The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1955: : Hades

"Does the teacher know that the blood sword is refining by the Gorefiend?"

Gently shook his head, Su Yi's eyes were filled with a frost, a temperament spontaneously emerged, domineering.

The five-legged Jinyan beast screamed in front of him, and the fierce eyes were full of fear and jealousy. The huge fangs were pondering each other, and no one dared to go forward.

Just the **** sword of the outbreak, let the rest of the wild monsters tremble, eyes sway, Su Yi mouth glimpse, gently put the hand on the back of the sword of the blood devil killing the sword.

The faint blood lines are filled with brilliance, and the slightly cool sword body is covered with demonish lines. After the blood swords are swallowed under the broken sword sea, the **** demon sword is an uncontrollable **** gas. It’s a lot better, but it’s a mysterious hidden charm.

"Familiar with the Epe, communicate the sword spirit, practice the sword!"

Su Yi whispered in a low voice, and there was a few words again after the fluttering behind him.

"Swords are the same as martial arts exercises. They have the same level of versatile, good, good, handsome, king, royal and heavenly. Each grade has three levels: first, middle and high. You just rely on the energy of this epee itself, you can already exert a good power. This sword must have an extraordinary origin, try to communicate the sword spirit, and integrate the sword meaning and release it!"

Su Yi nodded, and then realized that the original sentiment of a sword would need to be combined with swords, swords, swords, and souls. The mountain moves into the sea, tearing the sky!

"Master, what is the quality of Tianfeng sword?" Su Yi looked around the group of beasts turning back and forth in front of him, and suddenly remembered the disappearing Tianfeng sword in his mind.

"Tianfeng Jianyi? Su mad song teaches you? Think about it too, but it is baby, Tianpin middle class, can use the Tianfeng sword meaning, time and space for you to cut, the world collapses, the sky collapses! But you I have to have a very high level of cultivation! I haven’t seen anyone to use it until now!"

"You haven't used it yet?"

Duanmu Qingtian shook his head and looked forward to Su Yi.

Su Yi couldn't help but feel a huge wave in his heart. So high-level swordsmanship, he disappeared from his mind without enlightenment?

Once again looking for a trace in my mind, there is really no trace of the legacy, then Su Yi whispered.

"It must be on me, it will never disappear!"

Such a thing, Su Yi has never encountered, simply uplifting the spirit of the moment, eyes sweeping through the group of beasts, ready to through the incomplete swords, the sword will be integrated.

"The sword is a level, but in the sword king's domain, there is a unique set of rules for the use of the sword of the heavenly spirit. They are separated, mysterious, perfect, and ambiguous! Each level is divided into First, middle, high! If you have a chance in the future, you can go to the Sword King to see it! Each of them is a soul sorcerer with a strong sword!"

The soul teacher, as everyone knows, is much worse than ordinary warriors, so the power of soul energy is their only shackle.

"Isn't that invincible?" Su Yi's eyes waved in a whisper and whispered.

"The way of heaven, the rush will be lost, the surplus will be lacking, so the powerful sword king **** domain is also inevitable to be stunned! These years in the intermediate star field will not be much better! Plus the blood sword spirit family, temporarily not to say There are too many things, and I will tell you later."

An absolute swordsman must also be a very strong soul sorcerer, but can a soul sorcerer be able to make a sword, but also need a strong body and a tough soul!

"So, you can understand why Tianfeng Wuge can become the first big force in the Tianman continent! They occupy the peak on both sides of the soul-wu!"

Su Yi listened to it, secretly screaming, and the face was so condensed that it was such a powerful Tianfeng Wuge was destroyed!


The brows were picked, and the eyes of the eyes were shot out. Su Yi’s **** demon killing the sword and the sound of the sword suddenly sounded, and the sword pointed to the sky and teared the air ripples.


Su Yi began to look for the sword spirit of the Gorefiend to kill the sword. The foreground of the eye is like a scarlet, and the heart is turbulent. Under the guidance of Hao Tianzhu, Su Yi gradually immersed in it.

With the previous two experiences, the mysterious light group in Su Yi’s mind began to emit a substantial light, and the gentle light shone in the mind.

After the silence of the mind, the lingering sorrow of the Zhou dynasty was like a storm sweeping away. As the tide faded, Su Yi stayed in the same place.

“Is there a world in it?”

In the eyes of Su Yi, the astounding eyes burst out, and the violent energy around him madly pulled Su Yi out, and quickly ran up the mixed power to resist the great temperament.

The space inside the Gorefiend Killing Sword is desolate, and the grass is not born, and the flat bottom inside is unseen, and the charm is long.

After smashing that **** gas, you can suddenly see a stone-like building in front of you.

"Is this kid skilled in swordsmanship!"


The electro-optic light was drawn from the hands of Duanmu Qingtian. The body of the beast suddenly trembled and slammed into the ground. The huge energy shrouded in front of Su Yi and Duanmu Qingtian made the group beast feel the sacred domineering of the king. The absolute pressure from the top down makes them tremble.

The light wrapped Su Yi completely together, but from the eyes of Duanmu Qingtian, there was an intriguing reflection.

"The kid's sword is a bit unusual! After being swallowed by **** swords, there is such a heavy **** sigh, this sword must have done a big deal!"


The energy aperture is layered on the layer of Su Yi, and looks far away. As the **** ring is added, Duanmu Qingtian looks at this ancient and vast atmosphere. After a long time, Duanmu Qingtian is immersed in contemplation.

“How can there be a stone tower here?”

From the outside, this stone tower is unremarkable. It is actually a small building made of stone, but it is very strange when it appears in the Gorefiend.

Xu Xu is approaching the stone tower, and a mighty atmosphere that crosses the heavens and the earth suddenly emerges. Since the **** atmosphere of Zhoukong, the power is not only desolate, but also with a clear atmosphere.

Into the empty barren stone tower, the first layer is empty, the horrible atmosphere of the Zhou dynasty penetrates into the soul of Su Yi as the tide, and the feeling of tremor and fear rises in the heart.

Quickly running the handprints, the scorpio and the sacred ancient scriptures were rotated back and forth, and the fascinating light gradually became clear. Su Yi looked at the strange energy of rolling, and the sense of insecurity was on the heart.

"Big brother, are you coming to pick up the bottle?"

His eyes suddenly trembled, and Su Yi’s eyes lifted, and the feet were not suddenly shaken, and the fire surged. Su Yi suddenly rushed to the top of the stone tower!


Su Shi’s stalwart sounds, and Su Yi came to the highest level of the stone tower.

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