The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1732: : The bitterness of the child

"There will be no problem, I have no heavy hand!" Duanmu Yuman said quietly.

Su Shier nodded lightly, and the meridians pulled, and the hand licked the slightly raised chest and coughed gently.

"When you chatted, your nephew actually woke up. My nephew knows that your sister is also a very good person! Yunzhi's mother-in-law is a big good person."

Duanmu 筱man smiled lightly, watching the silver light on the ground screaming out, whispering.

Are you better? ”

Su Shier licked her head, her body leaned forward slightly, and her bright eyes were very bright at night.

"Sister, your medicine is amazing. If you are a child, you will not feel bad. Right, sister... Do you know... Su Yi brother?"

Su Yi's two words came from Su Shi's mouth, and Duanmu Yuman sounded, obviously with a few minutes.

"Know, he said that he has been looking for you, you have lost with him! He misses you very much!"

Speaking of this, Su Shi’s eyes in the eyes of the big tears can not help, whisper.

"Hey, I want Su Yi brother, sister, do you know where he is?"

Duanmu's heart stunned and nodded, looking at the Su Shi children with pears and rain.

"He... is now working hard in a place to prepare for the Tianfeng qualifying battle."


Su Shier wiped the tears and grabbed Duanmuman’s clothes and said, “Really! It’s great! I knew that Su Yi’s brother is definitely better than anyone! You don’t know Su Yi’s brother has eaten this life. How much bitter! In those three years, I was afraid that Su Yi brother would not come back!"

When it comes to Su Yi, Su Shier is like a flood that can't stop. He keeps talking about the past ten years and Su Yi's past, tears and waters.

And Duanmu Yuman is also a face of affection, light smile, listening to Su Shier telling their past.

"The original guy's things are so rich." Duanmu's mouth was pulled.

"Sister, who are you from Su Yi brother?"

Su Shier’s eyebrows smiled slightly and turned into a pair of extremely cute crescents, looking straight at Duanmu.

The body was obviously pulled back, and a fiery heat spread from Duanmu Yuman, and it was awkward.

"You don't say that I also know, sister, you must also like Su Yi brother! Su Yi brother is so good, surely there are many girls outside like him!"

After that, Su Shi’s fingers twitched his mouth and gently shouted.

"However, if he can have a fairy godmother like you, I will be relieved, because I may not see Su Yi brother in the future..."

After that, Su Shier smacked the eyelashes, bowed his head, and grasped the light quilt that was changed on his body. The small mouth bitten red.

Duanmu Yuman reached out and patted Su's face gently, smiling at the corner of his mouth.

"Shangwu brother does not say that I also know that after that, I will let me retreat. I can't go out to Yunxian in my life!"

"What is the reason!" Duanmuman angered.

Shaking his head hard, Su Shier licked the sides of his head, full of sly, said.

"I don't say anything, I know that he is also sad, so I asked Shangwu brother to take me back to Su's family. Even if I don't see Su Yi brother, I can return to Su Yi's brother's room. ""

Pointing at the furnishings in the room, Su Shier seems to be quiet, gently absorb the surrounding atmosphere and close her eyes.

"Sister, here is the room of Su Yi brother. When he was not there, I was here for him. Every time I thought about him, I would come to his room and sit for a whole day. This Su family, I know that only he is sincere to treat me! So, no matter what others say, how do others do it, in my heart, he is the best Su Yi brother!"

Following Su Shi's thoughts, Duanmu Yuman also gently began to look at this room. Su Shi's words linger like a breeze, and can't help but move.

"You can rest assured, Su Yi is working hard, you have to work hard, you will all meet."

"Well! Tianfeng war, I will definitely go, I have to see the best Su Yi brother in my heart to climb the peak!" Su Shier smiled, filled with the taste of happiness.

"Hey, have you been separated from your family since childhood?"

Su Shier nodded and told Duanmuman about what he had left in the city.

"When I returned to Yunxianzong, I was very happy."

"Have you ever practiced Wu before?"

Su Shi’s child was a little stunned, his nose twitching slightly, and whispered: “I haven’t practiced it, it’s all protected by Su Yi’s brother! I thought I would be protected in my life!”

After that, Su Shier smiled and shook his head and said to Duanmu.

"What happened? Sister, what happened?"

Duanmu Yuman smashed Su's quilt into the inside and said, "Sleep! The city can't wait any longer. Rest tonight, you will return to Yunxianzong tomorrow morning!"

Su Shier nodded lightly, closed her eyes lightly, whispered: "Sister, be sure to help your child take care of Su Yi! Thank you!"

Then, a soft breath came, too much overdraft of his body, making Su Shi children weak.

"This speed has reached the Yuanhuangjing. Such a physique, it seems that Yunxian Zong has a lot of secrets! It is still left in this small and beautiful city. It seems that there are many things here. It is quite a treasure in the city. I don't think it is necessary. No."

Watching Su Shier sleep, Duanmu Muman walked to the window, the faint moonlight hit the face, full of heavy feelings.

"Qingtian, I will come to you tomorrow, my sister will find you hard!"

In the middle of the night, Duanmu Muman sighed like a low-pitched sound of the night, and it was touching and touching.

A good night dream, the moon is high, the lights outside the city are bright, and the mountains and the mountains are all moving.

No one has come to report any strangeness in the city. Even Song, Mo, He, and Liu are also disturbed.

Almost all of the disciples stationed in the Holy Mountain were dispatched, and the wild demon forest was very lively.

The beast screams and screams.

Countless demon slammed in the woods, and the high-breasted beasts were also angered, and a wave of beasts began to impact the city.

Let the sensitive small town become more precarious, and several forces are suffering and trying to resist.

After a night of searching and searching, the sacred disciples suffered a lot of casualties, and the murderer’s figure was not found at all.

The leading sacred mountain strongman with all the sacred mountain disciples, when the sky is white, dragging his tired body back to the city.

The demon is gone, and the fire is going through the sky.

"Deacon, is the murderer fleeing?" Liucheng was also very tired and covered with scars.

Shaking his head, the sacred deacon looked serious and said with a chill: "You continue to look for it. After a while, I will take people back to the holy mountain to report the Great Son."

It was a surprise for several family members. For so long, the holy mountain has been stationed here, just like a time bomb, which directly broke the balance of life in the city.

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