The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1677: Blood war monster!

Su Yizhen set a stop, a **** fog slammed out, and his right foot slammed back, which was stable.

At this moment, Su Yi can feel the blood in the body, because the collision has been constantly rising, and the thousands of veins have produced a very strong tearing feeling because of the violent impact.

The bones and flesh and blood meridians seem to be shredding, and the subtle violent tearing makes Su Yi's face move.

However, because of such severe pain, Su Yi's warfare and blood gas reached the peak state, slowly wiped the blood of the corner of his mouth, the corner of his mouth outlined, looking at the **** dragon in the distance, the eyes burst into the light.

"Kids, the Gorefiend kills the sword and the sword is a beginner, it is difficult to play all the killing! It is impossible to rely on this!" said the iron soul.

Su Yi’s heart has also thought of other cards. Now the Su Yi Yuan Yang Tianlong bone and the body of King Kong are all in the body. The blood sword has become a spirit, and it will not be as easy to let himself explode.

However, there are different mysterious light groups in the body. The strange heaven and earth energy, a little careless, will make you run out of control at any time!

"Are you sure you want to use that energy?" Su Yi thought in his heart. If the control is not good, he will definitely hang before he kills the dragon.

Su Yi decided not to fight first, not to use mysterious light group when it was absolutely necessary.

In the next moment, Su Yi holds a sword in his hands, and his eyes are deep and unparalleled, and a raging anger and war will come out.

The whole body began to run the mixed yuan to the utmost merits. In the extreme state, the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity.

At the same time, the sandstone and the land were shaken at the same time. The unsound soul pressure infiltrated from the soul and blood of Su Yi, and Duanmu’s desire to stop the moment was stopped. Surprised, the heart said.

"The smell of this kid is so strong!"

At the same time, the **** demon dragon in the distance also changed because of the horrible suppression of the heavens and the earth.

The soul began to involuntarily, and it was obvious that the surrounding space began to solidify, like a twisted twist.

Compared with the snow seal of the thousand frost gods, Su Yi issued a more powerful pressure, so that his huge body has a hindrance and a trace of jitter.

"Kid, it seems that I underestimate you! What are the skills, all used! This will be your last chance!"

The **** demon dragon is full of demon, and the blood of the river, such as the Yangtze River, instantly smashes the fear and fear of the heart. The body is twisted, and the huge blood-colored body is like an ancient castle.

The thin Su Yi’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the robes shook. In the face of the savage **** demon dragon, Su Yi’s heart instantly became quiet like water without a trace of hesitation and embarrassment.

The epee slammed into the sky, and the sword pointed to the sky. He said: "Half-step demon, it is indeed the strongest existence I have ever seen! But this is not a demon forest, how can the demon! You are born with the blood sword, and then Strong is just a group of flesh and blood, is a dragon, I want to cramp mymit, it is a worm, I have to fight your aunt does not recognize it! It is a demon, you have to listen to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yi’s slanting mouth suddenly became overbearing. The singularity of the singularity of the squadron was like a powerful force that came across the heavens and the earth, and the epee waved, and the blood was suddenly discharged to both sides.

The epee is pointing to the position where the **** demon dragon is located, with a gaze and a big drink in the air.

Suddenly the speed of the unparalleled dragon flashed to the extreme state, Su Yi incarnate a red-hot afterimage, scratching the sky, such as the same group of enchanting fire color.


"This breath!" Duanmu Yuman and the **** mad dragon were surprised at the same time.

I saw the void at this time because of the intersection of water vapor and flame, the space has been inexplicably trembled, above the sky, suddenly thunder and lightning, endless hegemony.

The **** demon dragon seems to have felt something, the fierce pupils are round and round, and they have a fearful look.

In the undulations, the shadow of Su Yi in front of him gradually gaze, and a sacred bird spreads its wings, and the sky between the two swells is like a supreme **** in the world.


Space tremors, the four sides of the cloud.

The whole sky became strange and surging because of the reappearance of the sacred shadows. The raging wind and waves collapsed, and the arrogant and arrogant arrogance of the whole world collapsed. Every corner and land were shaking.

"Emperor... Finch! He actually got the inheritance of the emperor!" At this time, the slightly weak Duanmu 筱 Man Yue was full of surprise, Su Yi of the Yuan Dynasty could have such a sly scent.

Su Yi in front of the world is like the ruler of the heavens and the earth, a robes of arrogance, like the most powerful existence between heaven and earth!

Such an imposing manner makes the **** demon dragon completely stunned, while the pupils are suddenly shrinking, and the **** demon dragon is madly spraying the blood.

The eyes are full of incredible, desperate, fearful, and endless shocks, madly continually slap the **** waves in front of them, hindering the progress of Su Yi.

"The ants also dare to scream in front of the domain! Go to hell!"

At that time, Su Yi is only a few hundred meters away from the **** demon dragon. The endless killings are rolling in the eyes. Within the palm of the hand, the epee, such as a cannonball, generally breaks through the blast, and a savage killing engulfs Zhou Tian.


The old and sturdy emperor's squeaking sounds through the sky, and the smashing of the brilliance of the scorpion, the sudden flames of the surging, the overwhelming fire of the fire, the burning hot soul is full of power!

"Blood blasts!"

The sound of ice and cold bones came out quietly, and in the fierce and vigorous blood of the sky, the phoenix was named after the bloodsucker to kill the sword. .

Suddenly the whole space became even hotter, and countless red-golden flames sprang from the void. The distant Suyi body was filled with red gold clouds, and the radius of hundreds of meters was shining, and the sea of ​​clouds was lingering.


As the cicadas wearing the clouds cracked through the sky, the bloodsuckers killed the swords and the huge swords, the gods and the birds were filled with red fire, and the terrible breath instantly penetrated into the sword body, and the extremist powers were more fierce. The flaming atmosphere surrounds.

"Go to hell!" Su Yi handprints condensed, watching the **** demon dragon in the hurricane thunder, said coldly.

The terrible powers swept the world, and the **** demon dragon began to feel involuntarily, and constantly spurted blood and fire, and cast a very thick blood wall in front of him.


The blood devil under the shadow of the emperor kills the sword, and it is the pressure to smash the blood wall. It goes straight to the **** demon dragon, so it is enough to burn and defeat everything!


The continuous sound of the sound blew, the **** flames in the sky, the tyrannical temperament collided with each other, Su Yi slammed back hundreds of meters, and the **** demon dragon knocked the high ground behind him into a huge deep pit. Deep bottomless.

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