The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 26: : Ji Chao!

\"The city owner, the original two of Su Liu's agreement, the entire city can be a testimony, Su Yi lived back in the demon forest for three years, which also proves that if the Shantou really has a fate, the matter is in accordance with the original The agreement is set. "Su Yuntian looks at Liu Zongyuan, the wrinkles on his face, if the water is ruthless, but a pair of scorpions are deep and majestic.

Liu Zongyuan understands that this is what the old man is alluding to Su Yi in the forest of the demon. The Su family did not intervene, but now Su Yi is alive and returning, naturally it is not easy to count.

\" Father, I...\"

Liu Zongyuan spoke, but Wang Quande interrupted Liu Zongyuan’s words, and his face sank. He saw Su Yuntian’s opening and said: “If you’re married, it’s not counted!”

\"A good sacred mountain, this matter has already been fixed. If it is a holy mountain, it will be arrogant and unreasonable. After passing it out, it is not very good." Su Yuntian looked directly at Wang Quande.

Wang Quande secretly changed color. From the look of the people around him, this Su Yuntian has a very high status in the city.

Wang Quande is not afraid of this Su Yuntian, but if it is forced to intervene today, it is indeed unfavorable to the holy mountain.

Although this city is only a small place, but because of Liu Ruojun's position in the holy mountain, this matter has a huge relationship. If he can't handle it today, or what is caused in the city, he will not go back to the intersection.

\"I want to eat swan meat, if you are a sister, you can think about it!"

At this time, behind Wang Quande, a fifteen-year-old white-looking boy walked out, white clothes fluttering, quite handsome, under the long eyebrows, a pair of blind eyes directly looked at Su Yi, disdain and ridicule color without disguise, :\"You don't want to re-test, I will give you the opportunity, as long as I can pick up three tricks, no, two strokes are enough, as long as you can take me two strokes, then you can qualify to go to the holy mountain."

When such a teenager walks out, the eyes around him are bet.

Wang Quande secretly from the gloomy face, a look in his eyes did not leave traces, did not speak, the default of the white boy.

The fifteen-year-old girl, who has already reached the square at the moment, has a slight movement and continues to look at Su Yi intentionally or unintentionally.

\"Also, Ji Chao is similar to yours. If you can take two measures of Ji Chao, it also means that you have the qualification to go to the holy mountain, but if you can't even pick up two strokes, then the marriage contract is effective, then Retired is! \" After darkly pondering, Wang Quande opened his mouth and looked at Su Yi with a faint smile. Perhaps this matter should be solved by the junior.

Wang Quande is very clear about the strength of Ji Chao. It is such a kid who is a servant, not to mention two tricks. I am afraid that I will never be able to take Ji Chao.

If this matter can be solved in this way, it will be considered complete.

Silent all the time, all eyes are on Su Yi's body at this moment, I don't know if Su Yi will choose to fight with the disciples of the Holy Mountain.

Su Yuntian’s father did not speak at the moment, and his eyes were clear.

\"Kid, don't dare, this is not a courage, but also want to eat swan meat, or else let you make a move, how about a trick!"

Ji Chao sneered, raising his hand and pointing to Su Yi, he came out to practice this time, originally just walked through the scene, but did not expect it to be such a thing.

A affluent funder actually wants to dye Liu Ruoxi's sister, if it is on the holy mountain, I am afraid that people will laugh at the big teeth.

Su Yi was slightly lifted, and at this moment, the battle was afraid that it was already imperative.

\"How about the Holy Mountain, a move, you are too high to see yourself!"

With a slight smile, Su Yi stepped out and put a smile on her face.

It’s already imperative, so go ahead. In the past three years, it’s not that you have played against the strong.

When Su Yi stepped out, Su Yuntian’s father, Gu Jing’s eyes, had finally had some fluctuations, but left no traces and then restrained.

\"I know, how can Su Yi not dare to challenge the city, and do it!" "In the audience seat, in the dense crowd, Wang Fatzi is squeezed in it, on the chubby face, the eyes are like He became a line, and when he saw Su Yiying, he jumped up excitedly. The white boy was too arrogant, and he could not understand it.

Just then, Wang Fatzi’s middle-aged sitting next to him was slightly blinking, and Wang Fatzi suddenly bowed his head and did not dare to speak again.

With Su Yi's battle, the tops of the major families are also secretly automatic.

Although Su Yi has already set foot on the Yuan Soul, but Ji Chao is a sacred disciple. I don’t know how much better than Su Yi at first glance.

What's more, everyone can see that although Wang Quande said that Ji Chao and Su Yi are almost the same age, it is obvious that Ji Chao is going to be a little bigger, and with the cultivation of the Holy Mountain, Su Yi is afraid that there will be a world of difference.

Su Jingting’s mouth was bloody, and Su Yi walked out. It seemed that he wanted to say something. He said that Su Yuntian’s father did not speak, and he wanted to stop.

Su Wei stood by Su Jingting and looked at everything. His eyes were very cold.

When I saw Su Yi coming out, Ji Chao’s face also had a sneer, but I didn’t expect this kid to be really courageous. It’s really a dare to fight, maybe it’s just a reckless.

Immediately, Ji Chao’s face was also gloomy, and the kid did not seem to put him in his heart.

\"I thought that the whole city except the Liu Ruojun sisters, but also all garbage waste, but you still have some courage, this is quite a surprise to me, shot it, or else, you are afraid that even the chance to even have no chance !\"

Ji Chao sneered at Su Yi, ridiculed his words, how could he put a little boy in a small city in his eyes.

\"Too too much!\"

\"This is saying that we are all garbage waste!\"

Ji Chao’s words immediately made the young people who were full of the game unhappy, which was to put everyone on the door.

\"I don't know what kind of talent you were at the beginning?\" Su Yi looked at Ji Chao faintly.

\"Oh, Wang Pin!\"

Ji Chao retaliated, with a proud color in his gaze, Wang Pintian, even in the Holy Mountain is rare.

\"Wang Pin!\"

It is said that the young people around are shocked. Although they are not pleased with Ji Chao, their eyes are also secretly eagerly envious and envious.

Wang Pintian is destined to become a strong!

\"Wang Pin Tianzi, so to speak, in the eyes of the emperor's talented people, you are just a waste of garbage!\"

Su Yi opened his mouth and looked at Ji Chao. He said with a slight smile.


\"Su Yi is good!\"

When Su Yi’s voice spread, and some people suddenly laughed around, it seemed like a sigh of relief. This second began, and many people’s feelings about Su Yi were immediately better.

The top leaders of the big families are also secretly moving at the moment.

This Ji Chao has smashed the entire city, and because of the holy mountain, they can't say anything.

But as a part of the city, they are naturally unhappy, and at the moment they are not too dark.

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