“Good boy, Master saves you a life, you still have a life! There is a discipline like you, a great thing for the teacher!”

Singing raging flames with tears, the ethereal eyes are instantly moist.

“Master’s life is knotted, the mind is in mind, always remember! Master is to save the Master, the discipline will do its best!”

Su Yi nodded and said, the latter hearing this, is even more excited, and even nodded.

“Listen to the ancient palace owner said that you are in the cultivation day Wind Sword meaning?” Su crazy song Xin joyfully said.

Looking at the mad song, Su Yi was nodded, and for the first time in his life, he was frustrated at martial arts cultivation. He said with shame: “The sword is mysterious, disciple, cultivation is more than half a month, no progress, it is really shy!”

Heave a long sigh, Su sings the shoulders of pats Su Yi: “Don’t be too self-defeating, the sword is the most difficult cultivation! If ordinary people can make the sword, it is already invincible! You are cultivation. The hardest day, Wind Sword, means that if it’s so good, why should I stay in the 21st house and use the streamstone to leave the body and look for inheritance?”

Su Yi’s mood was slightly relieved, and he whispered: “Also! Master’s words reminded the discipline. If you want to speed up, the sword is free to move, the sword is sent by the heart, or you have to practice slowly!” ”

“Yes, there is this mentality. It is a matter of time to build a Wind Sword! You will start to realize your recent insights. Let me see!” Su sings.

Daddy, Su Yi heart, a huge traction in the hands, the blood devil killed Divine Sword set off a gust of wind into the hands.

After looking at the singer song, Su Yi’s eyes flashed in an instant.

“Rumbling Long!”

Jianlang spreads, silver light shocks!

In the middle of the air, rich red sword light is like a fireworks bloom, and a layer of shadow shadow penetrates Void, and it is all about it.

Soon, the sword light fell, and the numerous apertures of the singer’s singer burst directly, and the space trembled, igniting the whirlwind wave!

“No, I always feel worse?” Su crazy song waist straight.

In Junyi’s eyes, every action of Su Yi, every idea is mastered, and there is no drop.

Seeing Su Yi shuttle back and forth in the air, the brows of Su crazy songs are getting more and more wrinkled.


In front of the arched lake.

Situ Muyang crossed his waist and faced the interception of the road. The brow quickly sank.

“I said that I came to see my little Martial Uncle public, and you stopped?” Situ Muyang coldly said.

The Guardian Disciple swallowed a sip of water, and immediately looked at it hard, staring at Situ Muyang and Du Gu Yuyin whispered: “Just kidding, you Martial Uncle, you are going back to your home, come to me, Heavenly Palace, look for something! Go back. !”

In the face of the gesture made by the Guardian Disciple, Situ Mu Yang Xing suddenly smashed up, angrily said: “all under the Heavens know that my little Martial Uncle of Situ Yang is Su Yi! You find fault, deliberately, I am. !”

“I said, Sect Master Su is not in Heavenly Palace! You can’t understand it!” The Guardian Disciple is also immediately mad, scolded loudly.

On time, behind the solitary rain blue ink flashed, quickly lowered the hand raised by Situ Muyang, took out the token, softly said: “This little brother, you also saw, we are Wandaojianmen Even if Su Yi is not there, is it ok to visit the Tioman Palace?”

“This…” Shoushan discipline look at each other in dismay, brows tightly knit, went to discuss.

Taking advantage of the gap, Situ Muyang pulled the solitary rain to the side, saying: “The grandfather said that Su Yi has returned, and there will be no mistakes. Elder sister, these people deliberately make us not let us see the small Martial Uncle public! ”

The solitary rain ink mouth slammed the hook and whispered: “I will see you on the plane.”

At this point, the two shoushan disciples were also discussed. Looking at the solitary rain ink, it was like seeing through the eyes of the world, and bravely courageously said: “The people of Wandao Jianmeng can’t enter! You still go back!”

“Put your dog’s stinky fart! If you are embarrassed, I will forget it! Why, is this going to be a difficult one with me?”

Hearing this sentence, Situ Muyang instantly frowned.

The strong chilly glimpses through the eyes, the overbearing is over, the strength of the Yuan Emperor Realm 6th-layer spreads quickly, and the sacred disciple suddenly rises in the face.

“You…” Shoushan Disciple exclaimed!

A 17-year-old young man is able to break out such a fierce powerhouse aura!

The mighty wind attribute energy quickly turned the mountain discipline into a drive, and finally turned into two strong winds, blowing into the distance!

“Muyang!” Duo Yuyin sneaked a sip, and was helpless to Situ’s slap!

Situ Muyang twitched his nose and said to Duo Yuchen: “It doesn’t matter, little Martial Uncle knows that it won’t blame us, go! Go in and see! I don’t believe that Heavenly Palace dares to offend Wandao Jianmeng!”

When the words fall, the energy of the four or five roads hits the heavens and the sky, and suddenly, the wind is rolling, and the ripple is a shattered!

Crossing the Gonghu Lake, Situ Muyang took the lead and immediately came to the front of the Tianchuan River.

At this point, basically all the disciples are now gathered in the Zhongzheng Qianfeng, the people present are fiercely savage, red and red, and each one is desperate to enter the ruins of the wind.

“Why is Heavenly Palace stopping me?” Situ Muyang’s voice is like a wave, like a wave of impact!

“chi la!”

Daddy, everyone has put down the fight, watching Situ Muyang on the sky, his eyes full of surprise and strange.

“Hey Heavenly Palace, did someone come out to speak?” The solitary rain ink also arrived at this time, the blue dragonfly condensed, and the soft air was heard all over the mountains and rivers!


“Who are these people? The cultivation base is very high!”

“Would you like to ask the elderest senior brother?”

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and several of them discipled their eyes and quickly quit the crowd moving towards the pavilion.

At this time, above the high court, Jun Haotian and Gu Yue Elder and the others stood in a row and were looking out through the gap.

“Retire! We know!”

Jun Haotian’s face condensed, after the withdrawal of the discipline, moved towards the princes Elder and the ancient palace owner said: “The ancient Yue Palace Lord, why do we want to stop Muyang and Du Gu Yu ink?”

When the dragon broke down in the behind, the voice was low, saying: “Hey, you don’t know this! Don’t look at what is happening in Tianman now. Among the top five Aristocratic Family, Su Yi and Long Family are equally divided, Yun Family and The Leiyan Temple has stood on the side of Su Yi, and Tianzhu Haicheng has returned to Long Family, leaving Wandao Jianmeng.”

“So, which side of the team of Wandao Jianmeng is very important.” Luo has no whispers.

At this time, Gu Yue touched the white beard, faintly said: “Wan Dao Jian Meng did not send in sect Elder, but sent the most familiar with Su Yi Situ Muyang and Du Gu Yu ink, just do not know solitary What kind of abacus is the old fox in the city playing? Is it really pleased Su Yi?”

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