The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 343: : Give me up!

Jia Hui girl, nothing.

Su Yi's eyes swept over the four weeks, then turned and asked Xu Jiahui, glaring at his face, feeling the fluctuation of his body, eating some small losses, should not be more serious.

I am fine, thank you.

Xu Jiahui was a little wrong. She did not think that Su Yi suddenly appeared. I didn’t even think that Su Yi was helping. From the situation of the former, it was easy to resist the next, and the strength was unfathomable.

Jia Hui, how are you?

Zhang Qing and more than a dozen young girls ran over and glared at Xu Jiahui, but she was relieved, but all eyes were curious and looked at Su Yi.

No wonder it has become arrogant. It turned out to be a newcomer.

The faint voice was very gloomy, and it came out from the mouth of the twilight. In the gloomy scorpion, the eyes looked cold and cold and looked at Su Yi.

Let's go, otherwise I will be rude!

Su Yi turned again and looked at the open mouth. His eyes glanced at the five people from Teng Ming and others. It seems that they are all eight-eight-year-old repairs of Yuan Soul. They are also seventeen and eight years old.

However, this kind of cultivation is quite normal in the eyes of Su Yi.


Hearing words, looking at Su Yi, after a fascinating darkness, it was a sullen smile, his eyes cold and cold. From the perspective of clothing, this should be a foreign disciple.

When the laughter is over, Teng Ming stares at Su Yidao: The kid is new to the 36th Jianfeng. It’s a big tone. Do you know who I am?

Newcomers, I really don’t know who you are! Su Yi said faintly.

His name is Teng Ming. He was in the door two years earlier than ours. His brother, Teng Guang, is an inner disciple in the door and is extremely favored in the door.

Xu Jiahui whispered around Su Yi: This Teng Ming often swears that his brother is an inner disciple, often bullying others, especially bullying our teachers and sisters, this time we have to grab our medicinal herbs.

No need to be embarrassed, it turned out to be a newcomer. I thought that by the 36th Jianfeng, there will be a day when I am in the early days. Since it is also a foreign disciple, I should also have a talented Peiyuan Dan. Yuan Dan, I can let you eat less bitter, otherwise, today let you know what is called toasting, not eating and drinking!

Looking at what Xu Jiahui is saying in a low voice, the look of Teng Ming is very unsightly.

He is a foreigner disciple, and he has never been afraid.

That kid seems to have some skill, but can't really succeed on himself.

I said that you can go.

Su Yi looks calm, this kind of thing is afraid of wherever it is. This is the thing of the Shenjian Gate. It has nothing to do with it, and does not intend to pay more attention to it.

Just because Xu Jiahui, Su Yi just had to take the shot, but did not want to get into trouble at the Shenjianmen.

In the face of Su Yi's disapproval, Teng Ming's face has been completely hanged, and the other party seems to have not put him in the heart.


The face is gloomy and ugly, and the blue color of the Tengming body is pervasive. At this moment, the vitality of the body has also reached its limit.


A sound of Jin Ge resounded, and a sword appeared in the hands of Teng Ming. The spirit was wrapped in the sword. If it was covered with a layer of blue brilliance, a sword was swept out.

Aoki Sword!

A cold drink came out from the mouth of Tengming, and then the sword wrapped in the blue glory was like a mountain, and it was like a suicide.

The sword is a spiritual soldier, and this sword martial arts is also quite good.

The swordsmanship is dazzling, and the place where it passes is vacant, and the sound of ‘呜呜’ is broken in the air.

Su Yi is careful, this is the martial arts.

When the sword was thrown out, Xu Jiahui was suddenly dignified and eclipsed.

This is the product of martial arts, which is through the relationship of his brother, only to get this martial arts sword.

Around Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing and other young girls have also changed their eyes at this moment. A heart has been mentioned by Su Yi in the eyes of the blind man.

The boy who looks like their size is said to have been dying three days ago. Will it be this stern opponent at this moment?

If it is the same door, the starting point is so fierce, it seems that the usual is afraid of being bullied!

Just as everyone was worried, Su Yi’s voice was faint, and Jianguang also pierced the body, but the strange thing was that without a drop of blood splashing, the figure was blurred, like an illusion.

This is a sneer tasting. Suddenly, there is no tremor in my heart. I haven’t reacted yet. A familiar figure has appeared on his side. I watched the former punch and opened up in my own eyes. .


This punch fell on the sturdy squat, and the dull sound of the spirit resounded.


A scream came from the mouth of Tengming, and the voice was miserable.


In the hands of Teng Ming, the sword fell to the ground, and his body flew out in a straight line, falling heavily on the ground.


The blood in the mouth of Teng Ming overflowed, and when he struggled to climb up, the right hand of the sword had just been unable to hang down, his face was pale, and his eyes gushed out of the hustle and bustle.

Teng Ming was shocked. He lost in one stroke, suffered trauma, and his right arm was broken. He was afraid that it would be difficult to recover without training for a month or two.

Give it to me, go up together, don't let go of that kid!

The chilly and sharp voice came out from the mouth of Tengming, staring at Su Yi and his eyes, and he couldn’t let the kid go.

The remaining four teenagers were shocked and trembled.

But listening to the words of Tengming, the four teenagers hesitated a little, face each other, biting their teeth, and there were swords in the hands of the four men. They barely reached the eight-key and nine-fold breath of the Yuan Soul, and the four swords were simultaneously plucked. Su Yi.

These four teenagers don't believe that the four people will be together, but they can't help this kid.

Everything was very fast, and the four swords wrapped in vitality spread sharply and swords, and suddenly Su Yi enveloped it.

Broken, but at this time, I saw a figure flashing, and then four low and dull sounds came.


Four screams of sorrow screamed, four swords fell on the ground, four teenagers were shaken, and the horrible fall to the ground, all rolling with the pain of the lower abdomen.

Such a scene, let Zhang Qing and other young men and women look dumbfounded, difficult to return to God, stunned.

Teng Ming is also dumbfounded, his eyes twitching, full of stunned.

Originally, he thought that the other side was stronger, and the four people could also deal with it.

It can be said that the four people have joined forces, but it is also a trick to cry and yell at the mother, not at all.

If you don't leave, this is not the case!

Looking at the five people, such as Teng Ming, Su Yi's face was slightly sunk.

Full of stunned, Teng Ming five people struggled to climb up, trembled, and carefully picked up their sword, Cangjie left, did not dare to stay.

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