The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1645: : harming others

"I have gone, it is a white god! Cheating, this kid!"

"I guess the last ones that can sneak have to rely on various soul skills! This is this kid, too hearty! I see how he dive behind him!"

From the depth of 3,000 to 4 kilometers, there are already hundreds of disciples who have landed on the high platforms. They are preparing to start the alchemy and refining disciples. They look at the huge figure, like a beast, and they are proud. From the beginning of the past, the new head can not help but tremble.

The vast powers from the top are basically at the same level as they are, the breath, the natural with a prestige of the imperial, the destruction of the majesty of the king of the wind, all in the three kilometers and four kilometers The disciple of the alchemy of the refining of the alchemy, the heart of the surrender.

"No! I feel that my soul is a little uncomfortable!" The alchemy of the alchemy of the alchemy continued to say.

"Yeah, this kid is really shaking the spirit! The soul of the soul game should rely on its own strength!"

The disciples of the Tiangong Palace, who can only refine the sorcerer, are indignant. Looking at Su Yi, who has already traveled far away, the large swords in the sea can see a deep gully in the space like a boat. The darkness is full. It is the erosion of soul pressure.

Su Yi standing on the top of the white god, the eyes are bright and deep, watching the depth of the sinking, the heart said: "White, hold for a while, immediately to four kilometers and five kilometers!"

Su Yi’s heart also understands that being able to sneak up to five kilometers is already the limit of the white god, and then going down, it is very likely that the white **** will directly fly away.


There are always horror whirls screaming out on both sides, as if to devour all life, and suddenly in the whirlpool, the shadows of the two monsters and claws rushed straight.

In the air, a few phantoms flashed through the air. In an instant, the repulsive force in the entire space swept over the sky. The huge soul pressure was like the collapse of the ancient mountains and rivers, all pressed against Su Yi.


Just listening to Su Yi's body bones bursting into a sound, the joints moved slightly, the entire golden dragon pattern began to emerge, like a gods, shrouded in Su Yi's body, powerful.

"Is it a Kraken?" Su Yi's heart is dark, here is only three kilometers less than four kilometers, how can there be a sea monster?


Su Yi's eyes are picking, subconscious, and a roar in his heart. Two flames of the palm of his hand are practiced like a thunder dragon, and they collide with the shadows of the beasts in the dark.


The figure of the two dragonflies is like a cold mang, and Su Yi fixed his eyes and looked at it. It turned out to be the remnant of two blood-toothed shark beasts. It was cold and cold, and the cold light was superb.

Suddenly hit by Su Yi Huo, the figure retreats, in the vicinity of the boundless Jianjianhai, spewing the scarlet pressure, constantly staring at Su Yi, low-pitched roar, ready to swallow Su Yisheng!

At the same time, Su Yi could feel the ripples in the surrounding airspace, and more than a dozen figures appeared at the same time. Suddenly, the energy between the heavens and the earth began to condense the energy of the soul, killing the stunned, like a sharp blade, more than a dozen eyes died. Staring at Su Yi.

"Who am I? Meet again!" Su Yi mouth sneered.

It turned out that people are not others. It is just a few disciples who have just roared in the last time. When they have reached 3,000 to 4,000 meters, they have come back and met with themselves. They also brought two other ones. Team.

"Run back to die? It’s too long!" Su Yi mouth angered!

At this moment, Su Yi's seemingly inadvertent gaze, the soul energy of the whole body instantly reached the limit, and the overwhelming majority of people were blocked.

"Don't be crazy! Su Yi! You will stop here today!"

In an instant, more than a dozen disciples of the Tiangong Palace were provoked by Su Yi, and suddenly the sea of ​​the sea was overturned. The turbulent sea water pressure and the pressure of the souls of the people gave a very horrible force, and the whirlpool turned "呜" The sound of 呜 随 can be heard everywhere, and the whole space trembles.


More than a dozen disciples of the Tiangong Palace made their hands at the same time, their hands slammed, their handprints changed, and the vast fluctuations began to spread from the palm of their hand, and with this wave of gatherings of more than a dozen people, the entire 3,000 to four The space pressure of the kilometer circle was instantly disrupted.

A series of rushing sounds burst into flames, like a water cannonball attack in the whole body constantly exploding, the entire broken sword under the sea, instantly like a huge wave, all the hearts of the people.


More than a dozen disciples of the Tiangong Palace have stepped back a dozen steps, and even if Su Yi grabbed the wings of the white god, the footsteps still retreated a little two steps, and they could not help but start to dignified.

There are more than a dozen disciples of the Tiangong Palace in front of them. They are all in the middle of the third grade or the middle of the three grades. Only one of them has reached the top of the three grades. It is not too strong, and the quality of the soul will reach the point of half a step. It is completely a group of people.

Looking at the joint attack of more than a dozen disciples of the Heavenly Palace, Su Yi’s eyes instantly became fierce, and the brilliance of the smattering shots came out, and the heart secretly analyzed, the reason why it was just able to produce such a huge soul The power of pressure is the energy of the soul that gathers everyone. This is definitely a horrible energy.

Immersed in the cultivation of souls all the year round, so that their soul energy is extremely concise and solid. Compared with themselves, they are completely alive by the soul of the soul. Even the soul skills of the hand are not available. This is Su Yi who wants to end the wood. Guide yourself to the real reason.

This trip to the Heavenly Palace, to improve their soul energy, exercise their soul cultivation, to participate in the Tianfeng qualifying war, is the most important reason for Su Yi to visit the Su family.

"Su Yi! Hey! Just said it is very cool on the top?" The disciple of Hao Tiangong looked at Su Yi, and his heart was resentful, and his mouth was full of laughter.

"Don't think that there are ancient Yue and the main princes covering you, you can do whatever you want, here is the bottom of the sword, no one knows who killed you!"

"Yes! We can't get seven kilometers, but you don't have to swim! No, you definitely can't swim!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

More than a dozen disciples of the Tiangong Temple are cold and chilly. They themselves know that today's 驭天魂赛 is different from previous years. It is the best choice, as long as it is the best, don't average!

Therefore, these middle-class disciples of the Tiangong Temple naturally gave up their hopes for the Soul of the Soul.

I lived in Gonghu Lake on weekdays. For the pro-disciples of Yan Tianchuan, I have always been a high-spirited disciple. I thought that most of my pro-disciples were removed and I could have a chance.

However, because of the changes in the rules, all their efforts became a phantom, and this scorpion soul game is finally a contest between Jun Haotian and Su Yi, and has nothing to do with them!

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