The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1975: : Mount Athos!

Four months passed by, and the focus of Tianman’s mainland fell from the Tianfeng ranking.

Six continents, three states and one sea began to restore the tranquility of the past, and the singularity of several major families is not recognized.

Su Yi, the reputation of this new king of Tianjiao quickly became the new generation of Tianman mainland.

Seriously injured the Longjia Shaogong master, the first person of Tianfeng, breaking the wind and the wind, and all kinds of deeds have begun to be talked about by the majority of the military.

And in a certain place between the mountains, the spirits and birds are dodging, and the number of flowers and flowers is endless.


The mountains are towering, the rolling hills are green and green, and the spring blossoms are like shy girls.

Only the people of the holy mountain know that the original saga, the fairy-skinned, natural and picturesque nine saints have not been out for four months.

During the period, countless sacred mountain servants, deacons, even the Holy Guards personally came to Liu Ruoxi.

Liu Ruoxi’s unified reply was gone, only Liu Ruoxi knew that she was waiting for someone, a person who came to pick her up.


Beyond the window, the birds roam the clouds, and the pairs of birds and beasts make a happy scream, swim the world, spread their wings and fly.

In this small world, Liu Ruoxi did not know how much autumn water he had already expected to wear, and he had an insight into how many clouds and clouds he had, but he was still unwilling.

Put on a big red palace skirt, visually see the golden clouds of golden light, the distant glow of the sun, just like the rouge smeared the face of the girl.

Today is the last day of the appointment with the Holy See, a four-month deadline.

It is also the day when the Five Sons and the Great Son meet each other, and decides the next Holy Emperor to win a new sage, Liu Ruojun.

The slender jade fingers are on the wooden window sills, and the golden light is set against the backdrop. Today's Liu Ruoxi's ice muscles are sharp and graceful. The body is soft and boneless, and the strips are moving. Under the red clothes, a beautiful and incomparable one is outlined. The beauty of the arc, let any man in the world will accelerate the heartbeat, heartburn!

Today’s Liu Ruojun is beautiful. Today’s Liu Ruojun is even more desperate.

Squeezing the window hard, until the knuckles are faint purple, Liu Ruoyi has never let go, and the eyes are full of radiance, and there are unspeakable sorrows and sorrows.

"Su Yi, will you come today?" Liu Ruoxi said this sentence, he felt that some are not true.

Within four months, such an idea recalled countless times in my heart. Su Yi promised to come to marry her own words, and the words were still in the ears.

With a bitter smile, the delicate body trembled without any reason. Even today, the radiant and touching, the peach apricot noodles, it is difficult to cover the bloodless face.


A crisp knock on the door shattered the silent speech, and the old and cautious voice slowly passed down the curtain.

"Nine Saints, Dabi started! The team that came to meet has already arrived at the door! Old age..."

This voice, Liu Ruoxi is familiar, but Guan Bo is his own elders, and entered the holy mountain. All living instructions are taken care of by Guan Bo.

In a few months, Guan Bo also kept on his own and the Holy Spirit, the elders, the Great Son, and the Five Sons. Not only did they swear by themselves, but Guan Bo also seemed to be a teenager.

"Is there any news from him?" Liu Ruoxuan was low and sinking.

There was no echo outside the door. Guan Bo just lowered his voice and said: "I have already passed the book to the Overlord, and I can only do it here!"

"I know, Guan Bo, you will wait for me for a while, I will go right away!"

Silenced for a long time outside the door, through the curtain can see a screaming sound suddenly trembled, surprise.

"Okay, miss, I am going to prepare!"

"Guan Bo!" Liu Ruoxuan's voice is as soft as the wind, with a bit of tenacity in the light.

Guan Bo turned his head back, Liu Ruoyi shook his robe, and a few flashes of light flashed, no longer before the weakness, said.

"From small to large, the Holy Mountain is the best for you except for the Holy One! You have worked hard for these few months!"

He smiled a little, and Guan Bo’s figure was not tall, but he seemed to be like a father. His eyes were filled with joy and pain, and his mouth twitched.

"Where is the saint, but why do you like that person..."

As soon as the voice fell, a long sigh, the sound of the footsteps gradually came, and Liu Ruoxi, who was sitting in the elegant room, had a cold feeling in his eyes, and the slender eyelashes smashed out of the air. Go to the bedside.

Under the pillow, there is a golden double-hook holy device, the hands of the whistling, the sacred device turned into a light and shadow, was held tightly in the hands of Liu Ruoxi, and disappeared instantly.

During this period of time, Liu Ruoxi, who is interested in Yixing, has been opposed to this pair of hooks. As long as he has time, he will practice in the elegant room.

Familiar with the flow, Liu Ruoyi and Su Yi's double hooks have already been psychic to each other, reaching the realm of the mind, touching the edge of the cold light, merged together, like a golden moon plate, sharp and sharp .

"Hold you, just like he is with him!"

The persevering teenager who came forward and protected himself from running away seemed to be in front of him. Liu Ruojun put away the double-hook holy device, and his mouth outlined a hint of coldness.

Her heart has long since thought clearly, no matter what the outcome of today's big ratio, the five holy sons won, she will not let Xuehonglou get herself, the Great Son wins, she immediately chooses to be self-satisfied.

Looking up and looking far away in Lingling Mountain, watching this place where he has lived for more than ten years, Liu Ruoxuan’s eyes flashed past, and the red robes behind him swayed and pushed away.

On the open space in front of the Virgen Peak, the huge golden light unicorn beast is fierce, filled with golden light, filled in the mountains, like a crouching hill.

The mighty and fierce, overbearing and fierce, there are nine golden unicorns, four of which are only sent by the Great Son, and four are sent by the Five Holy Sons. One of the centers is the own horn of the Virgo. beast.

"Nine saints, here! Big Son has please!" The sharp voice of a white-haired old man was very harsh, and Liu Ruoxi knew that he was the elder of the Great Son.

A faint glance, a flash of disgust in his eyes, his body shape twisted, in the corner of the golden unicorn of the Five Sons, Liu Ruoxi saw a familiar figure.

A woman with a hot body, a shawl, a sleek and graceful look, is as beautiful as a jade. Although it is not as beautiful as Liu Ruoxi, but with a natural wildness, there is a difference in the dancing. proud.

"Li Ling Shijie?" Liu Ruoxuan suddenly breathed heavily, his footsteps moved, and went to Li Ling.

Shame the red man on the cheek, so that Li Ling’s eyes are erratic, and he said: “Master...Sister, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Emei slightly, Liu Ruoyi certainly understands Li Ling's affection for Xuehonglou, even if the fool can see it, Xuehonglou can't see it?

"How come you are here?" Liu Ruoxi sighed.

Li Ling seems to be spotted in general, looked up, his voice trembled, said: "Nine Saints, congratulations, you will soon become a holy! Will become his woman!"

The endless pain turned into a crystal tear, and it suddenly destroyed the strength of Liu Ruoxi.

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