The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2031: : Life and death peers!

Su Yi, who continuously promotes the ever-changing step, shines in the gap of Jinguang, like the same smudge.

Looking from afar, like two roaring vortex.

Su Yi turned his head, and there was a hint of cold in his eyes. The volley and the snow red building were lightly connected and shouted loudly.

"I am in front, behind your temple! Lend me your strength! Break this phase with me!"

Suddenly, the energy of the whole place is resounding, and the horrible wind is like a volcanic storm.

Su Yi and Xue Hong Lou are in the center of the storm. Under the violent and overbearing energy, they flash their bodies and continue to dodge in the air.

Holding the epee, Su Yi closed his eyes, his eyelashes frowned, and suddenly he felt that there was an extremely sturdy metallic energy behind his chest.

Less than thought, the left hand handprints quickly formed, and the huge temperament of the singularity of the Yuanyuan shrouded the whole body, and entered the body along the metallic energy.


A strong sharp gold energy, broken the air to kill, the strong and hard metal vitality quickly rushed into the mysterious spirit, only to listen to Su Yi body 18 porch quickly opened.


At the same time, the eighteen porch surged out of the power of the vast stars, just like the stars in the sky, generally guarding the meridians and flesh of Su Yi, letting the metallic energy run back and forth in the wide and thick blood.


The flesh and blood burst, the meridians agitated, and Su Yi felt like a swollen balloon, which would burst and die at any time.

"I will inject the full body of the Holy Spirit into your body. How much you can withstand it depends on your ability! Life and death!"

The sound of Xuehonglou was cold, and it came to the ear with the breeze. Suyi could hear it. The firm voice of Xuehonglou had a worry about Su Yi’s faintness.

It is true that the spirit of the holy king of Xuehonglou has not been raised to the full body for a long time, and his familiarity with the complete holy king has not reached the realm.

For both of them, it is very likely that they will lose all of them in a careless manner. This is a kind of gambling!

Su Yi, even if the flesh and blood strength is super strong, the soul energy can be stronger than the shoulders of the domain, but with the flesh and blood to counter the ultimate pure metallic energy, this is a life.

Throughout the ages, no one may be as strong!

Within the gap of Jinguang, the hurricane filled the air, and for a while, Su Yilian did not delay the time of thinking, and the anger was loud.

"Come on! How can I fight once again! I want this day to crack for me, the road is for me, the holy mountain is under the foot, the arrogant **** Kunlun! The old thieves of the holy mountain, will make atonement for your mistakes." !"


At the same time, Su Yi held the blood devil to kill the sword, and the golden light flashed in the eyes, and he was alone.

The long black hair is raised high, the roots are blown up, the wind is hunting, and from afar, just like the demon is coming, the gods are recovering!

The voice just fell, and the heavenly demon in Su Yi’s mind was skyrocketing. A mysterious and powerful energy, such as the raging waves, quickly wrapped the mysterious light.


"Ah!" Su Yi's face is instantly painful, and the teeth will be bitten in an instant.

The loud snoring sounded from the throat, Su Yi was almost planted in the air, and immediately the whole body blue veins quickly exploded, and the sweat of the big bucket quickly filled the body of Su Yi.

At the footsteps, Su Yi shook his head with his strength, and his eyes glanced at the far-off French king's offensive. From the cracks in the teeth, he would slam the scorpion, and the vast and powerful soul energy spread the sky.

The mysterious and lustrous runes circulate around, with the four rays of earth, water, wind and fire. Su Yi is trapped inside the light, shining and shining.

Around the golden mansions, the energy of the wind tore the space into pieces, Su Yi gradually entered a state of heart, the figure of the snow red building gradually blurred, and Jin Mang.

At this time, the clouds in the sky were broken, and several golden practises were once again shot from the front.


When Su Yi’s body was infuriating, it was like turning into the most fearful thing in the heart.

"Keep it up!" The light and faint sound of Xuehonglou sounded from Su Yi's ear.

The figure is blurred, and the snow red building is surrounded by yellow robes, and the white face is faintly golden, like a **** to help out.

"Su Yi!"

Duanmu Zhaiman stood outside the battle circle, his eyes fell on Su Yi's face. When he saw the cooperation between Xuehonglou and Suyi, there was a faint spurt in the Qing Dynasty.

“Is there a huge energy in the snow red building?” Duanmu Yuman lightly opened his red lips, and his face gradually eased.

"Su Yi is scared! It is not in front of the king of law!"

"Is he giving up resistance? Finally he can't support it!"

"Oh! Really, my holy mountain is gone! Two elders, kill this arrogant!"

Some of the people of the sacred mountains trembled with gaze, and some of them sneered, and they were curious about Su Yi hanging in the air.


At this moment, within the holy mountain, the golden light surging, like the gods and chaos, the old eight-legged king Wang Yangtian roared.

The earth moved to the mountain, and countless mountains and mountains began to crack from the middle. The huge energy storm swept the whole world, and the holy mountain once again fell into the huge chaos.

"This trick? This kid also has a snow kid?" Duanmu Qingtian also the whole person got entangled, the tall and straight body leaned forward slightly, and the eyes plucked a few degrees of anxiety.

"Sovereign! You want to use the power of Jinzhen Tianshi! Too risky! This is too risky!" Shangguan Tianchen stood in the crowd, his eyes gradually ruddy, his throat began to choke.

Shangguan Tianchen knew that Xuehonglou had a hatred for the Holy Mountain, and Su Yi was not wearing the same day with the Holy Mountain. Tian Yaozong and Li died because of it.

At present, Su Yi did not choose to rely on the Heavenly Palace, nor did he choose a family, but wanted to rely on his own power to make the holy mountain fall apart!

He wants to avenge the celestial beings who died because of the holy mountain! He wants to fulfill his promise, one person to provoke the holy mountain!

"After the holy mountain, Tianchen will be for you to drive, Daxingtian demon!" Unconsciously clenched his fist, Shangguan Tianchen nodded, and when the moving eyes turned to the side, his eyes were slightly enlarged.


Above the void, Su Yi whispered and drunk, and the sky-like demon was like the mercury that was about to erupt in the same group. The shape began to change instantly.

In the mind of the mind, rampage, overbearing, like a ferocious beast.

Standing on the void, Su Yi instantly turned around in the blink of an eye. The shadow of the eight kings in front of him was magnificent, and the ancient and massive soul energy spread the void, and it was already swallowed up by Su Yi and Xue Honglou!

"Two arrogant boys, let you have a gift of heaven, and the Holy Mountain is hard to stay! Let's die!"

The sounds of the holy peaks and the holy shrines overlap each other, and they are like echoes in the empty valley.

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