The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2066: : 下龙涧

The roaring sound resounded, and the long whip slammed into Su Yi’s head!


Su Yi's feet kept walking, and the back was like a long eye. The body shape was slightly oblique, and the golden whip was easily and easily escaped.

"Damn, I see where you are going! Stinking medicine!" Longya was mad at behind her, constantly waving her long whip.

The golden shadow of the whole body bursts, like a few snake shadows hovering, opening a **** mouth.


The vegetation burst, and the ground spread a crack, which was shocking, but Su Yi did not care, and continued to move forward.

With the Golden Dragon Soul and the Golden Dragon Blood Body, Su Yi can instantly capture the action track of Long Ya even if he doesn't look at it.

You come to me, two figures shuttle through the valley, whip shadows, Longya is very puzzled, why Su Yi can always avoid it just right.

The glare of Su Yi, such as the butterfly dance, the footsteps of the mysterious and varied, the strength of the six-year strength of Long Ya Yuan Zongjing is fully spread.

Suddenly, the distance between Longya and Su Yi was getting closer and closer, and the two had already reached a valley.


His Majesty, the rushing water, the sloping forest flowers, and the mighty mountains and rivers hide a huge strong atmosphere.

The quaint and heavy atmosphere is hidden in the cool water vapor, Su Yi is far from watching, and the footsteps stop.

The golden dragon token in the hidden chest flashed, and Su Yi fixed his eyes and looked at it. The surrounding flowers were abundant, and the degree of flourishing was far from the previous one.

His eyes sank, and he fell into the drowning water of the flying jade, but he was once again shattered and thought by a whip.

On time, Su Yi's figure was like a phantom flashing away, cold and cold turned his head, the tiger's body was shocked, and a sturdy awe-inspiring rushed out, angered.

"You are finished! It’s a noisy woman!"

Never been said by anyone, Longya was even more angry when he was on the road, his eyes sharply said: "Yi Yi! What did the village chief say to you?"

"If you want to know, just ask the village head, don't want to kill them, don't want to kill them, don't put anything out there!" Su Yi shrugged, like a lion beast that was about to erupt, and it was fierce.

When Longya was on the spur of the moment, a kind of humiliation that was seen through him was on the eyelashes, and he was violently moving: "What are you looking for!"

Su Yi sneered aloud, and now that he has proved his guess is completely correct.

The purpose of Longya to find Shanglong Village is also to find the patron saint.

I don't want to ask the village head in the face of Su Yi. I am afraid of being exposed, not wanting to kill, and making her identity even more strange.

Su Yi has been unable to determine whether she is a dragon family.

Immediately, Su Yi shrugged his shoulders, his figure was like electricity, turned into a series of afterimages, and went a few steps forward, and gently dropped a sentence: "What do you look for when I look for it! Also! Give me a little quiet! Don't It’s the same as a sparrow.”

Longya frowned, and the painful killing became more and more heavy. The right hand holding the long whip was even white, but I knew that I could not disturb Su Yi at this time.

There is always a feeling in her heart that the man in front can take her to find what she wants.

After a small interest, the two are still deadlocked, and Su Yi is planning to explore.

In the end, Longya finally stopped entangled, carrying a pair of slender thighs, and followed closely behind in the air.

Su Yi took a step and looked at the two steps, carefully looking for the ground, according to the instructions of the village head, Shanglong Village, Halong, Su Yi has been walking towards the water.

Looking at the dragon behind him, he was helpless, and he smiled and continued to move forward.

"Black pig is what you brought, why do you want to save Lu Qi?" Su Yi kneeled down and smelled the herbs at hand.

Longya's eyes were a little slow, and the golden hair on the snow was pulled out, and a cold eyes cast out. The cold road: "You always know! Why didn't you say that?"

Su Yi whispered and smiled. He stood up and patted his palm and continued to walk to the side. He said: "At that time, it was an enemy or a friend who didn't know. I didn't have to go to Shanglong Village."

After a meal, Su Yi’s face was cold and watery. He said: “No matter what your purpose, as long as you don’t hurt Shanglong Village, I will not let you die!”

"You? Are you threatening me?" Longya seems to listen to the best jokes. If it is not Su Yi who knows how to find the patron saint, he has already smashed him.

Su Yi shook his head, and the killings that had never been seen in the eyes flashed past, staring at Longya’s blue and said: “It’s not a threat, it’s a notice to you!”

At the time, Longya seemed to feel the fault of a strong man, and the momentum suddenly became a bit short, and the voice became weaker.

"Good! I didn't want to hurt Shanglong Village, but if you find that thing and want to grab it with me, you have to die!"

Su Yi shrugged and shook his shoulders. The corner of his mouth gradually raised a smile and said: "You are the first woman who wants to grab something from my hand!"


Longya was again a whips and blasted. At this time, Su Yi no longer avoided, and her look turned positive. It turned like a person.

Su Yi's twenty-five-year-old ordinary face, a pair of deep-eyed eyes bright like a magic pool, staring at Longya.

On time, Longya once again felt that the man in front of him was very powerful and temperamental.

Not counting the face of the public, with a domineering overcrowding, Longya even felt the arrogance of Grandpa and Dragon God from Su Yi.

Looking at Su Yi to easily hold his whip, Su Yi palms circle, gradually put a little whip, step by step to Longya.

Suddenly, the figure of the whole person of Longya seems to have been completely blocked by the soul energy of Su Yi.

"Good soul energy!" Longya whispered, Yuanzongjing was actually blocked by the soul energy of the Yuan Dynasty.

How can this be! Hundreds of thoughts in Longya’s head flashed, and the back was so cold.

Longya’s eyes narrowed, and the man who gradually enlarged in the pupil was swaying in front of the man’s unique breath. Longya roared.

"what are you going to do?"


The voice did not fall, Longya's lips were sealed by Su Yi's palm, and Longya looked at the moonbrow and looked coldly at the man in front of him.

Su Yi’s body burst into a mighty atmosphere that spanned the heavens and the earth, all poured into Longya.

When Deng Ya was in a stiff body, he was hiding behind a big tree by Su Yi. Under the shade of the trees, the two men were quite awkward.


Su Yi pressed Longya tightly on the big tree, avoiding the light, and the two people's breath quickly merged. Longya's pretty face was shy and angry, only listening to Su Yi's vitality.

"Shut up! Someone above! Can't you find it?"

Following Su Yi's line of sight, Long Ya immediately saw two extremely fast-moving figures on the top of his head drifting slowly. If he didn't pay attention, he thought it was two big birds.

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