The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1945: : Pretty city is extraordinary!

After the earthquake, the peak, in the temple of the heavens.

The tall and straight figure rushed into the hall and opened a strip of shackles, such as a group of winds.

"Duanmugongzhu!" The old voice came out of the body, with an endless tremor, a thousand hurried appearance.

The old man waited for the interest rate in the same place, still did not feel the traces of some people in the hall, the eyes fluctuated in a row, when the time was slightly stunned.


The blue ice crystals broke through and quickly opened up the depression of the hall. The heart was cool as the ancient storm swept through. The old man’s eyes were full of glory, and the body did not consciously go backwards.

"Sir Father, is there anything?" The voice is soft, and the faint sorrow still does not hide from Su Yuntian's tiger eyes.

The teeth were slightly hard, and Su Yun’s eyes were extremely hot and whispered.

"I heard the little sister of the Temple of Heaven saying, Su Yi he... Is it not coming back?"

After a long while, Duanmu's breath began to fluctuate, and the frosty face swept out of a panic, and then quickly disappeared.

"Su Yi He... is in a safe place! It will take a long time to come back!"

Subconsciously, Su Yuntian could not hide his grief in his heart. He sighed at the corner of his mouth and walked forward, excited.

"That is how long it will take! Yi Shi, what happened to him! Please tell me the Duanmugong!"


There was a cool breeze blowing through the air, and the blue light in front of the body shook, and Duanmuman flashed to the side of Su Yuntian. The red lips were close and the words were firm.

"Soon! I said he can come back and he will be back! Father, can you believe me?"

Nearly the low-sounding voice made Su Yuntian's heart stunned, and the faint but turbid scorpion, Duanmu 筱man's face was determined, and thousands of worries were swallowed back by Su Yuntian.

He knows that Duanmuman is as heartbroken as it is, perhaps more than the pain of his grandfather!


With a long sigh, Su Yuntian hangs his hands weakly, slightly frustrated, muttering: "Yi children lost their parents since childhood, I am big with one hand, some naughty but always good-hearted, the bitter people in Yi’s heart can’t imagine I am as tolerant as I can be tolerant, I am as big as I am, and my skills are big. I am naturally happy in my heart, but when I am an elder, my grandchild’s whereabouts are unknown, how can I not worry about it!”

"Dad, I am very concerned about Su Yi like you, I promise, he will come back, let him come to see you in the first time!"

Su Yuntian gratefully nodded, tears in his eyes, and could not fade for a long time.

"Come back, you will be married! Yi children are not small!" Su Yuntian infinitely happy to see this beautiful granddaughter.

Duanmu Manton had a meal, some awkward, and opened the subject.

"Don't you, you just said that Su Yi has no parents since he was a child? What about his parents?" Duanmu Shuman asked softly.

"His parents..." mentioned this topic, Su Yuntian's eyes are even more endless sorrow, almost can not help but tell the past with the voice of the stalk.

Su Yi’s father, Su Jingyuan, is also a young and famous in the city. In the younger generation, the invincible existence, the 16th year of the year has reached the realm of the Yuan Dynasty.

At that time, people from the city were rumored that Su Jingyuan would become a pro-disciple of any first-class power. Even if he had no name, he would be indifferent. After more than a decade, he could become an elder of Zongmen. Since then, he has determined that the Su family will be even more Strong.

Compared with the Liu family supported by the Holy Mountain, the Su family will flow to become the next city owner.

I don’t know, Su Jingyuan did not choose a sect, but chose to travel to the Quartet. He did not enter the door and chose a hard road to dispersal.

"Individual repair, this is a great courage!" Duanmu Yuman raised his chin, and his eyes flashed a little.

Su Yuntian chuckled and whispered: "King Yuan, I have this ambition, I support myself! His first stop is the same as the first stop of Yi Er, and they have chosen the Wild Demon Forest!"

The savage forest, Duanmu 筱man has also been to explore the whereabouts of Duanmu Qingtian.

Where is the paradise of the demon, the battlefield of mankind, choosing here, no doubt requires great tenacity and perseverance.

Three years ago, when the horse was passed, when he came back, Su Jingyuan was already rebuilt in the Yuan Dynasty. At that time, it caused a sensation in the city.

"So fast? A loose repair, with his own ability so easily break through the emperor's ambiguity?" Duanmu Muman's brow gradually wrinkled.

Su Yuntian proudly nodded, and there was an undisguised pride between the eyebrows. He whispered: "Not only that, but also the mother of Su Yi brought back Su Yi, that is the first time I saw my daughter-in-law Wen Fu. And the last time I met!"

"Is the last time I met?" Duanmu Yuman’s heart flashed doubts.

"Yes, one night, Jingyuan came back with Fuer, and I haven't stayed for a long time and left! I have never seen them since then!"

The sorrow of losing his son is like a tide, and Duanmu is in the ear, but his heart is puzzled.

Why did Su Jingyuan leave with Wenfu and return to the night? Is it being chased? Or is it a secret that is unknown?

"Father, there is one thing I hope you can tell me truthfully!" Duanmuman looked serious.

Pulling out from the painful memories, Su Yuntian's dry palms rubbed his red eyes, sucking his breath and sinking.

"The Duanmugong Lord said, you are my grandmother, I will know everything!"

When the words fell, Duanmu’s eyes flashed a bit of shame, and the corner of his mouth said slightly: “What kind of secret treasure does the city have?”

The fluctuations in the eyes flashed, and Su Yuntian sluggished. Shen Shen said for a moment: "This thing, Yi Er also asked me, hey! It may be that I am ignorant!"

In fact, the wild city as a remote small town, adjacent to the pretty demon forest, but has not been attacked by the wild monster, from this point is worth studying.

Su Yuntian recalled: "The barbaric city is small, but the history is very long. According to the records of the ancestors, there are only a few families in the earliest city, that is, the earliest ancestors of He, Su, Mo, Song and Liu. The guardians of the wild city for thousands of years, as for why they settled in the city, they have different opinions."

Su Daolai, Su Yuntian told Duanmu Yuman that there is a temple in the center of the city, where the sacrifices enshrine the ancestors who made outstanding contributions to the city, and in the center of the temple, there is quite a The earliest well in the city.

That is the most important source of water in the city. The city has also flourished from this source of water, and it has gradually proliferated.

"You have to say that the temple is indeed full of aura and temperament, which may be the reason why the ancestors chose here. Besides, there is no special place in the city. If so, can I not know?"

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