The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1745: : Everything is empty!

Shangguan Shenzhuo apparently did not expect the ice cone to be so deep, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he randomly laughed loudly.

While laughing, I looked up and down and looked at the beautiful figure of Duanmu, and said softly.

"The younger generation of the gods and tigers on the gate of the gods and gods see the Duanmu goddess!"

“Shangguan Shenzhuo?” Duanmu Yuman’s back, the exquisite curve is very attractive.

Shangguan Shenzhuo heard that Duanmuman called his name and raised his eyebrows at Chidong, who was slightly awkward.

Slightly sorted out the clothes, and I thought that when I was ready to take the call.

"I don't know!" Duanmu 筱man faintly floated five characters behind him, and then the lotus step moved to the street.


On time, the onlookers were very surprised, and then they all licked their mouths and smiled hard.

Shangguan Shenzhuo's high-profile appearance, killing the Quartet, bloody, but only led to Duanmu Manman did not know.

Su Yi even took out the internal injuries, and the cold awns in the eyes rose sharply. A slap in the eyes was cast on Shangguan Shenzhuo.

The soul shop unfolded, and the mind sneaked a little, and Su Yi's deep crystal bright eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the heart shouted.

"It seems that nearly 30 years old, the Emperor is six, it is no wonder that such capital is yelling at the master!"

Su Yi squinted his fingers and recalled the opponents who had handed over.

Only the 30-year-old Nangong Han Ge has a seven-year-old repair of the Emperor. Compared with it, the Big Brother is only the Emperor of the Three Kingdoms.

At this age, the Emperor is six heavy, it is not easy.

The young talents that they are now in contact with are gradually becoming the representatives of the top forces in various continents. It is indeed higher than the first level.

"The guy doesn't know if there is any improvement?"

Su Yi’s mind suddenly remembered the figure of Xuehonglou, his brow wrinkled slightly, patted his head and his eyes became sharp.

The mind turned, and once again, the gaze was directed at Shangguan Shenzhuo, who was like the same little monster, and Su Yi’s nose shook slightly.

"The Emperor of the Sixth Emperor, not relying on the talents and saints of the emperor, the light can be used to overcome the merits of the sect."

Su Yi’s heart immediately flashed a trace of disdain, and the dark and deep squats passed a few contempt.

The chin lifted slightly, and the momentum of Su Yi’s body became somewhat dignified.

At this time, Su Yi has begun to remember the strength of each young strongman who has seen and the gap between the enemy and me.

This time, Tianfeng ranked in the battle, Su Yi wants to show it to himself, but also to the end of the wood.

"There are these bird families, I want to see what the **** is doing!" Su Yi smiled.

The Shangguan Shenzhuo, who was poured from the head to the feet by Duanmuman's cold water, was even more angry and squeaky.

An electric mangling flashed through the fierceness, and the atmosphere of the moment suddenly fell sharply, like a **** wild animal jungle.

A few of the strongmen behind Shenhumen rushed back and forth, slashing for the Shangguan Shenzhuo.

"Kid, you don't want to be a shame, really when I am a vegetarian!" Duanmugong is the object of my demon door invitation!"

The red robes standing still in the robes are also angry and rushing to the crown, the red skin is like a soldering iron, and the inexplicable evil spirits of the whole body are coming out.

Behind the huge imaginary imaginary shadows are randomly twisted in the space, and the void ripples burst instantly.

The ground is faintly rioted, and the wide-width clothes of Chidong are like an air-blasted box, which is instantly enlarged, and the area has grown several times!

"Red old children, less here to give this young master a slap, Laozi catches a woman, wants you to talk too much! I am a person who wants to be the official, and no one is allowed to grab it today!"

"Let's go! The Shangguanmen are in front of Laozi, don't dare to speak like this! It's time to teach you the little things that are unobstructed for the boss!"

The rich flaming enchantment instantly smashed the world, and the red robes of the red robes expanded, and a pungent smell rushed into the sky.


The red fire bulls gradually become materialized behind them, and the red earth is so old that the old screams roar the world, and the entire Nether Street is suddenly distorted by a huge force, and the air flow is violent!

"It's not good, the old red fire of the old man is coming out, I am afraid that it is really angry!"

Gu Yue and Long Broken Mountain and other people have heavy eyes, and immediately set up a soul mask to protect all the disciples of the Temple of Heaven.

In an instant, the huge muffled sound blew open, and the fierce atmosphere of the ancient fire screamed in the streets, and all the houses on the street could not stop shaking.

A lot of the arms and heart of the warrior who was not high in the side of the body, rolling around.

The horrible energy storm swept through like a hurricane, and the dark black stone slabs continued to twitch like an earthquake.

"You think I am afraid of you! What is the fear of the demon door! God Humen is definitely not something you can provoke, the old ghost will die!"

With a wave of palms, Shangguan Shenzhuo showed a gloomy gaze and shouted in his mouth.

The figure has become extremely huge in an instant, and a white light around the body is tightly wrapped.

At this moment, the skin on the whole face began to wrinkle, which was extremely ugly, and the eyelids sag into the eyelids, and the instant spurts a madness of the sky.


At the same time, the four strongmen of Shenhumen also began to release the war of heaven, and the white body of the whole body was surging, but the breath was far more violent than Shangguan Shenzhuo!

The heads must be made upright, and the five white-haired tigers are against the red fires that have been swaying the world. The scene is shocking!

To violence! Fu Lumen and Shen Humen, because Duanmu Yuman, actually shot in the Nether City!

When the soul was subjected to the ultimate suppression, the eyes were violent and it was hard to imagine.

One is a small door master, one is still too elder, a strong shock and surprise in the throat.

What is even more embarrassing is that because of the vibration of the sky, there are more and more people watching.

The top three forces in the major states of the mainland also ran out of their respective resting stations.

It is not a wide street, but it is crowded with people. At this time, it is even more impassable.

The people in the Tiantian Palace are even more exposed, and the space around them is fluctuating. Gu Yue and Long Broken Mountain and others are retreating little by little, and they turn their heads to look at Duanmuman, who has already gone forward.

"She is embarrassed, that is, it is so troublesome to go back to the Nether Palace!" Even the endlessly lofty Luo began to scream!

"A domain master vs. a Yuanhuang, four Yuanzong, the scene is really beautiful!" Nie Shuang looked at Zhou Zhou, but his heart was extremely resentful.

Duanmu Qiaoman's toes are light, and the snowy jade's long legs are full of smoldering light. All the onlookers spontaneously give way to a road.

Looking at the distant Duanmuman, turned his head, Su Yi's eyes showed a chill, his chin lifted slightly, his head slightly twisted to both sides.


"Tioman doesn't care about you because her mind is all in the end of the world, and I, no one is allowed to tarnish her!"

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