The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 242: : The second game begins!

Haha, I married the Shangguan Weiwei, and later we are the people of our pretty bear tribe!

In the wild bear tribe, many young people suddenly screamed and the sound was full.

This makes everyone in Linggu Village happy.

Shangguan Weiwei Jiaoyan climbed a touch of red, staring at the bear battle, angery to slap, showing the color of dissatisfaction, but did not know what to say.

You can't win.

Shangguan Chenfeng stared at the bear battle, and his eyes began to sharpen.

Shangguan morning wind, will defeat you in one fell swoop!

The bear war faint smile, reaching out to the Shangguan morning wind, the muscles bulging, fierce and overbearing.

You are not enough!

Shangguan morning wind responded, hair dancing, **** for tat.

Haha, young people have a good temper is a good thing, and after twenty years, all this is yours, but today, let's see who is better!

The old man of a wild bear tribe got up and looked around the square. He looked at the sun in the sky, and the voice came out quietly. He said: Time is almost the same. For the wild bear tribe, the tiger hunting tribe, the Linggu village every ten years. The younger generation of contests, the rules must be clear to everyone, I will not waste time to say it again, the first game Linggu Village won, now the second game begins!

The sound is faint, mixed with energy, enough to be clearly passed into the ears of two or three thousand people.

As the old man of this wild bear tribe came out, the boiling square was silent.

Even the surrounding monsters of the monsters are quiet.


When the sound of this voice fell, the full field also boiled again, and the sound rushed into the sky.



At the same time, the beasts are like thunder, and the red bears and the black monsters roar like thunder, and the huge body comes out at the same time, and the breath is sultry.

Let the savage wild leopard go, they fight, who will stay in the field, that is the final winner.

Shangguan Weiwei whispered in the ear of Su Yi, who had Su Yi, and the savage and pretty Leopard only listened to Su Yi.

Beware of the Red Bear and the Black Mighty Tiger to deal with you, at the fastest speed, first solve the black monster!

Su Yi went to the side of the savage and savage, and the ear whispered.


The faint singer and the leopard roared, and the dark black scales shimmered on the scales, and they were so deep that they walked slowly toward the square.

In the volume of the red bear and the black sorcerer, the size of the savage savage leopard appears to be the smallest, but the invisible momentum of the body is a kind of king's temperament, which makes the beasts unreasonable.

Three savage beasts walked up to the square, standing side by side, the three directions are relatively distant, and there are three pillars.

This second game, three pretty monsters showdown, in the melee, who can finally stay, that is the winner.

Uncommon, if you grow up, you will become the king of the beast in the future.

Seeing three pretty monsters, there are strong arguments.

Whether it is the black sorcerer, the violent bear or the savage savage, if it can grow to the end in the future, it can become the king of the savage beast.

Su Yi looked at the three wild monsters in the field, which are all good.

But this melee, in the end which one of the wild monsters will win, it is really hard to say.

The old man of the Mangga tribe saw three pretty monsters coming into the field, showing a smile, surrounded by a round of eyes, the sound is slow, but long as a thunder, slowly raised the palm, said: the second game, now, Start!

As the voice fell, the raised palms suddenly fell.


At the same time, the red bear was standing upright and roaring like a thunder. It seemed to be demonstrating toward the black sorcerer and the savage savage.



How can the savage savage and the black sorcerer retreat, and it is also roaring!

The tiger is like a thunder, the leopard is shocking!

The sound is deafening, and people are excited to boil!


The faint savage sky and the leopard roared, and the dark black body of the body suddenly rushed out, and went straight to the black sorcerer.

In a few days, the strength of the savage and savage leopard has grown a lot, the progress is huge, the healthy body leaps out, the breath is terrifying, and the deep black light on the body is like a mist, and the light is shining.


The fierce raging bears roared and swayed the void, almost at the same time, and they were prepared as soon as they went straight to the black sorcerer.

The black sorcerer is not going to have any action, but stunned by the sinister savage, and suddenly it’s awkward, and the breath is fierce in an instant.

However, it was only in the eyes of the fierce raging bear that it was directly rushing.

The strong ones in the tiger hunting tribe have changed even more.

The Tiger Hunting Horde is planned to let the black sorcerer look like a wall, and then when the savage savage and the raging bears are both hurt, it is also the best chance to win.

But now, the red mad bear and the savage savage leopard, but at the same time have a plan, actually directly rushed to the black enchanting tiger.

This makes the strong tigers of the Hunting Tigers have to look a little dignified.

Su Yi is also watching the scene, the look is dark and fretting.

The savage and savage leopard won the first game. If it wins another game, then this time the Linggu Village, the Tiger Hunting Horde, and the Wild Bear Tribe, once in a row, have already landed on the head of Linggu Village in advance. It is.

Therefore, Su Yi had to be wary, fearing that the black scorpion tiger and the red mad bear would join hands to solve the sorrowful hunter.

Undoubtedly, in this case, the savage savage leopard is the easiest to become the primary goal.

Can be sinful and savage, the leopard has already been shot against the black sorcerer, the goal of the violent bear, and there is no doubt that the direct rush to the black sorcerer, Su Yi will have to be a little surprised.

Solve the black sorcerer, and the rest of the savage savage, this should not be a good thing for the violent bear.

Why this red bear will also pounce on the black monster, Su Yi is confused.


A deafening, savage and savage, the speed of the leopard is lightning fast, and the body leaps out and flies directly toward the black sorcerer.

The savage and savage leopard launched a fierce offensive, and the body's breath collapsed, and the four claws were like hooks.

The black enchanted tiger roared, and the black light surging, almost standing upright, greeted with a wave of claws, and opened his mouth with a sharp mouth and sharp teeth. If the mouth was to be sprayed with thin light, the power was amazing.

All have reached the peak of the demon Xuanjing!

Surrounded by the onlookers, the savage savage and the black sorcerer have reached the peak of the five peaks of the enchantment, and the offensives are extremely fierce, both of which reveal the breath of the savage beastmaster.


For a moment, the two collided, and they hit the corner. The terrible waves swelled and slammed around the sand.


The fierce atmosphere broke out, and the energy and the waves surged, turning into a frenzy, covering a large space, and the power was fierce and violent.

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