The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1795: : Kill me and kill!

The voice just fell, Bi Changtian patted the forehead and said.

"Oh! But you have lost the qualification for the second game! You are the one who is seriously injured!"

Bi Chang Tian yin and shake the long sword, shaking off a silver sword flower in the darkness, after the silver flash, the vast wind highlights the face of Bi Changtian chill.

"Less nonsense, let's go together!" Su Yi had no choice but to spread his hand and made a gesture of swaying toward Bi Changtian.

"Manic!" The four men attacked at the same time, and suddenly made four violent rays of light in the air.

Within the void, the three rays of blue, white and gold are intertwined, and the double hooks and the long swords are connected in series. The surging vitality reveals an extremely majestic attack storm in the dark caves, and the body shape of Su Yi is smashed. Above.


Three deep gullies were instantly created, and the gravel was shattered. When the dust was flying, Su Yi shook his wings and pierced the space.

From the point of view of the attack, there is no more useful martial arts than the swaying step.

The flaming scent of the body trembled in an instant, and in the next second, Su Yiwan rushed out of the battle circle like a ghost.


The four people who were emptied were erect, and their eyes were wide open, and they looked at the ground in front of them, and they had not turned their heads.

A strong shock wave in the rear like a flood of water, I saw Su Yi hidden in the hands of the sleeves.

There was a chill in the eyes, and he whispered in a low voice: "The fire is in the air!"


Su Yi faintly sneered, tiptoe light and empty, between the changes in the handprints, a huge illusory fire red palm print energy plundered to private.

"What!" Bi Changtian and Gemini's people were shocked and screamed, and quickly turned their bodies around.

Only within the void, the fierce blazing energy was hidden, and the substantial flame-printed tail swept over the backs of the four.

The sound of four unified ground slams suddenly sounded, and I looked at the tearing of the surrounding space into a casual flame, and Bi Changtian spurted a blood line.

A heavy disciple of the Yuan Dynasty has been fainting, leaving only the Emperor and the four-person tremble, standing on the ground.


Standing on the boulder, there was a bit of fear and sorrow in the heart. He whispered: "How can this kid burst out of such energy? Is his ability to kill and kill so strong?"

The perfect Su Yi, which will be covered up as a cover, is the second emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Su Yi scratched his head and his eyes were full of contempt and laziness. He whispered: "Forget this inside, the damage is reduced!"

"Su Yi! Hugh to be crazy!"

Su Yi, who looked at himself in the Yuan Dynasty, was so embarrassed that Bi Changtian was full of anger and shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, Bi Changtian flashed a green defense circle around him. The ripples in the surrounding space also spread like a curved shape. The sword in his hand took a circle of swords in front of him. The green sword was sharp and oppressive. The air creaked.

"This trick has the meaning of leapfrog!"

At this moment, Su Yi’s mouth rose, revealing a sneer, and the blood devil killed the sword in his hand, and the fierce and murderous murder suddenly filled the entire cave.

Not waiting for the two to return to God, Su Yi blood devil kills the sword in the air to tear a heavy red long mark.

Heavy squatting on the green circle, the circle is recessed into a huge arc, and it emits a terrible shock wave.

The lightning-fast rushing thunder suddenly threw the two-pronged disciples of the Emperor Yuan to the sky, throwing a shocking deep pit on the ground, unconscious!

The devastating offensive also made Bi Changtian horrified, and the vitality of the whole body collapsed like a mountain and river in an instant, and his eyes looked at his body and the circle became a myriad of green light and rain.


Bi Changtian’s eyes were slightly sluggish, constantly shaking his head and firmly saying: “Impossible, impossible!”

Su Yi said to Bi Changtian, who was already covered in blood, his eyes said coldly: "This world is not something that you who lose soul can understand! Let's die!"

Purely relying on the pressure of the Gorefiend to kill the Excalibur, Su Yi swung high and down, with the pressure of oppression, screaming toward Bi Changtian's head.


The murderous murder filled the void, and a loud golden sound rang, and the bloodsucker killed the sword in the moment of the long sky, the blood lines flashed, and the singularity was incomparable.

In the next moment, the pressure of the sky spreads inside the cave, and countless cracks like a spider web.

Bi Changtian's entire body was smashed into the ground, deep in the bottom of the deep pit, like a dead silence.


"Just a one-level increase, I feel that the whole person has mastered the fire attribute martial arts to a new level!" Su Yi's heart was a big surprise.


A broken wind rang behind him, and a huge boulder screamed like a beast.

The **** demon kills the sword and kills the chicken and slaughter the sheep. The stone is cut off by the waist, and a ray of light can be seen through the flying debris to go to the hole.

Su Yi mouth flashed a sneer, a light drink, turned into a stream of light intercepted in front of the body.

Putting the great sword back on his shoulder, Su Yi looked gloomy and smiled: "Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, the face changed, and the body shape was stopped. Under the pressure of Su Yi's boundlessness, the soul trembled and began to have a slight shake.

"Su Yi, you actually hide the strength! This time I counted the plant!" With the help of the double-dip skyrocketing strength, the eyes flashed, and the cold voice said.

Su Yi shook his head, and a strong volatility came again from the tip of the sword.

"I have a principle for this person, kill me, kill!"

Suddenly, the eyes were shocked, and the eyes were madly twitching. Just now, Su Yi’s iron-and-blood means he had already learned, and the Yuan Dynasty’s six-fold hexagram was at best a tie.

"If this is the case, then there is nothing to say! Let's die!" Suddenly, his eyes sank and the sneer of a desperate rush came out.

A golden protective body aperture was formed on the chest, and the shape of the rapid retreat was reversed. Then the palm of the hand was crushed with a blue color.

The Emperor of the Sixth Emperor suddenly reached the speed, lightning speed, a blow, it is sneer.

"The strength of the six emperors, I am afraid you will never know!"

The light in the pupil flashed, and the feeling of Su Yi immediately outlined a faint coldness, and the intense killing was lost.

"Let you see what is called leapfrog!"

Under a light drink, the "Blood Demon Killing God" in Su Yi's right hand suddenly formed a strange arc, and the blue color was trained to resist.


The muffled sound rang, and the uncharacteristic fire attribute energy quietly permeated the Gorefiend.

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