The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 221: : Group of beasts!

Shangguan Weiwei’s eyes are not calm at this moment. Demon Dan, this is not a general thing. If it can be obtained, this time it will be worthwhile.

Yi Yi brother, what do you think?

Shangguan Yu asked Su Yi, knowing that the strongest presence was Su Yi, which invisibly regarded it as the core.

Everyone else is watching Su Yi at the moment, excited, nervous, expecting, gazing red, and it is difficult to calm down.

Are you sure that it is a demon emptiness? Su Yi bowed his head and looked at Su Tianque.

It should not be wrong, the demon emptiness is going to die, and the last Yu Wei is released. Su Tianque said seriously.

Su Yi was embarrassed, looking at the direction of the amazing movement, hesitating, and then asked the Shangguan Weiwei: What do you think?

The demon is a heavy treasure. If there is a real chance, fight for it.

Shangguan Weiwei nodded, and the demon Dan made her unable to calm down.

Wen Yan, Su Yi nodded, and looked at Shangguanyan, etc., said: We are careful, can not have any care.


A kind of **** young boy is gearing up, this is really to get a demon, then it will be a big hair.

Immediately, everyone stepped out and began to go up the mountain.


The mountains in the mountains are shaken, like the beasts are rioting, the mountains are shaking, the towering trees are broken, and the scene is terrifying.


In the night sky, there are densely confusing birds that spread their wings and covered the void, filled with light, and screamed sharply.

After two hours, the group suffered a small group of wild monsters scattered around. Fortunately, the surrounding monsters were not very good.

These strange and pretty monsters retreat at this moment, their bodies trembled, and they showed fear. They simply ignored Su Yi and others, but they only fled.

It seems that the movement is in front, but it is actually very far.

A hill is followed by a hill, a mountain forest, and a large ancient wood is a giant umbrella standing in the ancient mountain forest. The crown is towering.

Everyone showed their strength, and all the way over the mountains and the mountains, also consumed a lot, panting, and finally approached the source of the source of motion.


In the vicinity, the level of the wild monsters that are scattered and rushing is also strong, and the volume is huge and the number is also large.

But at the moment, these pretty monsters are also shaking, fiercely showing fear, not afraid to approach, slowly retreating, but not afraid to approach.

With the presence of human beings, these pretty monsters are fierce and shining, and they are also staring at them, showing fierceness.


The body of the super-powered dynasty works, an unreasonable and arrogant atmosphere permeates, suddenly spread, Su Yi eyes staring at the distant monsters who want to be eager to move.


These pretty monsters snarled and shivered, never dare to approach.

Taking advantage of these changes, Shangguan Weiwei and other secretly surprised, very shocked.

Su Yi went deeper and felt that the start of that shock was not far away.

Only the deeper, the front gradually began to quiet up, the atmosphere is a kind of depression.

Why are you so quiet?

Everyone feels abnormal, outside riots, a lot of pretty monsters move together, but the closer to here, the quieter, this is not normal.

That savage beast is going to die, it should be shocking the Quartet, there is no pretty monster to dare to come here. Su Tianque said.

The crowd continued to walk, the front was a mess, the rocks broke, and the towering trees broke.

Quick look

Daddy, Shangguanyan opened and looked to the front.

Just under a waterfall hundreds of feet away, the rumbling water screamed and the water splashed.

Under the moonlight, a giant beak lay on the ground and looked up from afar. He thought it was a small hill in front of the waterfall.

That is

Everyone looked at the sights, and they were under the waterfall. One was afraid of lying down, and there was a four-and-five-foot-high beast. The scales were sturdy, and there was no vitality, like the oil lamp was exhausted, but that A lingering glory, still unprovoked, the nearby air is also tight.


Everyone is excited and excited. It is a demon emptiness and a monster. At this moment, it is already dead. A demon is at your fingertips.

It seems to be an iron armor, I know this is a monster, I have heard of it.

Shangguan Weiwei's face changed darkly, recognized the wild monster in the distance, with a shocking color, said: the armored demon rhinoceros blood level is not high, almost impossible to break through to the demon virtual level, but this iron armor The rhinoceros is very special in the demon Luoshan. It is recorded in the village records of Linggu Village. This iron armor has lived for a long time. The rumors have been taken under the treasures, so it is in the demon world.

Iron armor!

Su Yi also knows this kind of wild monster, the blood is not too high, but the combat power is good and the power is strong.

It is a pity that this armored demon has got the chance to go to the demon world, but after all, the blood level is not high and can't go further, there is always a time limit.

On that day, the oil lamp was exhausted, the dust returned to the dust, and the soil returned to the earth.

Not to be a real powerhouse, everything is empty!

Su Yi feels that the practitioners live a lot longer than ordinary people, but they don't become real strong people. Everything is empty. Let alone life, and Wuwei as the respect, strength can represent everything. Only the real strong can control everything.

The demon is in its body!

Everyone is delighted, this is really a savage savage beast, there will be a demon in the body.

Not right

Suddenly, Su Yi’s eyes, the keen and powerful soul power and vigilant perception, felt abnormal.

It seems that around this time, there is something in the dark, and there is a danger in the end.

Rewind, fast!

Without hesitation, Su Yi rushed to drink, and suddenly he quits.

what happened?

Although Shangguan Weiwei and Shangguanyu were surprised, they immediately followed Su Yi’s retreat.

An iron armor is dead and dead, and there is a demon in his body. I am afraid that it will also attract the attention of some powerful monsters around the world. They are unlikely to let go.

Su Yi opened her mouth and thought of one thing.

There are a lot of pretty monsters on this demon mountain, and naturally there are many strong monsters.

The demon is a treasure, and for other monsters, it is also a treasure.

At this moment, the iron armor is dead, and the nearby wild monster is strong, afraid that it will not be missed.

It was said that everyone was dubious and rushed back.

Everyone took a few hundred feet back, and this stopped, standing in a highland and watching the waterfall ahead.


Almost at the same time, there was a buzzing in the air. From the waterfall, the wind was raging, and a fierce bird tens of meters on the wings swooped down and directly grabbed the armored demon on the ground.


From the four sides of the waterfall, there were four giant monsters that suddenly appeared in abruptly. During the roaring, they flew directly to the fierce birds that swooped down.

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