The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 218: : Demon Mountain!

Easy brother, you defeated the tiger hunting tribe, this is for you to eat, the mother said, eating this will become smart and powerful, you must eat!

A girl of three or four years old walked up, tied with two small cockroaches, black eyes smashed, and a peeled egg in the small hand was handed to Su Yi.

it is good.

Taking advantage of the girl's eyes, Su Yi nodded and took the poached egg into his mouth.

Easy brother, I have the meat of the monster!

Easy brother, eat me, I also have eggs!

Time, several little guys gathered around, and Su Yi was in the middle.

On a childish little face, there is curiosity and worship.

Looking far away from the thin figure that was wrapped up by a group of little guys, there was a light in the Shangguan Rose.

When Su Yi returned to the room, it was already in the night.

Still did not see Su Tianque come back, but it is to make Su Yi a little worried.

In the room, Su Yi sat on the window sill.

There are two space bags in the arms, which are obtained by Su Yi from the tigers and tigers. In the space bag, there is no ban and can be opened directly.

It is estimated that Hu Yuehu Mo has never thought about it. One day, the space bag on them was actually robbed.

It was just something in the space bag, but it made Su Yi a little disappointed.

In this space bag, although there are some star spirits and even two star Lingshi, there are several medicinal herbs, but the value is nothing to the value of Su Yi at the moment.

There are also some sundries and herbs.

Su Yi originally thought that this space bag, with Tiger Mo and Tiger Leap in the identity of the tiger hunting tribe, will have some good martial arts.

There is no martial arts in the space bag for two people.

With a little disappointment, Su Yi continued to sit cross-legged and began to breathe.

Although not in the mysterious space, but by the mixed yuan to the merits, Su Yi's cultivation speed is absolutely not slow.

The night is quiet and the night is covered with sky.


One side is in the mountains, and the beast is humming.

The huge cave is smooth and tidy. On the rock wall, there are many tiger-shaped runes, which are like living creatures, with a bit of fierce and fierce power.

Too much, Linggu Village is provocative!

Unprecedented, unprecedented!

Linggu Village must be provoking our hunting tiger tribe!

What is the origin of the foreign kid, really so strong!

In the tiger hunting tribe, it is not quiet at the moment. Tigers and tigers are waiting for more than a dozen of their descendants to be so miserable, shaking the entire tiger hunting tribe.

Silent all night, the next morning, Su Yi stopped breathing.


Pushing open the door, stretching a lazy waist, the sun is shining, Su Yi is in a good mood, and has not enjoyed such a quiet morning for a long time.

The tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog.

There was a voice screaming and there was an unspeakable sorrow.

Su Yishun looked at the past with his eyes, only to see the courtyard, Su Tianque was slowly coming in with his tail in his mouth, and the look seemed good, but his expression was somewhat sad.

When I came back, Su Yi raised her eyebrows, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the scorpion was taught by me!

Taking advantage of Su Yi, Su Tianque suddenly swelled up, squinting his head and swaying over.

Su Yibai took a look at Su Tianque, and he was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. He didn't have to ask to know that he was afraid that this guy would not have any advantage.

Easy brothers!

Some people shouted outside the courtyard, it was the voice of Shangguanyan and others.

Su Yi went out and saw Shangguanyan, Shangguan, and Shangguanyu.

Yi Yi brothers, today we are going to the demon Luoshan hunting, do you want to go?

When I saw Su Yi, Shangguanyan suddenly ran in.

hunting? Su Yi has some doubts.

This is the case. Every time a ten-year event, the younger generation of the Tiger Hunting Tribe, the Manglang Tribe Linggu Village will take turns to go to the Demon Mountain Hunt. The wild monsters that will be hunted will be provided to the two festivals. The elders and elders of a village enjoy it. This time it is our turn to the ancient village. If we are hunted, the higher the level of the savage beast, the more natural it will be. Taking advantage of Su Yi’s doubts, Shangguan Yu explained.


Su Yi nodded, it seems very interesting, anyway, these days are also boring, just to see.

Hunting, is there meat? I also need to go.

Su Tianque rushed out of the room and saw the light.

Soon after, Su Yi saw Shangguan Weiwei at the entrance of the village. She was wearing a tight-fitting dress, and her body was graceful and touching. With this addition, she went to the demon Luoshan and was led by Shangguan Weiwei.

Many little guys are present and want to go.

The little guys are honest, practicing in the village.

There are elders who open their mouths and it is dangerous to go to the demon mountain. The little ones are not enough.

Children, pay attention to safety, not reckless, just enough to stop early! There are old people opening, going to the demon Luoshan road is not close, it will take several days to go back and forth.


A huge flying monster in the village mouth fluttered and left the village.

Come back soon!

The little guys looked at the disappearing figure in the air, and their eyes were full of expectations.


Shortly after Su Yi and others left, outside the Linggu Village, there were wild monsters riding on the horse, and the shaking ground shakes!


Leading a white-sized tiger, the body is huge, the momentum is fierce, the doubles are like a bell, and the eyes are stunned, making people look awkward and unreasonable.

Linggu Village is too deceiving, too much!

On the back of this white tiger, a 60-year-old man, a few long-haired fluttering, wide-faced big face, double eyes.

The tiger hunting tribe tiger is extended!

The tiger extension is always the grandfather of the tiger and the tiger, and it seems that the tiger is coming for a tiger!

I heard that Tiger Mohu was smashed by Yi Yi yesterday. This is to find trouble!

This kind of movement, alarmed the ancient village, many people suddenly came out.

Tiger Yan, what do you mean by this?

In the ancient village of Ling, there are also old people who come out, silky silver, and a plain robe, the momentum is good.

What do you mean, you don't know, if you hurt, even if you still grab the space bag, you still have to shamelessly in the ancient village. This is challenging me to hunt the tiger tribe!

The tiger prolonged the old anger, and the sound mixed with vitality and vibrated the void.

Two of his most respected grandsons were actually abused and ransacked. This is not only a humiliation and provocation to the tiger hunting tribe, but also to him in the tiger hunting tribe, and some can’t lift his head. How can I not be angry?


The whole scene of Linggu Village is a little speechless and looks like a face to face.

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