on his arrogance and complemented each other. Until now, the dream of Zuo Qiufeng’s palace has become the goal of Junyi’s struggle.

On the way to constantly seek the position of the palace, for many years, Jun Haotian has been trying hard to cultivate, and the master has set himself a thorn in the outside. In order to win the hearts of the people, many things that should not be done have also been done.

"In any case, this time the soul of the soul must be the first place!" Jun Hao's cold eyes are slowly angry.

In the middle of the night, the Tiantian Palace, which had been stunned for a night, finally calmed down. The secluded white moon was high and suspended, and it was complemented by the rising sky.

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles, and soon Su Yi's serious injury was broken into the peak of the news or passed to Ling Yuefeng's ears.

In the night, Tian Yu will call Han Yurou, Li Shiran and others, and hear the news. Li Shiran and A Chu are standing on the spot.

Li Shiran's eyes were filled with the tears of Ying Jie. At the beginning, A was a look of iron and blue, and he looked at the brother of Tianzhu.

"Scorpio brother, you deceive! You deceive people right?" A first day began to rise anxious, and directly laughed out.

"It must be that you think we are too hard. Pull us up in the middle of the night to adjust it?"

The tearful eyes looked at the Scorpio, and I hope that Scorpio can nod, and in exchange for the shaking of the Scorpio.

"Listen to the brothers and sisters of the former peak, they all saw the Su brothers flee to the back hills, and they were hit by the defending mountains. Even if nothing happened, they went to the back hills, and the palace masters ordered them to go to the death. I was afraid of the Su brothers. This time..."

Hearing this Li Shiran's delicate body suddenly shook, sitting in a chair, licking his head and screaming, and Ah began to sigh for no time, and whispered in his mouth.

"No, Su Da Ge is the king of Tianjiao. He is the great hero of the famous Zhongzhou. He is going to take me to the holy mountain and sweep the thief's great hero. No, no! He will not be so easy to die! ”

Han Yurou also withdrew from the back, and his nose was sour. He also saved his Su Yi from the Tiantian Palace yesterday. How could he die like this today?

"Scorpio brother, I have to go to Qianfeng to see!"

Tianzhu immediately stopped and whispered and said: "The front peak has been blocked, and the old elders have a battle, the former peak square is completely destroyed, and now no one is allowed to enter! Even the night to repair the square!"

"Why would you fight with the elders?" Han Yu soft and eyebrows wrinkled.

"According to the outside rumor, Su Yi night 闯 闯 peak, peeked at the Tiandan Pavilion, triggered the mountain squad, was discovered by Ji Feibao and Qian Qianyun, and found the elders! The elders told Su Yi to be seriously injured!"

Han Yulu suddenly rose into a raging fire, his eyes like a sword, and said: "I am going to him! Su Yi is too lazy to go to your broken Tiandan Pavilion during the day, where will go at night!"

Scorpio also took a long breath and said with indignation: "I think so too!"

"What can I do, Su Yi big brother..." Since Li's collapse, there has always been Su Yi around, like a **** of protection. Su Yi is gone, and there is no backbone.

Han Yurou will take a slap in the face, and the silver teeth will bite: "The scorpion palace is too deceiving! It is the means to make such a mess!"

Turning to look at Li's younger brother, he firmly said: "Su Yi will definitely come back! You must not mess with your feet! Good practice, the soul of the soul will start soon!"

Li Shiran and A Chu wiped away the tears, and the eyes of the crying red gradually emerged a firm color.

"Scorpio brother, please come here! I will go out of the palace, I will come back to the soul game!"

What Scorpio seems to think of, said: "I have sent people to inform the master, we are too low, or wait for the ancient elders to come back?"

Han Yurou waved his hand and angered: "It’s too late, these old people are really hateful! I am as humiliating as I am, and I am humiliating my door! You are in the ancient Yue elders such as Lingyue Peak, I will go!"

The voice just fell, Han Yu-soo's feet were steep, the sky was slightly bright, the fragrance drifted, and the shadow disappeared into the white fish.

"Go! Let's go to practice! Don't blame Fei Suyi's good intentions!" Tian Hao clenched his fists with hatred and stepped out of the door.

In the quiet and deep forest, the pool is crystal clear, like the stars falling from the sky.

Su Yi, who is unconscious, is lying inside. The warm pool of water is like a liquid medicine flowing through the meridians into the heart of Su Yi.


Su Yi's body began to fill with the fascination of ice blue, and then the fire attribute of the body surging, and the ice blue brilliance resisted each other.

One red, one blue, two horrible blue light, such as the dragon snake winding, is extremely conspicuous in the void.

The unnamed woman just sat in the forest, her eyes full of dignity, said slightly: "This kid, life-seeking is so strong! If he can do this, I can find him that year... ”

However, no one knows that Su Yi is now like a boiler that is blown up. The transpiration of the body is like boiling water. The water that has just been poured is glued to the wound in an orderly manner, emitting a strange light.


The body of the Yuanyuan demon is still shining, the mysterious light group was suppressed by Su Yi before the coma, and now there is no slight movement.


Subsequently, the fire attribute energy began to dissipate, and the soil properties began to rise again, one blue and one yellow, intertwined and merged.

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