The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 195: : Enter the village.

However, behind this seemingly harmonious, it also hides huge competition.

Among the paradise, there is a treasure land in which it can strengthen its strength and temper its soul.

Whoever is able to get this chance is destined to be more powerful than his peers.

According to the tradition between the Linggu Village and the Wild Bear Tribe and the Tiger Hunting Tribe since ancient times, the younger generations under the age of 20 will be compared to three games, and the final winner will decide the right to control the treasure.

Whoever manages the treasure, will be able to send the younger generation to quench.

After a long time, when these younger generations will surpass their peers, these benefits are very important and have a huge relationship.

The village of Guling Village, which is the village where Shangguan Weiwei is located, has lost nothing in the first three decades and has failed three times in a row.

This time, if Guling Village has no way to win the test of the two villages, then the treasure land will naturally fall between the two tribes.

If you can't get into the treasure for 40 years, it will be too much for the young people in Guling Village.

It is bound to fall more and more behind the Mangga tribe and the tiger hunting tribe, and the people of the Wild Bear Tribe and the Tiger Hunting Horde will become stronger and stronger.

This is a long-term, the next decade after the test, Guling Village wants to win, it will be even harder!

" The test is divided into three games, three games and two wins, the first game, to find the recovery of the wild monsters to repair the level of victory.

In the second game, the result of the match-up of the monsters in search of the recovery suit was the outcome.

In the third game, the results of the direct confrontation between the younger generations of the two tribes and Guling Village are the winners and losers. See which tribe wins the most, and the winner can get the control of the ten years.

" If the ancient village and the tiger hunting tribe, the wild bear tribe can win a game, then in the end will add a game of confrontation, you can take the wild monster together, the human and the beast, the final winner will be The last winner. "

Shangguan Weiwei opened the door and told Su Yi that there was not much concealment.

" What do you mean by borrowing the sinful savage leopard, and the second round to be savvy? "

Su Yi frowned, but the savage and savage sky leopard was not seriously damaged by himself, and the scars were scarred. It was difficult to recover to the peak in a short time.

" Nice. "

Shangguanyan nodded, and the burly body was like a little savage beast. The handsome face showed a smile. On the way and Shangguan, Shangguanyu was very enthusiastic about Su Yi.

Shangguanyan continued to say to Su Yi: " However, the Yi brothers can rest assured that with the strength of this savage and savage, the chance of winning has a chance of over 90%, with the tribe and the tiger hunting tribe It is absolutely difficult for a person to have the strength and want to conquer a savage beast like a savage savage. "

" such a "

Su Yi is somewhat worried, mainly because the savage and savage Tianbao is too heavy.

"No need to worry, the second round has seven days to prepare, in these seven days, we will find a way to treat the savage wild leopard, not to mention the wild bear tribe and the tiger hunting tribe want to conquer the monster, and certainly have some A fierce battle, their wild monsters, will certainly be hurt. "

Shangguan Weiwei explained that he hopes Su Yi can rest assured.

There is such a fascinating and fascinating heavenly leopard, and Guling Village has a great chance of winning this time.

" Your village, are there any good medicines and medicinal herbs, and they are all taken out, this is only the singularity of the wild leopard can recover quickly. "

Su Tianque has already jumped to the back of the savage savage leopard, too lazy to walk, looking forward to looking at Shangguan Weiwei.

It is said that he is going to heal the savage and savage leopard, but he thinks of the elixir medicine. Su Tianque himself is still flowing out of saliva.

" When the village elders will definitely have arrangements. "

Shangguan Weiwei looked at the bald broiler from time to time. It was very strange, like a very strange origin.

It is a sinful and horrible leopard. It has been honestly followed by Su Yi. Originally, he did not want Su Tianque to stand on its back, but the unprovoked side seems to be suppressed and unable to resist.

Soon, sunset Xishan, Hongxia covered the sky.

Shangguan Weiwei looked at the sky, said: " The front is the real wild demon forest, we rest for one night, this time tomorrow, should be able to return to the village. " Shangguan Weiwei said.

" Good. "

Su Yi has no opinions, just to make the savage and savage leopard more healing for a while, settled in the sinful and sinister, and in addition to a lot of healing medicinal herbs to make the sinful savage.

"If you have a bit of barbecue, just fine "

Su Tianque squats, a face that has no love.

The night is like a stream of water, and Yuehua quietly rushes over the mountains and the dense trees of the jungle, like the smog of veil.

Although it is a full moon tonight, there is a faint cloud on the sky.

The moonlight slanted through the slats of the trees, and in the shrubs and jungles that were high in the sky, the mottled light and shadow of the streaks were revealed.

Su Yi sat cross-legged and wondered about something.

Although in the past, the ancient village, perhaps some risky, but for the cultivation of the heavenly demon, this risk is also worth a shot.

Taking advantage of this Shangguan Weiwei and so on are quite sincere, Su Yi estimated that it should not be the Longtan Tiger Cave.

For such a mysterious village and tribe, Su Yi is also very curious.

From the perspective of the atmosphere and temperament of Shangguan Weiwei and Shangguanyan, the age, but they all reached the Yuan Xuanjing. Compared with the disciples of Shengshan and Taihangzong, these talents are obviously very strong.

A mysterious paradise, living in the wild demon forest for generations, but with such a group of younger generations, fear is enough to prove that the ancient village, the wild bear tribe, the tiger hunting tribe will not be simple.

After a while, Su Yi double-closed, the handprints condensed, began to breathe.

The night is as cool as water, and the Shangguan rose sits on the knees. The light does not leave any traces. The sword is crossed and the straight back is on the back. The scorpion is slightly moving, and some of the light shines in the night, and then the eyes are closed. Na.

One night without words, one morning, after the group packed up, they continued to move forward.

It seems that there is a lead road with Shangguan Weiwei, etc. On this road, Su Yi did not encounter any wild monsters, and the road to go is also extremely secretive and rugged.

From the mouths of Shangguan Weiwei and Shangguanyan, Su Yi learned that Guling Village and the Man Bear Tribe, where the Tiger Hunting Tribe is located, is very secret. For thousands of years, it seems that no outsiders have ever entered.

Noon, the sun is hot.

" Why haven't arrived yet. " Su Tianque leans against the back of the savage savage leopard, so leisurely.

" is not far off.

Shangguan Yan said that he was always curious about such a talking chicken.

However, in the past two days, Shangguanyan and other three people and Su Yi are familiar with each other. They are very enthusiastic. They asked Su Yi a lot of things outside. It seems to be very curious about the outside.


Suddenly, Su Yi stopped and looked at the surrounding mountains and valleys.

This is the scope of the pretty demon forest. Su Yi has always been vigilant and has not relaxed, feeling the surrounding anomalies.

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