“Su Yi, you!” Longya looked at Su Yi incredulously, and she was so bloody and excited.

“boy, you don’t kill me today, you don’t have this opportunity in the future! Don’t regret it!” Long Kui wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a hint of surprise in his cold eyes.

“Long Family, I will destroy! Old thief, your life is just staying for a while! Today I don’t want Longya to be sad! At that time, everything will have results! It is a win or a loss, a life or death, I will naturally ask Come back!” Su Yi’s mouth is hooked, and the face of the cold iron is full of disdain.

For Su Yi, it is indeed possible to kill Long Kui directly, but this is no different from directly killing Longya.

Longya gave herself a dragon figure, so that she could go to Yun Family and send a message to herself.

Qiu, want to report! Well, Su Yi also wants to thank!

Su Yi never wants to owe anyone, but others don’t want to owe Su Yi, even if it is a bit.

“Dragon, take your grandfather and go! In the future, I will not owe you with you! You have done it to me, I have thanked you here!” Su Yi’s cold words fell, and he turned his eyes to fear of himself. change idea.

Staring on Void, Su Yi, who was covered by Holy Light, did not say anything for a long time, until Long Kui reminded: “Ya, let’s go!”

This is the nodded that was taken out of the sorrow of the dragon, and the dragon was lifted up, and the eyes were filled with the loss.

“boy, the Tiger Pool of Divine Tiger School is also a member of the demon Luoshan, just let him run!” Long Kui reminded.

“I will deal with it. Next time, Heavenly Palace will see you again, and my men will not be merciful!” Su Yi coldly said, and then he thoroughly turned his body back.

It was not until Longya left Long Kui with the dark space that Su Yi turned around.

Looking at the huge space cracks in the air gradually closed, Su Yi’s gaze gradually converges the killing intent.

“Master, why did you let them go?” The aura, who swallowed the horror of the beast, began to converge and snorted Su Yi from the hand palm.

Without the enemy, the body shape of the swallowing horror began to get smaller. At this time, it seems that it is smaller than the usual Dire Monster Beast.

Looking at the pockets of swallowing wild beasts, like a black iron block with eyes open, Su Yi’s mouth twitched slightly, said with a smile: “Since you call me Master, today is a Sect Leader person! I promise you, behind the newspaper’s hatred, you have to report it!”

The swallowing horror beasted the black-painted head, and the embarrassing state made Su Yi smile.

Who can think that the huge Monster Beast, which is enough to swallow the world, can change into such a cute and exquisite appearance.

“You said that I am your Master, have you seen your master?” Su Yi crouched down, swaying in the middle of the sway, looking at the swallowing horror.

Turned around, swallowing the stunned beast sighed in relief, sitting on the ground.

Monster Qi revolving, and began to self-heal, the thunderclouds of the thunderclouds kept screaming, in a low, muffled voice, said: “I have only seen the master, although not the same as you. But I know What does the owner’s aura look like! You also have it. You are the Master, there is nothing wrong with it!”

The swallowing horror of the beasts gathered together, and said that they were close to Su Yi’s side.

Such a peculiar answer made Su Yi frown. The 10,000 years, the rare swallowing of the horror, was so ridiculous, and he recognized the master with this.

Speaking of which, is it good luck to go to heaven?

It is impossible to find such a demon in the 9th-Layer’s ancient demon. Su Yi thinks it is like a dream.

“Then tell me about your past, how come you meet your master?” Some tired Su Yi also sat cross-legged sitting next to the swallowing beast, hand seal condensed, Su Yi began to revolving Supreme Chaotic Yuan Technique.

Suddenly, I found that the aura that swallowed the horror of the beast was like a self and a same, and it began to explode into the turbulent Tianwei. This made Su Yi feel amazed again.

“Before 10,000 years, Tian Man continent is a land of Great Desolate, there are ancient big demon gatherings everywhere, Monster Qi vertical and horizontal, and heroes. And I am just a small stone, dark and swarthy, never seen by the big demon Even the ordinary Monster Wolf, the tiger demon can find the affiliation, and I only have the fate of being bullied.” Speaking, the swallowing horror is like a sad thing, the black lacquered iron wall trembles slightly. It looks very weird.

Su Yi secretly sighed, this strong is strong, the weak is weak, and it is easy to escape in any era.

“Later?” Su Yi looked softer, just like watching his younger brother younger sister same, watching the swallowing horror.

“Later, I found a stone, sparkling, golden light. At first I was only fun, then I found that there is a huge amount of Heaven and Earth energy, and then it can release energy, so I Monster Qi is constantly rising, the shape is growing, and the cultivation base is constantly improving.”

Speaking of this, the swallowing stunned beast deep in the pupil and shot a few shocks, continued: “Slowly, I feel that it intentionally or unintentionally directed me to go in a certain direction, I am because of it, I changed I got the fordable, so I followed the golden stone and I finally broke into an altar-like valley! Golden Dragon and Phoenix are also there!”

“Yi Abyss!” Su Yi shines brightly, and a layer of goose bumps on the back opens instantly, and the throat begins to roll.

The swallowing horror beasted his head, and some doubted towards Su Yi, said: “Is that place originally called this name? Yes, there, the golden stone suddenly let go of the vast aura, the master’s aura instantly spread the world, In the heavens and the earth, it is like only the master Tianwei, and the twelve Divine Beast are also rushing out of the abyss. That was the first time I saw the Master, and at that moment I recognized me, he is the master of me!”

After a long time, the swallowing wild beast still trembled in the heart, slowed down, and swallowed the horror of the beast to continue the mouth.

“The host will be in the town of Heavenly God Artifact before he dies. He said to Divine Beast and let Divine Beast help him return to the Monster Emperor world!” The swallowing horror is solemn and serious. Said.

Su Yi nodded, which is roughly the same as what Hail and Black Tortoise said, the voice began to rush, saying: “How can I go back?”

“The owner said that the town Heavenly God Artifact has been integrated with the body. It is still necessary to find four original towns, namely, earth, water, wind and fire. As long as they can gather these four towns, the chaotic bell Can completely reproduce the world, Monster Emperor heirs get Monster Emperor inheritance, you can also kill the Monster Emperor world, and recapture everything that year.

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