The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2364: : Marry the chicken with the chicken!


The fire dragon is like a pillar, bright as white!

The fierce waves that rushed out like a tentacles stretched out to the hidden atmosphere. At the same time, Su Yi’s feet shrouded and turned into a dazzling brilliance!

"Who!" Situ Muyang sipped behind him.

The people on the scene looked at the waves. This valley is the only way to enter the Wandaojian League. No abnormalities have been found along the way. Is there such a stupid person in the world who will lie here?

Between the electric and the flint, everyone cheered and followed.


When everyone caught up, they did not hear the sound of the sound of the sky, and even the fire was extinguished.

The glowing light is wrapped around Su Yi’s fist, and the right arm is pushed out, aiming at the people behind the crowd.

On the arrival of the time, a gaze was fixed on the comers, and a dark green show skirt came out to outline the body.

The color of the specially selected clothes is also very well matched with the valley. It seems to be carefully tracked.

However, the gaze moved up, and the veil of the cover was burned, and the beautiful side face exposed made people breathe.

I saw the glamorous peaches and plums, and Qiongzi’s appearance was accompanied by a pair of beautiful autumn waters, which made everyone feel addicted.

"If my sister!" Situ Muyang was surprised to recognize that the person was actually Liu Ruoyi, and immediately everyone's eyes contracted, his face relaxed, but there was a surge of tension.

"What are you doing!"

Su Yi has already removed the right fist, and the huge pressure around him has evaporated.

The sigh of breath was scattered, and Liu Ruoxi’s tight body was softened.

Wiping the fine sweat on the forehead, Liu Ruoxuan changed his face and picked up his mouth: "How can I not come?"

"Don't you talk to you? I will come back when I go. You come here. If I didn't accept it, wouldn't you be injured? You didn't look like this before." Su Yi complained.

Looking at Liu Ruoxi's special trip for himself, Su Yi reprimanded on the surface, and naturally he was happy.

It’s just that Liu Ruoxi’s reluctance this time made Su Yi’s hanging heart feel even more dangerous.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Liu Ruoqi smiled and walked to Su Yi, whispering: "Marry the chicken with the chicken, marry the dog with the dog, not with you for a long time!"

"You!" Su Yihu looked at a fire, but looked at Liu Ruoqi's spring peach blossoms and the gas in his heart was gone.

Then, Su Yi topped Liu Ruo's forehead heavily to show disciplinary action, but asked: "I didn't hurt you just now?"

Liu Ruoqi shook his head skillfully, but the pale face also revealed that Su Yi’s move was a shock to himself.

Since it was discovered, Liu Ruojun naturally told him that he would follow the transfer station.

The breath can be hidden like this, or thanks to the panacea of ​​the Heavenly Palace, if it is not too small in the valley, it will not be discovered.

Situ Muyang and Du Gu Yu ink watched the two people squinting, the nervous emotions eased a lot, and the solitary rain ink smiled and came forward.

"This is Ruoqiang girl! It was so dangerous just now!" The solitary rain and blue ink fluctuated, and looked at the Su Yi's wife.

Liu Ruoyi loosened his arm and leaned toward the solitary rain. He also said: "It is really unreliable for Su Yi, and it will cause trouble for everyone!"

Wen Yan, Su Yi also shook his head helplessly, his mouth flicked, looked at everyone, said: "Since Ruo has already followed here, what do you think?"

"Of course, let's go to Wanjian Dao League with us!"

Situ Muyang exposed the iconic innocent smile and walked to Liu Ruoxi, and immediately began to introduce himself.

In the days of Haotian Temple, Su Yi has been busy with the things of the Heavenly Palace. It is too late to introduce Qian Xue and Ruo Ruo to Situ Muyang.

Situ Muyang, the son of the Sword Gate, and some things related to it, Liu Ruoxi also heard from Su Yikou, and soon became familiar with it.

"What do you say about the rain and ink girl?" Su Yi smiled bitterly, and looked helplessly at the solitary rain.

On the time of the arrival, Du Gu Yu ink smiled and nodded, pulling Liu Ruo's hand, whispered: "Wan Dao Jian Meng is still a poor guest! You couples can come, the sword master must be very happy!"

Immediately, Su Yi can only nod and agree, but ask Liu Ruoxi to absolutely not have any move, just beside him.

After the storm, everyone continued on the road.

Wan Dao Jian Meng is in front of him. After re-determining the direction, the radiance of the people’s feet suddenly rises and goes to the entrance of the space where Jianmeng is located.

At the time of leaving, the general eye of Su Yi’s abyss quickly noticed that because of the arrival of Liu Ruojun, several Wan Daoqiang seemed to be more emotional, and the heart was sinking.

"After entering, you must protect the ruthless, don't worry about me!" The unique way of communication is transmitted to the swallow.

The black eyes in the arms swallowed from the others, just an ordinary little black stone, solemnly nodded, said: "Master, obey!"

It was a small half-day, through the valley, and everyone stayed in front of a towering mountain.

Three or four Wandao Jianmeng strongmen plus the solitary rain ink and Situ Muyang, pulled out the long sword and stood on the chest.

Suddenly, a few swords and waves were drawn in front of him, and the light was shining, which was enough to rival the sun.

"Wan Dao Jian Fa, Broken Mountain!"

Daddy, several sword waves surrounded by the air into a huge pentagonal figure, the virtual shadow rushed out, like a storm hits the mountain!


The sword is fierce, and the horrible energy sweeps, and the middle of the mountain begins to deform.

In the surprised eyes of Su Yi and Liu Ruoqi, the mysterious sword air ripples appeared around the mountain. Behind the glare of the glare, a deep and dark space crack suddenly formed.

“It’s hidden in the mountains!”

Su Yi’s eyes are light, and the five great families have their own magical powers. These Wandao Jianmeng are actually hidden in the mountains.

His eyes flashed and he looked at the huge mountain in front of him. Su Yi knew that this mountain is already a treasure of heaven and earth, a treasure of the world!

"Let's go! The sword master should wait for a long time!" Du Gu Yu ink turned back and smiled, and invited Su Yi and Liu Ruoqi to come to Liu Ruoqi.

After Su Yi’s side, the eyes of the solitary rain are watching Liu Ruoxuan, but there is a sound of vitality passing into Su Yi’s ear. “Su Yi, if the girl’s safety, I will protect it, this is my last. Do things for the Wandao Jianmeng once, trust me!"

After that, the solitary rain and ink hand led Liu Ruoxuan, turned into a silver light impact on the mountain.

The solitary rain ink has always seen the concern of Su Yi, so I found a chance to say such a thing.

What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Wandao Jianmeng, Su Yi’s heart is full of doubts.

The mouth of the mouth was slightly pulled, Su Yi's face condensed like iron, and quickly rushed into the mountain!

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