The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 275: : Nine thousand years!

It is the demon master of my demon sect.

The old village head of Linggu Village, the old patriarch of the Mangga tribe, the old patriarch of the Tiger Hunting Tribe, told everyone that they were respectful and saluting on the demon Luoshan. They looked solemn and said to everyone: Follow the demon statues. For the sake of my demon, leaving the blood, the rest of the people, ready to fight.

Listening to these words, I was shocked.

Really have a big enemy?

Is the legend from ancient times to the present really true?

Throughout the Linggu Village, the Wild Bear Tribe and the Tiger Hunting Tribe, they were caught in a panic and shock. The atmosphere was dignified and everyone was very tight.

I don't want to leave, even if I have a big enemy, I have to fight alongside everyone, how can I leave my people!

In the Brutal Bears, the Bear Wars stood up and was forced to go out in a retreat.

But he doesn't want to go, he really has a big enemy, and he has to fight alongside the tribe!

I don't leave, I swear to live with the tribe! Xiong Lie stood by his brother's bear battle and was willing to leave.

I do not go!

I don't leave a lot of young people, I don't want to leave, I want to live with the people.

No, I can't leave!

In the tiger hunting tribe, Hu Ming, Hu Chi, Tiger Mo and other younger generations clenched their teeth and refused to leave.

My loved ones are in the village, I can't go!

In the ancient village of Ling, many young people do not leave. The young children crying, pulling the hands of their loved ones, are reluctant to leave.

You must go, you must leave blood for the demon!

The old people in Linggu Village, Hunting Tiger Tribe, and the Wild Bear Tribe screamed and forced these young people and young children to be sent out.

There are strong people leading the team to protect them, you need to leave blood for the Tian Yao Zong, just in case.

In this way, in the Linggu Village, the young tigers of the Hunting Tigers and the Wild Bears were forcibly sent out.

The rest of the people are preparing for a **** battle. Even the enemy does not know, and the atmosphere is extremely tense.

"Tianlu Gujing"!

When Su Yi was awake again, she got such a message in her mind, and her mind was still a little groggy, which was caused by the forced infusion of a huge amount of information.

Young people, are you awake?

This sound passed into Su Yi's ear.

who is it!

Su Yi was shocked and looked at the sound. It was discovered that at this moment, he appeared on the top of a mountain, surrounded by clouds, surrounded by mountains and mountains, and numerous towering trees.

A big tiger cub is under a towering tree, no light, and thin and thin, just like the year of the late, even the tiger cub is very dim.

The demon strong!

Su Yi shocked, such a big tiger appeared, seemingly late, but Su Yi can clearly feel that this tiger is absolutely different.

You are right, I am also a member of the Yaozu, but strictly speaking, I am from the Heavenly Demon, I have been waiting here for 9000 years. I thought I was afraid that I could not wait for someone to wait. I did not expect that the sky will not destroy my demon, at the end of my last days, you are coming!

The big tiger was quietly squatting there, and looked at Su Yi, although the thin body was just squatting, and it was much higher than Su Yi.

Nine thousand years, the demon

Su Yi was shocked and able to live for nine thousand years. In the end, what level of horror exists, and the Tian Yao Zong, seems to appear in his own mind, and the other day, the demon ancient scriptures, is it related to this day?

What you have just seen is the former Tian Yao Zong, nine thousand years ago, the Heavenly Demon, how brilliant it is!

The big tiger opened, and the faint tiger cub also filled a little light, but then the eyes fell down again and continued to Su Yi: It’s a pity that the shameless people in the name of shamelessly joined us. Tian Yaozong rushed to kill, and finally my demon sect had gone, the owner at his own expense, looking for this place, with the blood of the Tian Yao Zong hidden here, hoping that one day, qualified descendants can get their legacy, rejuvenation I am a demon sect, nine thousand years old, has never been qualified, originally thought this is God, but the sky will not destroy my demon, at the end of my day, you appear!

Su Yi is very surprised. He looks at the big tiger and says: Predecessors, what you said would not be me?

Yes, it is you, you are qualified, the only one that passed the test, got the inheritance of the master, got the ancient demon! When the big tiger finished, the surrounding space was undulating, and the prospect of Su Yi’s eyes changed again, and it has already appeared in an ancient hall.

This hall is very large, surrounded by a lot of exotic animals, filled with brilliance, with a demon filled, shocking soul!

But this demon is filled with, but it makes Su Yi feel incomparably used, as if there is a feeling of a fish wandering in the water.


Su Yi looked around and was about to open his mouth. The big tiger interrupted Su Yi’s words. The squatting body moved slightly and then got up. The thin and thin tiger body was a little thinner, and the color of the lateness was thicker. Shaking his body and looking at Su Yi said: Time is running out, there are some things that you will naturally know later, but you have got the ancient demon of the demon, it is already the disciple of the master, and the new lord of the demon!

New sovereign!

It’s incredible that Su Yi is still a bit hard to come back to now, and it feels a bit confusing.

In the future, the task of revitalizing the Heavenly Demon will be handed over to you. The big tiger looks at Su Yi and said that the faint tiger cub is deep and deep, like an abyss, boundless.

Seniors, I am afraid that it is difficult to shoulder the heavy responsibility, I have a lot of troubles myself, not to mention I am from the outside world, not the people inside.

Su Yi smiled, not enough to destroy the original demon sect, the opponent is afraid of more horror, in his own situation, where is the ability, and he is not the person inside.

From the first day you came in, I knew that everything about you is very extraordinary. I can feel it from you. You have a lot of secrets, but everything in you has a lot with my demon. Similar, perhaps, this is part of the reason why inheritance has chosen you.

Dahu eyes on Su Yi and continues to say: You are indeed very weak now, but I know that you are extraordinary, far more than your peers. At this moment, you are still pregnant with the ancient demon. In the near future, you will rise, and one day, you Will understand the power of the ancient demon.


Su Yi still wants to say something. The big tiger shook his head and looked at the distance in the hall. He could see through the hall and said: Time is running out. The enemy is coming faster than I thought. Remember, You are already the lord of the demon sect, and will be handed over to you after the demon sect!

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