The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 359: : The basis of the sword.

Er is a disciple of Shenjian. Today, I am talking about swords with everyone. Although the sword is not only a sword, but it is famous for its sword skills. I want to be the first ancestor of the sword. Lu Sanzhou and the sea, the pressure of the world's many Tianjiao Supreme, the pressure of the eight sides, the name shocks Yuyu, and finally created the Excalibur door, standing up to today, not so far, fame!

Speaking of the ancestor of the Shenjianmen, the eyes of the elders who are like the bones of the sacred winds are also fluctuating. There is a kind of pride in their eyes, and their eyes are not bright.

The disciples of the Excalibur Gates are also **** at this moment, and they are proud of being disciples of the Excalibur.

I paused a bit. It seems that for the reaction of the disciples, the elder of the sacred bones is very satisfied. I will continue to say: the sword is the lord of the hundred soldiers, the sword is beautiful, free and easy, changeable and flexible. Elegant, but also unruly, wild, eclectic.

Sword method, to be accompanied by body, internal and external, body and mind repair, body and mind are consistent, the movement is slow, like a stream of water, continuous, moving in the static, static and dynamic, virtual and real combination, rigid and soft

The elders screamed, and all the disciples were so intoxicated, listening carefully, for fear of missing something.

Su Yiben is not looking forward to it. The elders are talking about it at the moment, and they are all basic knowledge.

But this is the case, but it is let Su Yi gradually listened carefully.

From cultivation to the present, Su Yi is a person practicing.

Although he had consulted with the three remaining elders of Tian Yaozong, Su Yi was only some of the cultivation experience in Yuan Ling and never received such basic guidance.

These basic knowledge, for Su Yi, is the most lacking.

Although it has been the triple cultivation of Yuan Lingjing, with the bottom cards and extraordinary, Su Yi's real combat power has long surpassed the general triad of the Yuan Lingjing.

At this moment, Su Yi listens to these basic knowledge of practice, and realizes and integrates it. Many places can't help but feel like a kind of squatting.

Just like a river flowing to the sea, the water is flowing, and no one will notice the mud at the bottom of the river.

Su Yi got it at the moment, just as the mud at the bottom of the river was completely washed away, rolling in the river, and it was unstoppable to rush to the sea.

Sword, the grip method is loose, the light and quick change, the wrist is crisp, the softness is just right, the softness is soft, the softness is just right, the step is fast, and the body is auxiliary sword. Today, I will talk about it here.

After almost two hours, the elder of the celestial bones, the eyes of the elders, swept over the disciples in front of them, the voice was more loud, and slowly said: as a practitioner, in addition to practice, Also, when practicing self-cultivation and respecting the martial arts, all martial arts martial arts must be wise as a teacher, modest and eager to learn, respect the teacher, Chongyang Wude, never learn the arts first, and never practice martial arts, Mingzheng, weak. Evil, so that you can really enter the room, understand the essence of martial arts!

The loud voice echoed the sword hall and fell into the ears of the disciples. It was like a thunder, and the people were shaking!

Disciples are taught, thank you for your elders!

All the disciples bowed their heads and looked at them with awe.

Su Yi’s heart is also shocking.

Such a lesson, beyond Su Yi's expectations, is totally different from the imagination.

I have never learned the art first, and I have never practiced the martial arts, Ming Mingdao, and the weak and the evil.

Su Yi muttered to himself, and looked at the elder of the sacred wind bones, and the impression of the Shenjianmen was also close.

First, the Holy Spirit has words, people are not tired, learn to be tireless, sensitive and eager to learn, not shameful to ask, today, finally, give everyone a little time, is there anything to ask?

The elders smiled slightly and looked at the disciples in front of them.

A group of disciples bowed their heads, and some people looked at each other. In front of the elders, they looked up and looked at them without any courage. No one was dare to open the door.

Elder, I want to know the most basic swordsmanship knowledge!

In the crowd, there is a sound.

Such a voice suddenly made the disciples secretly confused.

The most basic knowledge of swordsmanship, actually asking these questions to an elder who is in class, isn’t this seemingly mediocre?

What's more, on this occasion, it is hard to meet an elder to teach, and to courage, actually ask this mediocrity.

The gaze of the road followed the sound, and all the curiosity looked in the direction of the sound.

In the end, all eyes looked at the last corner of the martial arts hall. A young boy dressed in a foreign disciple costume got up, carrying a broken sword behind his back, which was rusty and very eye-catching.

The young boy is not very old, fifteen or six years old, with a thin body and a black shawl, standing there quietly, but it gives people a sense of inability to move.

Behind the elders, the older disciples, their eyes also fell on Su Yi's body, and they volatility.

The elders of the sacred winds were sitting cross-legged, not moving, and looked at Su Yi for a while. I don’t know why, but the gaze in the eyes was a glimmer of light.

The sword method is decomposed into a thorn sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, etc. The 'thorn' is fast, 'point' is to be crisp, 'band' To be sharp, 'wipe' to be alive, 'suck' to be calm, 'hang' to be close, 'hit' to be majestic, '撩' to pull, 'cut' to sit on the wrist, these are swordsmanship The basic knowledge, the "Basic Sword" in the door has a detailed record, although this is the foundation, but it is the foundation, you have to study hard, if not, you can go to the Tibetan sword peak to exchange, there must be "the foundation of the sword" .

The elder said this and answered the boy.

And this young boy is naturally only Su Yi, remembering that he is about to cultivate the thirteen swords of the hurricane, but that is the imperial sword and the lack of the basic knowledge of the sword.

At this moment, when encountering such an opportunity, Su Yi naturally does not want to miss it.

Elder, I am new to the sword gate, there is no point, can the elders send me the "Basic of the Sword"?

Then, just as he was trying to divert his gaze, Su Yi once again said this to the elders.

Su Yi swears, presumably for this elder of the Excalibur, the foundation of a set of swords, is not a baby.


For a moment, a staring look at Su Yi, everyone was shocked.

No points, look for the elders to "the foundation of the sword."

This makes everyone stunned, this guy really dare to speak.

Su Yi, Zhang Qing has long been stunned.

An outsider, the disciple who pretended to be the gate of the Excalibur, was listening to the class at the sword hall. Zhang Qing was already scared enough, and now he is still in front of the elders.

Zhang Qing has been listening, and has always been sweating and fearful.

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