The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2438: : Perseverance of the Goddess!

Obviously, the madman is preparing for the final blow.

"Sister, give it a try! I'll take the lead, after you die!" Duanmu Qingtian opened his eyes and shouted at Duanmu Xiaoman behind him.

Duanmu stands on the front peak of the earthquake. Duanmu Xiaoman clasps her lips tightly. From refining to using, she knows better than anyone else. This is a terrible place to control the **** of heaven.

But no one has seen the power of Yutianshending, nor has he seen the side effects of Yutianshending.

In other words, Duanmu Xiaoman doesn't have any horrific consequences of using Yutian Shending.

"That's too late!"

Duanmu Qingtian's voice echoed in Duanmu Xiaoman's ears constantly, thinking about the wish of the master Nan Xihui, is he going to follow suit?

Duanmu Xiaoman was scared.

Duanmu Xiaoman, who had always been quiet and ice-bound, was afraid that she could not wait for her sweetheart like a master, and she could not wait for Su Yi.

At this moment, she would like to see Su Yi again.

In the distance, a golden light came from the peak after the earthquake, and the fierce strength pushed the turbid waves far away.

Looking at the golden light burst by Duanmu Xiong, Duanmu Xiaoman's heart was extremely calm.

Regardless, Master Nan Xihui worked hard all his life for what he loved.

Duanmu Xiaoman will do the same.

Duanmu Xiaoman was alive for Duanmu Qingtian. In the second half of her life, Duanmu Xiaoman was to live for herself!

In the bursting space, the sky and the earth were cloudy.

The sky in the distance was messy and unbearable. Suddenly, a terror force moving from the mountain to the sea shot out from the peak before the earthquake!

"Oh my God, what power is that!"

"Look, what is the main Mu Gong doing before the earthquake!"

West is ruthless, Chi Feihong, Long Poshan, and others are killing on their respective peaks. At this moment, I feel a sharp breath straight into the world, and the look changes instantly, and they all look towards Qianfeng.

Eyes flickered, and everyone looking at felt a transcendent power that would destroy the world!

Above the peak before the earthquake, Duanmu Qingtian has been forced to Duanmu Xiaoman.

Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes were dignified, and the black white robe moved gently, and a three-legged azure blue spirit tripod appeared in front of him.

The dense light patterns on it circulate, and the overwhelming soul energy bursts out, and instantly passes through the twisted space and swept away in all directions!

"Yu Tianshen Ding is Yutianshen Ding!"

"Is that the legendary **** tripod! Can it seduce ancient remnants and surrender all the filthy **** tripods in the world!"

"The main retreat of Duanmu Palace turned out to be making that thing! God bless me to control the heaven palace!"

The radiance of the divine spirit is like a bath of holy light. The tide-like soul's attacking power floods between the heavens and the earth, and the blue light radiates to the sky with the mysterious light.

The strong men who watched everything surged in excitement.

This legendary **** tripod came to the world, how can they not tremble!

"The lord of the palace! You have sacrificed too much to control the heavenly palace!"

At this moment, the lord of the ancient Yue Gong on a mountain peak burst into tears, staring at the distant mountain vision with scorching eyes, his chest undulating.

As the sole deputy master of Yutian Palace, Gu Yue knows better than anyone that Yutian God is hard-won.

It has been recorded from ancient books that the first palace master of Yutian Palace even obtained the full text of Yutian Jue, and then "cooperated" with Li's to create the Yutian God Ding.

Shen Ding was born, born with a vision, a desolate demon, and dare not follow.

The ancient books did not record what battle Yutian Shending really used, and what record Yutian Palace had.

Therefore, Gu Yue speculated that Yutian Shending has its own things, but who in history has really used Yutian Shending, the answer is no!

At this moment, on the peak before the earthquake, the divine light was shining, the fierce soul energy swept across the sky, and the runes like a chain of gods swarmed on Duanmu Xiaoman and Duanmu Qingtian.

Duanmu Xiaoman, who was reflected in white by the light of God, fluttered her hair like a god.

The blue pupils overflowed with glorious colors, and the overwhelming ice spirit wrapped around Shen Ding. At this moment, Shen Ding exudes a sense of icy coldness.

"Sister!" Duanmu Qingtian pushed his hands horizontally, infused his soul energy, but was bounced back by a more terrifying and powerful energy!

Looking blankly at Duanmu Xiaoman, Duanmu Qingtian's whole person was instantly rigid.

"Yu Tian Shen Ding cannot be opened by relying on the current Yu Tian Jue alone. I can only turn around by mobilizing the magic power of Bingyu. Forgive my sister's spirit, I will rely on you in the future!"

At this time, due to the surging force of Bingyu, Duanmu Xiaoman's voice seemed to squeeze out from between the teeth.

As soon as the voice fell, his face changed violently, and his eyes had been replaced by shock. The horrifying power erupted by Mu Xiaoman in front of him was absolutely beyond his imagination.

"No way, you can't control such a fetish!"

With that said, the rampant step backwards, and the black energy storm continued to agitate, but without the shock of the moment.

Suddenly, in the face of the provocative provocation, Duanmu Xiaoman glanced at the shocked Duanmu Qingtian, and then lightened at his feet. The whole body ice spirit lifted the Yutian God Ding, and Duanmu Xiaoman's body gradually lifted off.

In the mysterious eyes, Duanmu Xiaoman showed a slight disdain, and said softly, "You want to destroy me and control the sky, you are a little too early!"

"No, sister!"

"Master, don't!"

"Master Duanmu Palace!"

"you dare!"

Everyone was afraid at this time, and even the madness revealed the terror in his heart.

The horrifying Yuding God Ding quickly lifted off, and from the top surged countless horrible ancient remnants.

The blue demon soul is overwhelming. When the **** of heaven and earth is aimed at the mad lord, the space begins to change color. The heaven and earth are like a collapse, and the horrible energy they carry will directly disappear.

In the next instant, Duanmu Xiaoman moved, and the bright blue light exploded completely.

A bluish blue blood between the eyebrows turned into the energy of the sky, directing the ancient remnant that swept the world and hit the mad man!


Under the overbearing blue brilliance, countless ancient remnants stir the energy of heaven and earth. Various elements of gold, wood, water, fire and soil are gathered together, and they are impacted by the black energy light group in the distance!

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and a dark ripple of space burst out, which was enough to swallow the vitality of all things to spread the world, and lightning generally spread!

Realizing that when Duanmu Xiaoman rescued Yutian Temple at the cost of life, everyone withdrew his attack and rushed to the front peak of the earthquake.

At the same time, the terrible army of dragons and ravages converged towards the peak before the earthquake like a storm!

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