The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1816: : Castle in the air

"This is the magical devil!" Su Yi indulged for a while, the mysterious treasure chest once again returned to his own hands, the ancient gas transport was completely lost.

"Let's go in! The rhythm of this is not depressing compared to the Mozu Cave, but there is also a dangerous taste!" Liu Ruoyan Ming is full of vigilant eyes, watching the front.

Su Yi also had a heavy gaze, and his heart was more careful to spy on the surroundings and suddenly turned back.

"Hidden is still successful! Finally, you are here! The two idiots are still in the big demon palace. After all, my Shangguan Shenzhuo found the tower!"

The voice just fell, and a space behind him shook, and a transparent shirt seemed to be taken off, and a momentary white streamer pierced the space.

Shangguan Shenzhuo came out with a folding fan, and the fan sounded, and the virtual shadow wearing white armor gradually became real.

"It's you again!" Liu Ruoqi's double-handed grip, the golden sword is aimed at Shangguan Shenzhuo, and his eyes are full of dignity.


Jinguang's blade flashed and opened a crack directly in front of him, extending to the front of Shangguan Shenzhuo.


Behind him, the white tiger snarls and screams, only to hear a fierce beast screaming and rushing out, and the blade flies with the wind.

Shangguan Shenzhuo fanned the fan, smiled and filled, and did not feel that something had just happened.

"When did you keep up with us?" Liu Ruoxi whispered softly.

Su Yira looked at Shangguan Shenzhuo with interest and remembered the way on his way.

There has always been a feeling in the soul of the peeping, in order to quickly catch up with the mysterious treasure chest, did not care too much.

It turned out that Shangguan Shenzhuo was tracking!

The **** moon is empty and the hurricane is pervasive.

Under the confrontation of the three men, Shangguan Shenzhuo’s eyes flashed a trace of coldness and whispered: "The treasure chest of the acquaintance is handed over, the points I have already enough, give it to me, let me pick you up!"

Hearing this sentence, Su Yi’s heart was suddenly happy, and his hands tightened his chest.

There is no hegemonic three-way and long-lasting winds. Shangguan Shen Zhuoyuan’s emperor’s six-fold confrontation with his own hidden emperor’s emperor and Liu Ruoxi’s emperor’s emperor’s weight is more than enough.

Liu Ruoyu's eyebrows are wrinkled, and the face of the cold mans is flashing a little hesitation.

"You want? Then give it to you!" Su Yi drank.

Su Yi quickly brought Liu Ruoxuan's hand up, and suddenly a slender and silky silky feeling made Su Yi's heart sway.


Under the sigh of relief, Su Yi threw a three-inch box from the space bag.

Under the sky of the blood, a black object flashed a trace and went straight to the top!

Seeing a huge box flew to himself, Shangguan Shenzhuo’s eyes burst into the air, his figure was like electricity, and his fingers were claws, and he took the box into his arms.

However, it was found that the whole box was light and empty, and there was no reaction under the soul detection.

Opened directly, it turned out to be an empty one. When I looked up again, Su Yi and Liu Ruoyi had already disappeared into the fog of white mist.

The chilly wind blew through, and the Shangguan gods were eager to split, and a burst of vitality rushed into the air, and the wooden box was smashed into powder.

"Su Yi, you bastard! I want you not to die!" The roar of Shangguan Shenzhuo resounded through the clouds.


Above the void, Shangguan Shenzhuo turned into a long electric awn and sprinted into the fog.

Within the fog, the turbid atmosphere filled with pervasiveness, and it was more mysterious and gloomy than the outside of the magical cave.

It’s all over the place, walking about half a bit, and Liu Ruoxi has been held tightly by Su Yi.

Looking at the man in front of him is very serious, Liu Ruo's mouth is a smile, his feet are flying, and the slender hands are tightly held.

Looking up and looking around, the front and the left around are all foggy, and the doubtful Su Yi once again took out the mysterious treasure chest in the arms.

At this time, the mysterious treasure chest has lost any reaction, and then Su Yi tried to inject vitality into the treasure chest.

The strange and strange lines had a slight reaction immediately, and then disappeared.

"The fog here is very breathable, and the mysterious treasure chest has no way to find it!" Su Yi looked ugly, watching the flat hills covered by thick fog, and the mind once again spoke.

In the far distance, a few winds broke, and the screams of Shangguan Shenzhuo were constantly floating in the space, which made Su Yi’s heart begin to be anxious.

"All this step, the boy must be steady! Don't panic!" The iron soul hurriedly shouted.

Su Yi took a breath and thought, running fast in his mind, closing his eyes and touching his mysterious treasure chest with his hands.

This box is left by the strong demon door, definitely related to the demon!

The demon door is to restrain the demon gas first, and the mixed element of the demon spirit can be tried!


The eyes were violent, and Su Yi’s face was shocked. He looked up at the sky without the day and night.

Su Yi’s heart whispered, and the singularity of the singularity of the singer ran out, and the innocent wind lingered around the body.

The milky white scent breathed freely along the meridians of the mysterious gods, and finally all gathered together on the palms of Su Yi.

Huaguang flashed, and the treasure chest shrouded in the glory of the time, and instantly vacated, and went to the depths of the clouds.

"On the other side!" Su Yi exclaimed, and the eyes were pleasantly surprised. Compared with the shocked Liu Ruoxuan, his body shape flashed and quickly caught up with the mysterious treasure chest.

Carefully sneaked around, Su Yi, just in case, quickly arranged the demon gods, and finally they flew a distance.

Under the leadership of the treasure chest, Su Yi and Liu Ruojun passed through a series of mirrors and enchantments. The surrounding space leaped rapidly and was discharged from the side of the two.

The eyes of the two men quickly brightened, and the silver moon in the sky was high and the stars were shining.

The whole space gives a feeling of unparalleled feeling, wide and no dust.

At first glance, it was covered with flat land, and the white jade was connected with a very long ladder.

The ladder is always connected to the sky, looking up, and a huge building is in front of you.

It is exactly the same image that Su Yi saw on the glazed tile of the Grand Palace.

"It's finally arrived!" Liu Ruoxi's eyes trembled, the rosy little mouth opened, and he refused to close.

Su Yi is also very shocked. After looking around, Su Yi feels that there is no strange place around the suspended building.

At the moment, the vertical temperament, the vortex of the fire under the feet, and quickly rushed toward the jade building.

One red and one gold shines through the sky.

The huge ladder gives a sense of oppression, as if it is extremely powerful and sinister, it is constantly oppressing itself.

When I walked a little while, Su Yi and Liu Ruojun suddenly found the place where they just came in. There was a small black origin that was approaching themselves at a high speed.

"He is awkward, come really fast!" Su Yi snorted.

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