The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1931: : White man!

Suddenly, the cloud has disappeared into the Great Demon Mountains.

The beasts of the beasts, the unrelenting demon from the mountains and forests, the shivering pressure is like a mist on people's hearts.

The departure from the cloud also indicates that the five major families have completely withdrawn from the Tianfeng qualifying war.

The eyes trembled, and only the people in the Demon Square were left with the Heavenly Palace and the Overlord and the Demon Gate.

"What about the owner, what should the owner do?"

West ruthless hands crossed, revealing the color of cold, and turned his attention to Duanmu Yuman, West said ruthlessly.

"Duanmugongzhu, what are your plans? Are you waiting for Suyi here?"

Duanmu Yuman took a deep breath and tried to keep his eyes trembled. Yu Guangyu went to Chidong.

"Red East is absolutely..." The tone is soft and cold, and Duanmu is as light as electricity.

Chidong, dressed in a red robe, thought that he had got it wrong. Looking at both sides, he was sure to call himself, and he was very happy in his heart.


Turned into a group of streamers rushed to the direction of the 驭天宫, the eyes were hot and mad, hands trembled, leaning down to the side of the wood said.

"The end of the palace, what is the order."

Duanmu Muman’s looming robes smacked a hint of coolness, and the tulle showed a beautiful whiteness, which was said on time.

"You know what I want to say, Su Yi came out and immediately reported to the Heavenly Palace!"

Red East is a slap in the first place, holding hands in both hands, the pupils of the pupils suddenly dim a lot, whispered, sighed and nodded.

Gu Yue and Long Broshan, Luo Wuya and other princes and elders have said: "The palace owner, really waited?"

Duanmu Muman turned around and swayed toward the cloud, and the demon-filled Da Yao Mountain Range was secluded.

"Don't wait, there will be a big event in the Temple of Heaven! Will you send it back to the palace?"

Gu Yue nodded and told Duanmu Yuman that Jun Haotian had been sent back to Yu Tiangong by Nie Shuang.

Just now Duanmu Yuman came out from the Shiyu Building. Gu Yue’s heart has always been seven up and down, always thinking what will happen.

At the moment, Duanmu Muman said it, but he felt that he was practical.

Several princes and elders have shown their determination, and they have no fear or fear.


After all, Duanmu Yuman looked at the tyrannical tyranny of the tyrannical tyrants, and the corners of his mouth outlined a smile. The Qing dynasty, including Yin and Yang, was a shock.


In the next second, Duanmu Manman led the Tiangong Palace to tear the space, and the huge ice-blue space crack left a long string of ice-blue crystals in the air.

"To enshrine an adult, the sovereign should not come out for a while, it is better to go back to rest first, I will inform you immediately if there is news!"

The Red Star Leopard said to the Emperor Wang Zong, and after seeing it, he saw the ruthlessness of the West and other people all cast their gaze on the singer song in the corner. The face was dignified, and the whole body was swaying, and the big demon mountain was looked at without saying a word.

"Elder Sue, how do you mean it!"

After a long while, Su sings a sigh, and Duanmuman and Longyan can't find a way. Everything can only wait for Su Yi to come out and say it.

"I will go back to the Shenjian Gate first, ruthless, rest assured, Su Yifu is deep and will be able to come back safely! We must believe him."

Su mad songs must have heard of Su Yi’s thoughts from Muyao. Muyao’s blood is equally astonishing. This time, the Dragon’s family did not get any definite benefit from Su Yi. The only genius was still so terrible, and naturally it would not be reconciled. .

After the madness of the Soviet Union, when the West was ruthless and others returned to the Chamber of Secrets, they could not return to God for a long time.

Su Yi and the Shenhumen completely broke the Liangzi this time. Even the Shaogong’s lesser palace owners were directly abolished. Such hatred, Su Yi, as soon as he came out, would definitely spread the entire Bawangzong, even the demon gate.

"Green Emperor, Yin Ming, Yang Ming, you quickly return to Wang Zong, let Jingyue quickly build up a defense line, Su Yi will come out, we will come back!"

After the death, the Qinghuang and others were serious and rushed back.

"I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse! This kid is afraid of being blamed with the Tian Man continent!"

"I can't see it. This kid is not without a brain. You didn't see it. Is this time that he is directional?"

As soon as the gaze lifted, there was a glimmer of light in the ruthless red eyes of the West, whispered.

"Autumn cold, you continue to say."

"I guess the kid must have discovered something, and what agreement has been made with the Duanmugong master, otherwise how can the Duanmugong master be easy to give up? The performance of the dragonfly is even more strange, the son is abolished, revenge is really more important than the son. Didn't find Su Yi, and did you see any new actions in the Dragon family?"

West ruthlessly sinking into the chin, feeling the chin, his eyes were shocked.

Judging from the performance of Duanmu Yuman and Su crazy songs, although anxious, they did not rush into the second game.

"It's all related to the kid's discovery, and it's very likely that the family is coming for this discovery."

The impermanent fairy nodded and whispered: "Fortunately, we still have time to relax. When the kids come out, let us discuss it! But I am somewhat puzzled, how do the Yun family and the kid complain?"

Shaking his head, the West ruthlessly sighed, and looked up to the sky. After the spirit was tight, he could finally take a rest.

"Well, just wait here, this kid, I really can't take it for a moment, my old man has never been so magnificent in his life!"


In the world, when the boundary beads in front of Su Yi finally dissipated, Su Yi’s body became bright and clear.

Suspended in the galaxy of the stars, the surrounding is incomparably dark, the light is moving, and between the gods, Su Yi can feel that he has passed a long and long distance.


Surrounded by the vastness of the sky, Su Yi finally passed through the last tunnel of light.

Enter a dry, hot environment with red sandstone rolling around.

Three suns in the sky are empty, the burning atmosphere spreads into the void, and the whole space is burned into a piece of space crack.

There is no trace of moisture in the cracked earth, and there is a transpiration of white gas in the deep cracks. The burning sun will illuminate the whole world.

After Su Yi fell from a high altitude, he squatted directly on a piece of gravel, unconscious.

The air ripples gradually rise, and the surrounding scene becomes extremely blurred in the heat.

Spontaneously, the spirit of the bird and the golden dragon began to protect the heart of Su Yi, the sacred breath erupted, and the red light surrounded Su Yi in the center.

There was a hint of red blood in the corner of the mouth, and the moving face was pale. Su Yi still did not wake up.

In the bleak Gobi environment, Su Yi lay for a long time, and the golden dragon and the emperor were alternated.

Above the hidden mountains and rocks, a white figure hidden in the air is arrogant.

Between the bursts of light silver silk reveals a slightly older age, while the face is pale, the eyelids are deep, revealing a slight pathological.

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