The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1699: : Loud slap!


The dense nebula condenses, and the celestial energy that sweeps through the heavens and the earth is endless. Just like the vast energy that transcends Taikoo, it deeply shocks the eyes of everyone present.

Countless martial arts disciples have opened their mouths, and horror and shock filled the minds of everyone.


The temperament of Haotian was added. At the same time, Su Yi did not consciously pull out the body, and the same level as Xuan Pin Yao in midair.

The strange sky lingers around the sky, and the mind peeks into the inner body. At this time, only Su Yi can know that the mysterious spirit in his body is so embarrassing.


Within the imaginary sea of ​​the sea, the vortex-like dantian airflow is exactly the same as the vortex in the transparent dan body. It is also extremely fierce and inexhaustible.

Surging like a tidal wave, it is always rushing to the whole world.

The wind is thunderous and the world is roaring.

In the midst of a spark, Su Yi's mysterious spirit seemed to be swayed, and the medicine slowly passed through the thousands of veins. At this moment, Su Yi felt an unprecedented sense of comfort.

Closed and gaze, the gods move with the flow of medicine, and the broken meridians are wrapped like a lubricated warm current, from meridians to flesh and blood, from bones to skin.



The endless burst of sound rang from the joints of Su Yi, surrounded by the ray of light.

In an instant, Su Yi's entire human temperament changed greatly. The skin was as lustrous and warm as the warm jade. On the body of the glowing light, from time to time, the rune of the strange and mysterious.

Looking from afar, Su Yi's evil and not demon's face is like a sacred glamour with a fascinating brilliance.

A black hair in front of him swelled with the wind, and the robes behind him rose high, and there was a surge of sorrows. Su Yi was like a god, and Tianwei Hehe, Shenwei overbearing.

Seeing this, Su Yi’s heart was a big joy, and the meridians in the body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. This nine-turning **** has a certain chance to stimulate the mysterious spirit, so it is closely connected with his own blood. Such a magical effect.

The whole body is comfortable, and Su Xindeng, who is still in the hard support, feels refreshed in his heart.

I thought in my heart: "I originally wanted to hold on to the two, and I have to drink two bottles of spiritual liquid in mysterious space, but I have to consolidate it for ten days and eight days. In this way, instead of spending a lot of effort! The medicine is amazing enough!"

The two elders of red ink immediately climbed up from the ground and swallowed a sip of water. They couldn't help but look at the floating Suyi and the magical transparent medicine in the air, and whispered in his mouth.

"It is the first-class medicinal herb, which is definitely the first-class medicinal herb!"

"Where is Lingyuefeng's cultivation, what is the terrible effect?" The red elder's lips opened slightly and kept shaking.

"Look at Su Yi! What is he doing?" said the elder elder slightly.

Duanmu Kuangman’s heart is also surprised. The soul energy is extremely sensitive. She has long felt that Su Yi is digesting the medicine of the drug, and she whispers in her heart: “How can he have such a deep connection with the refined medicine? degree?"

"It's awful! It's awful!" Long Broken Mountain and Nie Shuang and other princes and elders are also amazing.

Su Yi, who is immersed in the scent of medicine, is extremely excited in his eyes.

"This kid actually made him gamble! It is not pretending! Just really confirming the medicinal properties!" Long broken mountain excitedly drooling, eyes constantly looking at the already dazzling Dan Honggong, seems to pick him!

"The first stage of the land? More than a day? How many small dolls are made? How is it possible! I don't believe it!" Dan Honggong still looked at the dim eyes, his mouth was extremely hard.

And Dan Ruyi, who is shining behind her, has already been as dead as she is, and she has never seen such a natural vision.

Under the stage, where Lingyue Peak is located.

Han Yu soft Li Shiran tightly embraced, the two because of the excitement, the small face is rising red.

This is the result of their collaborative efforts, and it is also the best proof of Lingyue Peak. At this moment, their eyes are filled with tears of excitement.

"Great! Great! I finally didn't let Su Yi's big brother down!" Li Shiran's eyes twitched with tears of excitement.

"Su Yi won!" Han Yurou surprised again and again.

At the same time, the two pleasing women were worried about Su Yi, watching Su Yi Shen Weihe, shocking the audience, and their hearts were extremely happy.

Others, some blood gas damage has not been completely restored, seeing such a scene directly fell to the ground, gasping for a big mouth, the innocent world of energy collapsed, they could not breathe.

More onlookers felt the scalp numb, and then the chicken skin was full of cockroaches. It was numb from head to toe. It was like being hit by lightning. It’s like a chicken. I don’t know what to say. It is.


As the light on the stage gradually disappeared, Su Yi's body shape continued to decline, and finally fell steadily on the stage, the whole body disappeared, the air strength disappeared like a whirlwind, and the robes were hunting and hunting, and they were extremely heroic. .

At the palm of your hand, a transparent medicinal herb is lying quietly inside. The transparent and lustrous nebula vortex in the drug is still surging and running at high speed.

The vortex of transparent medicinal herbs makes people shine, which is absolutely amazing with amazing energy.

The sky is clear and the clouds are scattered.

A strong and dazzling golden light instantly hit the top of the platform, just in contact with Su Yi, dazzling, very brilliant!

Like the small storm, the energy wind began to dissipate, and between the heavens and the earth, the calm before the restoration, but the expression of people can no longer recover.

Immediately, throughout the arena, there was a roaring applause and cheers, shouting.

The ancestors, the soul sect, and the three martial arts martial artists who had received Su Yi's grace quickly screamed and directly pressed Dan Zong over.

"Su Yi Weiwu! Su Yi mighty!"

"I said that Su Yi will not make a mistake! But what kind of medicine is he refining! How can there be such a great strength!"

"The first stage of the local products! There are no medicinal herbs in the past soul games! My God!"

"Su Yi is handsome! Just when he flew up, it’s so good! I want to know him!"

Male disciples, female disciples have expressed a lot of praise to the handsome man on the stage.

The disciples of Danzong next to them couldn’t stand on one face, and they were still crying, and now they are very close.

The face was burning red and red, and it was red to the root of the ear, just like a slap in the face, and it was extremely loud!

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