The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2397: : Temple Assembly!


In the quiet lobby, a group of old and unrepaired elders came to the trouble, and the raging sky frowned, and the horse sat on the rutile chair with a golden sword.

Like the Heavenly Palace, the Voldemort, even if the family respects him, this time it is difficult.

Su Yi took away the fire town Tianshi from the floating fire, which is absolutely fatal to the old generation who regards the Leiyan Temple as life.

After knowing this news, Yan Tiantian also made a lot of spiritual comfort for himself, and let himself put it down.

If Su Yi really survives the world and is not chased by the dragon family, he has to be chased by the old guys to the ends of the earth.

But what the old guys don't know is that this fire town Tianshi is not part of the Leiyan Temple.

Lei Yan Temple has already gone back in the gate of the ghost gate. If there is no protection from the scaly celestial beast, where is the Leiyan Temple?

The family always takes themselves too seriously.

Not only the Dragon family, but also the other family members. Wandao Jianmeng thought that he could use Su Shi Jianshan to trap Su Yi, charm the dragon, get such a **** general plan, and finally take himself Go in.

Thinking of this, there is a smile on the corner of Yan Tiantian. At this time, Du Gucheng is estimated to be suffering the most terrible punishment in the family.

“You can’t live without it!”

Yan Yantian patted the palm of his hand, and when he thought of the action in the Heavenly Palace and the Clouds, he would start to worry, how should he persuade the old guys?

At the time of the dilemma, the gaze of the smoldering sky suddenly sank, and the two sects of the sect of the Yuanzong, which shattered the void, shot into the house, and the face of the ignorant Tian Deng was stiff.

"Dust, Liner!" said Yan Tiantian.

At this moment, the virtual dust and the scaly scales have undergone different degrees of growth after the retreat in the floating fire, and the virtual dust has broken through the Yuan dynasty. The repair has reached the Yuanzong territory, and the scaly repair is a higher level. The building came to Yuanzongjing.

The two eyes were dignified, their faces were deep, and the dust was watching the sun. The first sentence of the opening was: "Master, I heard that the four brothers have an accident!"

The narrow scales of the eyelids are rushing out of the fire, and the body is stiff. Looking forward to the ignorance of the sky, the eyes are not turning, as the face on the face of the blaze is written.

"Who told you?" Yan Tiantian's face changed slightly and his brow was low.

"Master, you tell me, is this true?" The dusty eyes are burning and the sound is getting louder and louder.

Inflammation and the sky also flashed a glimpse of a glimmer of light, so that the virtual dust is so excited, it is only Su Yi.

When he was on the road, Yan Tiantian looked bitter and bitter. He said: "Sometimes the ears are imaginary, and the eyes are true. Su Yi is indeed an accident, but I have not seen the body of Su Yi. How much skill this kid has, you should be better than us. clear!"

The virtual dust and the scaly face are opposite each other, and the killing in the eyes gradually condenses.

Immediately, the dusty fists clenched, and the thunder stretched around the eyebrows. He said, "When do you start, the Dragon family really thinks that Tian Man is his one-handed cover! Move my brother and give him courage!"

"Nature is as fast as possible!"

Outside the door, a familiar vicissitudes of the voice came, people did not arrive, the alcohol has been fragrant, thousands of miles, a sound of rapid sounds suddenly make the dust and sturdy.

"Big brother!"

The two of them drank at the same time, and the whole body stiffened and walked quickly to the ruthless side of the West, accompanied by Luo Youde’s elders.

Looking at the coming people, Yan Tiantian also stepped down the ladder.

"I have seen Yan Dianzun!"

The ruthless dimly lit up in the west shines in the light, and the **** color of the year-round drink is a bit lazy.

At the same time, the fire was destroyed, and when Luo had no time to come, it was sure to bring good news from Haotian Palace.

Yan Tiantian knows that at least the holy mountain, the Tiantian Palace, the Volunteer Gate, the Overlord, and the Yunjia are ready.

"Is it over to discuss the day of the dragon attack?"

Immediately, several people sat down, and the West was ruthlessly told the current situation.

The Temple of Heaven has already prepared for the arrangement of the elders of the ancient Yue, and the strength of the demon gate has also been assembled.

The chaotic domain has been unified before Su Yi left, and the people are retreating and practicing, and the strength is even more fierce.

The holy mountain snow red building has also sent a message to the chaotic domain, just waiting for a command, ready to play.

"Oh..." In the end, after listening to the ruthless words of the West, the brows became more and more tight, and nodded thoughtfully.

The dust and the scaly scales sit on the west side, watching the West ruthless, and the smashing is full of splendor, sighing: "Big brother, we can both play at any time! Actually someone bullied us on the head, I must have the blood of the dragon family !"

West ruthlessly smiled and nodded. I haven't seen two brothers for many years. I watched the two younger brothers' **** Fang Gang, and the ruthless mouth of the West was slightly outlined.

At this time, the first inflammation of the sky was uttered: "What happened to Su Yi’s accident?

Luo nowhere stood up, his eyes trembled and condensed: "A few months ago, the owner of the Tioman Palace had been retired. If she knew that Su Yi was planted in the hands of Wandao Jianmeng and Longjia, I am afraid it is not discussed now. Things have happened, one person has already rushed to the Dragon House!"

Inflamed and nodded, the thick lips glimpsed, and the words in my heart could not be said if I gave some time.

Looking at the virtual dust, his eyes are cold and said: "Master, are you worried that the people in the temple will not help Su Yi?"

Yan Tian nodded and his eyes were on the scales.

The scaly scale is the only descendant of the scaly celestial beast. Even if it is for the sake of the fire-scale celestial beast, it is necessary to kill oneself.

Is it just that you are compared to the temple alone?

Half a sigh, Yan Tiantian finally said: "At this time, some things can only be said clearly with the old guys. If you don't know, you have to say, otherwise they always think that everything under the sun is justified, then Lei Yansheng The temple is not far from the fall!"

On time, the West ruthlessly opened the jug and took a sigh of relief.

Luo has no end and nodded, saying: "All said that Yan Dianzun is the most sturdy in the family, and now it seems that the most thorough person!"

Yan Yantian raised his hand and whispered: "Whether, dust, Liner, I immediately convened the Temple Assembly, and there was an egg under the nest! This truth, the old guys have to understand!"

Said, the three left the hall, leaving only the West ruthless and Luo no end.

"I don't think you are worried about Su Yi at all?" Luo has no wry smile.

After a long while, the West ruthlessly scratched the back of the head, slightly closed eyes, faintly said: "This kid is reckless, but there is always a great fortune that is beyond the ordinary people. There is always a point of perfection! This time with the head He may have grown up, but with my many years of experience, this kid is not so easy to die! We can't help, so do other things."

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