The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1615: : Amazing!


In the eyes of Achu, the blood of the scarlet filled the sky, and the blood was slowly around. Many terrorist attacks were sent from the people of the Holy Mountain.

The entire Li family collapsed in an instant, and there were residual limbs everywhere. They were all familiar with the figure that they could no longer be familiar with. They fell on their own side and died.

Within a small corner, only myself and her sister are tight together, like a sparrow, shivering, only despair and helplessness in the eyes.

With the coming of the Holy Mountain, there is a lot of **** atmosphere in the whole half of the air. This **** situation makes the young Achu and Li Shiran inscribed the scars that will never be erased!

"Holy Mountain!"

Ah Chu, who was completely silent in the heart, was screaming in his heart, clenched his hands, and opened his eyes when he was on the scene. The whole body burst into an incredible space fluctuation!

"I want to kill the Light Man!" A beginning of a roar!

On the time of the arrival, Achu’s body was full of brilliance, killing the sky, and after a while, the handprints were slightly condensed, and the whole body was wrapped in a miraculous multicolored god.

The whole person is as immersed in a wonderful realm. With the change of the fingerprints, Ah Chu can feel the sense of mystery that is constantly gathering in the body at this time, and has never felt it.

At the same time, when Ah was immersed in the air, the energy of the entire square and the soul of all people were like traction, and they gathered over the head of Achu.

One piece pressed, and the whole sky suddenly burst into a thick cloud, followed by an extremely powerful invisible force that began to spread.

The thick clouds seem to have a tendency to expand and expand. The whole half-space, dark clouds pile up, the gloomy soul energy is covered in the head of everyone like a giant cover, and people in the place can't help but be shocked and stunned.

"My soul power! What is going on here!" The disciples who were trained to be relatively low, waving their hands constantly, were terrified!

Clouds rushing, bringing a horrible surging space, overlapping between the faint, the next moment, visible to the naked eye, between the wind and the thunder, the roar of the hustle and bustle swept the world, the surrounding space because of the huge incomparable soul pressure and cracked!


The space trembles constantly, and an absolutely powerful soul energy spreads out from the soul of the soul. From the clouds, it slams into a very thick brontosaurus, slamming into the white jade ground, and immediately the whole square is dusty. But only a tiny crack was formed on the ground.

It seems that after two days of repairs, in order to avoid the square being destroyed again, all places in the square have been set up with extremely strong protection mechanisms by the strong members of the palace.

At this time, the ancient Yue in the distance, it seems that there is no such expectation that there will be such a huge reaction in the beginning of the first time, the eyes flashed a glimmer of color, the left hill wind above the high platform, Wu Kun, Cheng Gaoming and a strong The elders all stood up and looked at the beginning of the incredulously!

"It’s awful! This vision is rare in a decade! The soul of the soul can be so reacted, because the talent of this son is outstanding!" The elders in the side are full of excitement.

"Can make the soul of the soul of the Temple of Heaven have such a reaction, what is this kid! The place where Gu Yue came from, such a little enchanting!" Among the princes' camp, a thin, tall, tall, slender purple suit The old man kept his head on his head and was full of surprise at the beginning of the stage.

Among the elders, the singer from Zhongzhou, Guanlan and Yunding, the three vice-presidents of Zhongzhou, danced and danced. They knew something about Li’s affairs, and they continued to report to the ancient elders.

"Even the old-fashioned Youzhou old palace master, Murong Liang praised, this kid really has something! Ancient Yue Palace Lord, congratulations!"

Although Gu Yue has retired to the palace for a long time, the old colleague will be the first, and the three deputy palace masters can not help but call Gu Yue as the palace owner, with reverence.

"The ancient Yue Palace Lord, congratulations! Congratulations! Lost the mulberry, get the East, finally no painstaking thoughts!" The sound of the elders of the furnace is full of gratification.

The elders of Guanlan are relatively direct, and the faces of the round are both happy and lonely. They said to the elders of the ancient Yue: "Oh! It is a pity that Su Xiaozi! The ancient Yue Palace, this talent of the early stage is also a bad day. I will cultivate it in the future!"

The elders of Gu Yue were slightly indulged, and the eyebrows were wrinkled. The quality of the soul of Achu was the soul of the heavenly spirit. It was indeed very rare. This was measured from the Duanmu Gongzhu.

However, according to the general principle, the soul of Tianpin will not have such a big stimulation to the soul of the soul. Looking at the colorful light like Jinhong, it is like a small one in the dazzling light. Amazing teenager, Gu Yue’s heart is doubtful.

Along the pressure of the sky, the ancient handprints of the ancient Yue changed, and a calm space rippled from the palm of your hand, slamming into the eyebrows of Ahchu!

On the time of the arrival, Gu Yue’s glimpse of the gods, such as the spirit snake, generally entered the soul of the beginning of the early days. When he entered, Gu Yue could not help but scream.

When Gu Yue Deng knew the problem of Ah Chu, it turned out that Ah was falling into his own nightmare, and with the interference of the people just now, it is easy to break out the energy that was not in the past, but it is also very likely that he can’t get rid of it. Spiritual jealousy!

Immediately, Gu Yue’s palm hangs slightly, palms face down, and a violent force emerges out of nowhere, with an unusually horrible soul swaying up, and the energy of Ah’s body colliding with each other, under such fluctuations, Above the void, a blast broke out.


The sound of sound explosion is cracked from the stone of the soul of the soul. A crack like a spider web is born from the stone. The colorful light flows out of the gap, along the meridian of the first time, and the heart of the first time merges with each other. Let Ah immediately recover, and no longer have any fine eyes.

The unparalleled momentum of the whole body is like the raging waters of the sky. It is wrapped in colorful gods. The storm of terror power sweeps across the square and the heavens and the earth, like a heavy rain sweeping, deeply shocking everyone's heart.

Thousands of 驭天宫's pro-disciples, the elders of the strong, all witnessed all this, and there was a chill in his heart.

The beginning of the recovery of the mind, the footsteps are slightly vain, the face is pale, but the look is extremely exciting!

Because the incomplete soul of the soul is clearly written with a line: "Li Changchu, the quality of the soul of the heavens, a high-level repair!"


Looking at the information of Ah Chu, everyone was stunned. Everyone looked at the broken soul stone, and they all said it.

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