Immediately, Lan Chuolian raised an arc in the corner of his mouth and felt that an unprecedented violent force was coming forward, loudly said: “Rain, care!”

“ao roar! ”

Everyone stood on the building at the top of the fire sea, looking down at the fire sea, the heat wave rolling, a fierce golden wave coming from the bottom!

For a moment, everyone felt this offensive of the Same, and a dangerous premonition surged in his heart. Yan Tian quickly shouted at the behind: “I can’t stop it, Elder listens to me, everyone immediately withdraws!” ”

Hearing this sentence, the strong Elders who were present were all looking dignified, and the large space in front of them collapsed. The huge flame wave was like a big hand, and the power was amazing.

Everyone knows to stay on, only destroy indiscriminately!

Not only the fire sea can’t keep it, even the Elder will be hurt!


Drinking in unison, a path of mysterious flame palm seal instantly converges, dozens of Yuan Qi rays of light impact the world, the strong silhouette of the teleport, such as electricity, backwards!

At the same time, the entire building of the fire sea was broken into pieces of glass in an instant.

A full kilometer of Pentium fire waves hit the world, the majestic energy is like a tiger, and the surrounding space is also twisted!


The ruthless pillar of fire is like a dragon, and it goes straight into the sky, and it will swallow all the clouds around it!

Under the imperial imposing manner, everyone quickly left the flame sea, and the shaking of the sky made all the top powers in the field look shocked.

Looking at the ray of the rays of light, the amazing energy is endless, the space is quickly twisted, the cracks are covered with the sky, and the entire thunder temple is like a purgatory.

“What happened next! The fire sea has been turned over for a whole day!”

“Who is that boy! Even let the temple be so embarrassed!”

“This boy, without any effort is going to completely Sect extermination of my thunder temple!”

Standing in the air, all the Paragon strongmen present, stunned and moving,

Which of these people is not the martial arts Grandmaster of Tian Man continent, seeing such a scene, still scared.

“peng peng !”

The huge flames of light accompanied by the golden light, a golden dragon body crashed into the sky, immediately disfigured the spread of energy, tearing the space into pieces to dissipate.

“hu la la!”

At this moment, the entire Leiyan Temple, on the territory of tens of thousands of miles, at the top of each palace, has already gathered countless vast crowds.

When things got to this point, all the Xeon Martial Artists of the Leiyan Temple knew that there would be a major event in the fire sea.

In particular, today is still a ceremony of offering fire.

At this point, many of the young strongmen who first quit the steam sea, the eyes are like sluggish, looking at the direction of the fire sea.

Even if you are far away from the fire sea, this amazing horror power, everyone knows, if you are close to there, no one can bear it!

“Oh, fortunately, we first quit, and today is where the fire ceremony is! This is a sacrifice to me!”

“What happened under the fire sea! Is this out of the dust!”

“terrifying! It’s not good, the temple is bad today!”

Looking far away, everyone in the field vibrates, moving towards fire sea, swallowing, unbelievable!

“peng peng !”

The cracked space madly blew, and the huge fire column hit the world for a short period of time. As the flame dissipated, the entire gold dragon phantom appeared in front of everyone.

Among the phantoms, the golden dragon is like a living, the flames are shot above the dragon scales, and there is no limit to domineering!

The huge dragon head proudly screams in the heavens and the earth, the golden light bursts, like a gathering of thousands of mountains and rivers, overlooking the world, domineering!

At this time, a young man in the phantom is shrouded by golden light, surrounded by a divine glow blessing, behind the azure robe hunting, Monster Qi is like a paradise!

Gazing at the overbearing silhouette in the phantom, Lan Chuolian and the solitary rain at the same time step forward, loudly said: “Su Yi!”

After seeing the silhouette, the body of the savage scorpion also trembled, and the aura of the flame slam came out and shouted: “Su Yi! It really is your boy!”

“chi la !”

Gao Litiandi, Su Yi looks extremely pale, under the azure robe, the blood is slowly overflowing, and the deep eyes slowly watch the strong people on the field, and the depths of the eyes can not help but smack a trace of coziness.

Su Yi is not the Lei Yan Temple, but the anger is the fire scales of the celestial beings with their own lives, to preserve all the people present.

Looking at all the gaze, Su Yi’s heart with complex feelings, with a hook, the golden light of the whole body rushing out, the fierce golden dragon aura for the first time in the thunder of the temple of the thunder!

In a flash, the fire wave disappeared smoothly, and the golden light of the sky turned into golden rain and fell to the earth. Under the gloom, the sun was pouring.

Everything was restored as usual, looking at the golden dragon aura that just appeared, and all the strongmen of the Leiyan Temple were sluggish in an instant.

Is that a golden dragon aura, is it a Long Family person?

Suddenly, the face of Yan Tiantian has become a bit ugly. Su Yi has not completely erupted the golden dragon aura, and the silhouette flashed in front of Su Yi. The expression is strange.

“Su Yi, you are finally out!” Lan Chuolian and the solitary rain came flying, watching Su Yi’s injury, horrible to see, beautiful eyes swaying.

Su Yi looked towards two people, nodded, I saw the eyes of the powerful in the eyes of the jealousy and beware, the eyebrows flashed maliciously against Su Yi.

“Dian Zun, who is this young man! Why is there a golden dragon aura?” Everyone Supreme Elder was in the air and pointed to Su Yi.

Immediately, the entire floating fire above the sea is like a fried pot, and even the young strong people in the far distance are shocked!

Did the Long Family appear in the sky above Lei Yan Temple?

“Dian Zun, please give us a reasonable explanation!”

“Yes, the Leiyan Temple has never been in the same league with the Long Family. How can there be a Long Family?”

“Don’t our tens of thousands of hard-working geniuses be the obstacles of Long Family!”

All the strong eyes are shaking, they can’t tolerate, they actually save a Long Family, and this person also appears in their own forbidden land!


Daddy, immediately the presence of countless disciples to the Su Yi side of the hostility and cold eyes, the previous awe and worship at this moment also turned into contempt and contempt!

It’s a prejudice, and it’s like a fire scale, a sacred beast, and a human heart’s prejudice is a mountain!

In the mind, Su Yi once again remembered the old man who gave his life to the temple!

“Don’t 10,000 years ago, for your own strength, you didn’t have the same pollution!” Su Yi was low-browed, and his left hand still held the injured scales.

“what did you say?”

The smoldering tiger was sinking, thinking that he had got it wrong and looked at Su Yi incredulously.

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